Example sentences of "[conj] [indef pn] the " in BNC.

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1 The realist strategy involved comparing the description of the person with the subject him/herself or someone the subject was familiar with ; ‘ I also related a lot of the adjectives to whether they were like me ’ , ‘ … and rated the person as if I knew them personally .
2 I opened the door of the nearest one , but gingerly in case there was a puma or something the RSPCA had forgotten .
3 aye well I mean er er in , on the ca er in a car or something the mileage
4 They 're probably looked out or something the key .
5 Then the value of the whole W ( the value it has , as Moore puts it , on the whole ) consists of the value of W as a whole plus the value of X plus the value of Y. According as to whether the value of W as a whole is positive , negative or nil the value of W , on the whole , may be greater , less , or the same as the value of the sum of its parts .
6 well your mum said to me well I 'll tell you the same as I 've told Con but I said I 'm not against the children or anything the children
7 At the moment they use their sitting room umm as just somewhere to put toys and washing and , just have n't decorated it or anything the dining room is still used like a living room , and what they really need is another room where they can .
8 A remedy was refused , the court holding that nothing the student could have said could have affected the decision reached .
9 A standard rumour was that someone the story-teller knew personally had been hitching a lift one dark night .
10 So far , the free world has liked him both for having been , and for having ceased to be , a communist of a sort , for the freedoms he seeks in matters of literary form , for the modern inventiveness and manipulation of the literary games he plays , games that none the less commemorate , as he acknowledges , Cervantes , Sterne and Diderot , and for the sexual games which he plays in an age when , as he once put it , sexuality has ceased to be taboo .
11 His lips curved again , just to make her extra mad , a derisive , superior smile that none the less transformed his features wonderfully and made Robyn 's heart leap and turn , despite her irritation .
12 The European Court , in that and other cases , took the view that one the 1978 deadline had expired , only the Community had competence to enact new measures within the community , and correspondingly this gave rise to an exclusive power in the Community to negotiate international fisheries agreements .
13 He 'd repeated several more times that everything the boy had said was drunken nonsense .
14 The dilemma is then that everything the teacher does to make the pupil produce the behaviour the teacher expects , tends to deprive the pupil of the conditions necessary for producing the behaviour as a byproduct of learning ; the behaviour sought and the behaviour produced become the focus of attention .
15 She is affirming that delinquency is neither an inborn disposition nor something the child has contrived by himself ; that children learn to become delinquents by becoming members of groups in which delinquent conduct is already established and the ‘ thing to do ’ ; and that a child need not be ‘ different ’ from other children , that he need not have any twists or defects of personality or intelligence , in order to become a delinquent .
16 However , MPs who wish to satisfy their constituency parties could vote Smith-Prescott and still retain some left-wing credibility , while ordinary party members understand better than anyone the need for an organisational shake-up .
17 Yet he was more alive — more vividly alive — than anyone the T'ang had ever met .
18 The party leader , Hans-Jochen Vogel , a rather uninspiring figure , has nonetheless proved adept at managing this delicate evolution which , bolder than anything the Labour party ever contemplated , has avoided the sort of fratricidal bloodletting which ravaged its British counterpart .
19 This silence of the masses had a depressing effect , and probably reflects better than anything the attitudes of the population .
20 The effect of one 's own peers openly commenting on one 's performance in a critical but essentially constructive manner can be far greater than anything the individual manager can achieve .
21 Even if it be true that the Roman system of water supply survived in Perugia and a few other cities into the Middle Ages and has been believed to be better than anything the modern world has yet provided — in most places water was hard to come by and almost as expensive at times as wine .
22 Don Reading , of Save The Children , has just returned from Somalia and said : ‘ This matter needed more than anything the chance to reach the people .
23 This is better than anything the comparable Beats International ever achieved , anyway .
24 Deploying forces in America in this way was more ambitious than anything the monarchy had done , and the Republic 's success in winning the obedience of the colonies and forcing the small royalist fleet to give up its privateering activities showed how much more effective England 's power had become .
25 And what is more , the clichés used by Mome Elwis are at least better suited to the cleric than anything the clerk can come out with : ( " I can do no other deed but say my paternoster and my creed to Christ for my misdeeds , and my Ave Maria — I am sorry for my sins — and my de profundis for all who remain in sin , for I am good for nothing else — Christ knows that , the king of heaven . " )
26 Other members of the group shift awkwardly at this picture of Arcadia in Southall , until an economist announces coldly that ‘ it is axiomatic that anything the state does it does worse than the private sector . ’
27 We pride ourselves in being able to offer anyone and everyone the OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE in their chosen sport or leisure pursuit .
28 If you have had more than a little alcohol you would probably become so relaxed that you fell asleep and nothing the therapist was saying would register at all .
29 They can payout 15 per cent in a good year and nothing the next .
30 The wife , we learn , is the one who is about to be tried for the crime , and nothing the narrator has been able to say has convinced the police he himself is the guilty man .
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