Example sentences of "[be] not see " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Since I am not to see him or speak with him alone ever again , in truth it matters little where he is . ’
2 The owners are not seeing guilty behaviour when Rover slinks across the floor , they are seeing the submissive behaviour Rover displays in anticipation of the aggression , however mild , the owners are about to use in attempt to reprimand him .
3 He says these new recruits to higher education , entering universities in large numbers are not seeing long-term change towards the market , so much as a reduced staff:student ratio , meaning less one-to-one contact , and larger , less frequent tutorial groups .
4 ‘ Obviously you are not seeing enough of Señor Mitchell .
5 ‘ But you are not seeing what I see , ’ he assured her .
6 The alliance is cemented by that traditional political religion , forged in the previous century , which sees the natural law as most accessible to true believers , that it is obligatory to enforce its practice by law , and that those holding other views only have rights to put their views into practice when they are not seen by the bishops to do harm to the social fabric .
7 In the late romanticism of Stevenson 's tale of corruption in the South Seas , the islanders are not seen as virtuous noble savages , but certainly appear no worse than the white men who take advantage of them .
8 Barbarism , similarly , is divided into three substages but in this case the stages are not seen as universal , since according to Engels , they differed in the old and the new world .
9 As the Fleet Street editors themselves recognised a couple of weeks ago , many British papers have forfeited the strength on which their freedom depends : they are not seen as the defenders of freedom by their own readers .
10 As the Fleet Street editors themselves recognised a couple of weeks ago , many British papers have forfeited the strength on which their freedom depends : they are not seen as the defenders of freedom by their own readers .
11 A simple reason why the younger activists are not seen as often on the picket line as their elders were , is that they are too busy pursuing the same goals by other means .
12 Numbers of Americans and Britons have doubled in the past decade but , at 40,000 and 11,000 respectively , they are not seen as a threat to the social fabric in the same way as the Iranians and other Asians .
13 The large numbers who are unable to find regular work are not seen as a phenomenon characteristic of underdevelopment , but part of the capitalist division of labour and , therefore , a similar feature to the industrialisation process of European countries , differing in terms of quantity rather than quality .
14 Great emphasis is put on writing and drawing skills and typewriters are not seen as a substitute for writing .
15 They are not seen as ‘ old ’ .
16 On waters where the bream are not seen to roll , location is decidedly more difficult , and the areas to begin trial and error experiments will vary from one water to another .
17 The satellite 's primary role is to fill in the existing picture of the heavens , revealing stars , galaxies , clouds and so on that are not seen at the shorter optical and ‘ near ’ infrared wavelengths ( less than 5 micrometres ) , or at the longer wavelengths observed by radio telescopes .
18 As permutations of speed restraint measures , lower speed limits and priority changes are not part of the package being applied in new areas , they are not seen as appropriate for existing ones either .
19 Field trials in Champagne have also involved the 99 Richter , the 110 Richter , and the 5BB Selection Kober , but as yet , these are not seen as major competitors to the established rootstock varieties .
20 So , in their own interest , the firms should be very careful that the finger is not pointed at them , that they are not seen to have acted in a way that abuses their power and cuts across their independence and integrity . ’
21 If firms are not seen to be flexible , they are in danger of losing out . ’
22 It is intended that these principles are not seen purely as constrictive rules , but as a guide to promote the positive development of Scottish rock climbing to ensure that sports climbing , rather than becoming a substitute for the traditional climbing , grows alongside it .
23 After the weekend the couple go their separate ways again and are not seen together again until : OCTOBER 14
24 Perhaps , though regrettably , they are not seen as a central core of independence which may reside elsewhere-'in my head or in my dreams ' .
25 The demand for places will not be there if the homes are not seen as suitable and families will struggle on ( George and Young , 1986 ) .
26 Most important , enemies are not seen .
27 When vision is directed to an object immediately in front of the eyes , objects in the peripheral ( outer ) areas of the field of vision are not seen in sharp focus , so it is necessary to turn the head and direct the gaze on to these objects in order to see them clearly .
28 But we are not seen merely as passive recipients in these interaction processes ; we bring our own autonomous motives and meanings to bear on them — we are at least partially ‘ free ’ .
29 Thrasher 's delinquent gang members are not seen as frustrated conventionalists ‘ forced ’ into crime , but rather as normal kids , with normal needs , making the best available choices to satisfy those needs , just like everyone else .
30 But these choices are not seen as being so individually idiosyncratic as to make crime totally unpredictable or uncontrollable .
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