Example sentences of "[be] such [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Until early this century when American mink Mustela vison first began to escape from fur farms , there had never been such animals in the British Isles , not even the European mink M. lutreola , and our countryside had not experienced such a versatile and opportunistic predator before .
2 Since then there 's been such winners as ‘ B-A-B-Y ’ ( Carla Thomas , 1966 and Rachel Sweet , 1978 ) , ‘ Baby , Baby ’ ( Eighth Wonder , 1988 ) and ‘ Baby ’ ( Halo James , 1990 ) , the Mechanical Copyright people announcing a year ago that their database , at that point , contained 81 songs called ‘ Baby , Baby ’ , 22 titled ‘ Baby , Baby , Baby ’ and even one called ‘ Baby , Baby , Baby , Baby , Baby , Baby , Baby ’ !
3 ‘ That 's why human rights violations , even those by Idi Amin in Uganda , have been such embarrassments , because you ca n't legally do anything about them in international law , ’ Prof Wilkinson says .
4 We have always been such witnesses and such representatives . ’
5 The Greeks and the Jews have been such peoples and produced such thinkers .
6 of them are such dickheads
7 For this is not an isolated incidence of confusion , though rarely are such errors played out in public view with such global excitement ; similar things have happened before and some of the signs were already known but went unrecognised .
8 Every few years the gap is filled with a useful directory , but handy as they are such titles rarely survive for more than three editions : witness the demise of the Antique Collectors ' Club 's sadly missed Guide to Specialist Nurseries .
9 The ability to fit life-cycles into seasons , to flourish in times of plenty and survive in times of dearth , is clearly critical for polar species ; so also are such qualities as adaptability to change , avoidance of specialization , and deftness in colonizing new habitats .
10 Indeed , so integrated are such aims that , as the previous sections have shown , the so-called " vocational argument " is difficult to distinguish from others .
11 Are such perceptions accurate , distorted or partial and to what extent do they enable public sector staff to meet , merge with , miss or perhaps even collide with the aspirations of their local groups ?
12 If the earth spins , why are such objects not flung from the earth 's surface , as stones would be flung from the rim of a rotating wheel ?
13 Are such approaches applicable to our business ?
14 How are such preferences to be understood in terms of underlying processes ?
15 Nowhere are such tensions more evident than in Berlin .
16 So , for instance , the definitions of ‘ normality ’ and ‘ abnormality ’ are clearly social definitions but so are such descriptions as ‘ homosexual ’ , ‘ paedophile ’ , ‘ transvestite ’ , and so on , and these can act as mechanisms of control .
17 Nor are such stories necessarily false : life may deliberately imitate literature ( cp. p. 268 on Alexander and the Homeric heroes ) , and life may imitate life — Domitian reading Tiberius ' notebooks to get ideas .
18 Quite apart from the problem of the factual reliability of old books ( is it so , for example , that there really are such eidoli and angeli as Williams , Abelard , Pseudo-Dionysus and Plato believed ? ) , we meet , much earlier , the simple difficulty of adjusting to old meanings .
19 ‘ Oh , I was just thinking what a pity it is that all good-looking men are such beasts , ’ she said , with more real feeling than she intended .
20 This does not , of course , have any bearing upon whether or not there are such laws of social life to discover or imply that the survey method ought to be abandoned .
21 I know there are such things as odds and that they are seldom in my favour .
22 The problem with beliefs is that they can often be unrealistic and stubborn ( see Beliefs on page 21 ) but reasonable behavioural rights are such things as :
23 There are such things as oxyacetylene torches , you know .
24 Sitting on a rock , arguing over the remains of a goat , are three Ogres — if there are such things as especially stupid Ogres , it 's these three .
25 The symbolic resources are such things as exclusive rights to access parts of the database , operating system locks , and so on .
26 The world is discovered , not invented , and , just as a map should record the presence of dragons only if there are dragons , so science should deal in forces and causal laws only if there are such things .
27 But those who find these positions unattractive will have to look further if they want to say that there are such things as knowledge or justified belief .
28 For the oddities I have spoken of go to the newspapers and novels of the period , where there are such things .
29 Until this month , I thought that all anyone needs to know besides budget are such things as preferred processor ( a 486DX ) , speed ( at least 33MHz ) , hard disk size ( as big as the bucks allow ) , monitor type ( ditto ) and a familiar brand need which would be there forever to honour a warranty .
30 ‘ There are such things as buses and trains , ’ she reminded him with a touch of sarcasm .
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