Example sentences of "[conj] [been] given " in BNC.

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1 When we have given , or been given , a seemingly adequate theoretical account of our processes , then that account may itself need to be understood and analysed in a further , meta-theoretical discourse , and so on .
2 Leaving such miscommunications aside , though , it is still true to say that we search for confirmation , and I have found myself reluctant to make the telephone call or write the letter of sympathy in case I have heard it wrongly or been given the wrong information .
3 At the end of the call , quickly run through what has been said , to make sure that you have taken the right order or been given the correct information .
4 The great difficulty with music-hall and vaudeville , and this is a point of crucial significance to movie historians , is that they have earned or been given a very special place in the popular memory and in social history by those who recall with great fondness those heady pre-1914 days .
5 If the Pritchetts had n't taken me in , I 'd have probably been put in an orphanage and never had the educational advantages or been given the opportunities that have come my way . ’
6 After all , the inspector himself admitted wondering whether Nicola had learnt or been given something that put her in danger .
7 There 's loads of stuff in there that been given to you .
8 Both Price Waterhouse and now Touche Ross have dallied with the Deloitte domestic partnership and been given the cold shoulder .
9 ‘ Having committed one offence and been given a criminal recordfor innocent hacking , they may feel that they might as well get in a bit deeper . ’
10 ‘ On the contrary , he said advertisements had their good points ; he had written a poem about Steyr automobiles and been given a car for it .
11 As it is , having escaped this poisoned chalice and been given a good excuse to get rid of a woefully implausible leader , it is still very much in business to fight another day .
12 When the man had had his face washed ( by stella ) and been given a drink , and one of the barmen had called for a taxi , Mother got right up and got on the stage and told Gary she was ready for her song now .
13 Kate mentioned that she joined a local knitting club , so I 'm surprised that she has n't discussed the subject there and been given advice as to which way to proceed .
14 Thus , Sabino Arana invents the name Euskadi for the country of the people who had long given themselves , and been given , a collective name ( Basques , Gascons or whatever ) , but without feeling the need for the sort of country , state or nation Arana had in mind .
15 If this is the case , and he has then asked about Cantona and been given the nod , he has still done well .
16 … he might be young , lonely and not a little bewildered , but the way was clear before him at last ; he had taken his orders and been given the pass word , he could win through .
17 There had been sightings , his family was powerful enough to keep him hidden and safe from the inevitable hanging ‘ should he show his face on the shores of Albion again' — a favourite phrase of Joseph 's , picked up from a knife-grinder whose preoccupation with Bligh , the Bounty and the Mutiny had almost equalled Joseph 's as witnessed in a fierce contest of informational prowess contested in the snug of the Bull in Lorton where the knife-grinder had eventually conceded defeat and been given several unexpected commissions ( including one from the vicar of Cockermouth who disliked Joseph intensely and produced a cluster of blunt knives and dullest scissors to prove it ) as compensation .
18 And when I heard that he had asked and been given leave to go forth to Longner that night , I feared he meant to escape us , either by absence , or even by flight , having seen justice might overtake him yet .
19 Some have requested and been given VDU access with tailored menus , subject to appropriate training and security arrangements being made .
20 Nesbitt had met the Sultan on the outskirts of Aussa and been given permission to continue northwards across the lava desert to Eritrea , but was forbidden to enter Aussa , which remained unexplored .
21 She was warm , deliciously warm , all over , for the first time since leaving Scotland , and when she had arrived , but an hour before , she had come straight up to Aunt Emily 's room with no injunctions to change her boots or smooth her hair , and been given a tray of tea and toast cut into little fingers and tiny biscuits flavoured with almond .
22 I later found out that the school had enquired at the house after the girl 's continued absence and been given some plausible excuse for it by the father .
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