Example sentences of "[conj] [Wh det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By then the ‘ monster ’ has gone through many transformations , unable to decide who he is or which of his many disguises represents the true ‘ him ’ ; but he can only find liberty by killing the father who sired him .
2 So I have to make decisions as I go along as to which points need to be spelled out , which of them can be stated sparely , or which of them do not need to be mentioned at all but can be left to be inferred .
3 Charles wondered what new disaster had hit the production , or which of the producer 's dubious deals had just blown up in his face .
4 7.4 Whenever any sum of money is recoverable from or payable by you to us as a result of the operation of any of these conditions or any breach by you of the same , such sum may be deducted by us from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due to you under any other order or transaction placed or entered into by us with you .
5 Any use of nuclear weapons which resulted in significant fall-out coming down in neutral countries , or which in other ways violated neutral territory , would clearly fall foul of this provision .
6 ‘ A game like the Baa Baas should put 10 per cent or whatever into the funds of the visiting team because it is nothing to do with England .
7 I mean most companies would rather the four centimetres or whatever over a or and says that says things they 'd like to hear , than have erm than have say er which basically
8 In addition to , and apart from , susceptibilities built into some varieties of rose ( as a result of breeding for colour , habit , scent or whatever at the expense of vigour and resistance ) , growing conditions , cultivation and weather all have an important influence on the ability of the plants to withstand and ward off fungal attack .
9 He said it could be anxiety or whatever at Hospital , just , so , it 's not going to be any ,
10 The composer wrote the song , piano solo , quartet or whatever for a particular purpose and for particular soloists , groups of musicians or an orchestra .
11 They take the four hundred a month or whatever for as long as they can , then when the place gets repossessed they 've had it on their toes .
12 and , and say there is again disrespect or whatever for , I do n't know what to call them transracial relationships
13 I 've imagined myself in situations like this , made up speeches in my head , speeches about truth and freedom and protection of sources , speeches I imagined delivering from the witness box just before the judge sentenced me to ninety days or six months or whatever for contempt of court , but I was kidding myself .
14 That 's right , but , but you know that it 's only the , are only one of the major supermarket chains that gives money to organization and one of the organizations in Glasgow there was an article in the Scotsman or the Herald the other day and I must n't quote names because I can be wrong , but one of them and there were major s major stores selling food as well as actual food retailers cited , but only one of them will give food that 's past its sell-by date or surplus or whatever for one of the Glasgow charities for the homeless .
15 Right now with manufacturing er in manufacturing , there are economies of scale , huge economies of scale this is why we find look at cars again that Toyota plant in Derby produces all the Toyota Corollas or whatever for the whole world , it 's not just for the U K market alright .
16 The thought patterns like Joanne and others the the concept of putting a little circle down and one word in it and expanding that out and being able to stand around and talk erm for three minutes or ten minutes or whatever for a significant amount of time erm that that was also a revelation to me .
17 a a better property for about forty four thousand or whatever for the same money .
18 Cos Alex comes and he 's putting a bet on , I says he 'll have to put ten pence each way or whatever for me on
19 I pay for the eh I pay ten pea or twenty pea or whatever for the ride .
20 because we know the pubs and we can go to Queens or whatever for a few days
21 erm , she work as a chamber maid at the weekend or whatever for some spare cash
22 We 're hoping that will grow , that more and more friends will come and have lunch , tea or whatever with the residents . ’
23 I said I 'd let him know the total number of , of contact days or whatever with Sherburn over the period so that is something I need to get from you Bill .
24 Erm I mean I 'm concerned again through his eyesight that i were we to put him as the assistant and put him on a machine , that he might just put his hand somewhere and get his hand bloody trapped or whatever with his eyesight .
25 But with that , I have to stress , do not snap away merrily at all your valuables and then take your film into Boots or Supersnaps or whatever with all your details on it , because you do n't know who works there and who 's going to pick up that and .
26 And all done in the oven in the old fashioned grates you know , no fancy gas cookers with thermostats or whatever on .
27 And there was the beds that was there there was beds were still in that bothy and there was there were three of them must have been in the bed you see , and then there was a a board that they slipped in half up the bed and there was a a mattress or whatever on that and another three on that .
28 As with the linguistic theories of how we understand ‘ bar ’ , we may have theories or models or whatever of our own walking but they may be wildly false .
29 Dependence Social power exists only in interpersonal situations ; others are involved and must be dependent on the skill , knowledge , strength or whatever of the powerful .
30 It 's rather like what we talked about right at the beginning we talked about picking out features from our image such as the the width the height er the grey area or whatever of the image .
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