Example sentences of "[be] a case " in BNC.

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1 Mother Catherine , the mother superior , a spritely 85-year-old American , said there had never been a case of food poisoning associated with eggs from the monastery , which had kept flocks for 20 years .
2 The Mother Superior , Mother Catherine , 82 , said there had never been a case of food poisoning associated with eggs from the monastery .
3 Asked whether yesterday 's attack had been a case of spontaneous combustion , he said : ‘ Look , it 's a reaction that I put forward there on behalf of , as much as anything else , the readers of our newspaper .
4 Sometimes it has been a case of seeing something done really well and it inspires us to do it even better .
5 The Muslim community in Bradford , where Yasmin comes from , is very strong , and there had recently been a case which made national news of two Muslim sisters fighting for their right to wear their headscarves to school .
6 Afterwards , the actor was swept from the courtroom and along the corridors , closely pursued by screaming fans and on to the court steps , where he said in a prepared statement : ‘ This has not been a case about homosexuality and I resent any suggestion that it was .
8 Thanks to DDT there has not been a case of locally-transmitted malaria in Sicily since the early 1960s .
9 There had never been a case quite like this in Scotland before .
10 But surely there has never been a case of any Hollywood actor admitting himself for therapy because he was so badly addicted to women .
11 In March of 1983 , of the 4155 households visited by the programme monitors , 51.4% scored grade A , 46.4% scored grade B , 2.0% scored grade C and 0.2% scored grade D. The programme monitors also determined usage rates for LGS in the villages by asking the mothers whether or not there had been a case of diarrhoea in the household within the past 15 days , and if so , what treatment ( if any ) had been used .
12 It was in 1927 for example that Kenneth Macpherson speculated whether those early film audiences had not just been distracted and drawn mindlessly from the streets but rather it might have been a case of ‘ the people getting in some dim way the fact that there was something under their eyes , a sense of life and expectancy ’ .
13 In the history of Western culture , it has not simply been a case of nature swallowing supernature .
14 ‘ Nevertheless it has to be recognised that there is an unbroken series of dicta in judgments of appellate courts to the effect that there is a judicial discretion to exclude admissible evidence which has been ‘ obtained ’ unfairly or by trickery or oppressively , although except in Reg. v. Payne [ 1963 ] 1 W.L.R. 637 , there never has been a case in which those courts have come across conduct so unfair , so tricky or so oppressive as to justify them in holding that the discretion ought to have been exercised in favour of exclusion .
15 Evidently it did not occur to him that it could also have been a case of the mastery of English becoming a kind of weapon in the mouths of the dispossessed .
16 There had been a case in Australia , back in 1933 , when a body was found in a river near Wagga Wagga .
17 It seems to have been a case of mistaken identity . ’
18 ‘ Summerchild , ’ he could be saying , briefly and flatly , as if there never had been a case .
19 Indeed , you had , you had thought about it and so it would just have been a case of saying , yes , this is obvious .
20 It really has been a case of survival of the fittest .
21 ‘ Since then it 's mostly been a case of building up our database .
22 There has never been a case where the ‘ B ’ sample has not matched the ‘ A ’ .
23 But it has been a case of getting better at managing the cash ; better at keeping down the costs .
24 But getting the internal cost structure right for the 1990s has not simply been a case of manning level reductions .
25 You know , where where it 's been a case of vandalism or petty theft .
26 And when it 's come it 's usually been a case of you can smell something horrible like erm you know when they 're emptying the slurries out in the pig farms .
27 The disorders of bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa are a case in point .
28 Precious metals were the chief resources sought by the invaders and the silver-mines of Potosí in Peru are a case in point ( section 4.4.2 ) .
29 The grid square population data used here are a case in point .
30 Casual observers tend to see what they expect to see , and naked-eye observations of the full Moon are a case in point .
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