Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Derek Bumstead , supervisor : Failed ‘ adequately or at all to monitor Mr Hemingway 's working practices ’ , or to plan satisfactorily work on weekend when fatal errors made .
2 If a development economist can understand why people plant so much maize , or why they plant on 30 June , his work of persuading them to plant cotton , or to plant earlier or later should be more successful , if not simpler .
3 The power to define and enforce consents is ultimately a power to put people out of business , to deter the introduction of new industry or to drive away going concerns .
4 He asked me whether I would prefer to see Bologna and spend the night there , or to drive directly to Verona .
5 The Liberal Democrat spokesman , Mr Charles Kennedy , quoted a letter from the Department of Health which admitted patients were in a weak position to make meaningful comparisons or to shop around , so the NHS could not always rely on competition to make sure that its internal and external markets worked effectively .
6 Usually , carrying out a search creates a new list of files , but you can choose either to add to the list found so far , or to search only in the list that has already been selected .
7 I have no desire to stop your evil trade in whatever you sell , buy and plot , or to search out your secrets , though one day perhaps I will . ’
8 I hope therefore , we will keep in our minds the meaning , that justice means to treat justly , or to treat fairly , and remember that it 's a double ed sided coin .
9 Agnes stood directly in front of her mother now as she said , ‘ Would it do you any harm either to go down into the shop or to go over to the house and change the linen ?
10 This planning diary should show , for example , weeks in which certain lecture courses begin or in which certain work assignments are due for presentation ; weeks in which there are social or sporting events ; weeks in which you are free to take a break or to go away for a few days .
11 After deciding we like a band , we would consider whether to make singles with an option for an album , or to go straight for an album .
12 The human operator is pursuing an objective , usually to make something or to go somewhere , and he achieves this with the assistance of the hardware at his disposal .
13 What is the real temptation , he wrote , to stop or to go on ?
14 He can not forbid the Common Law Courts to try an action ; but he can forbid a man to bring it , or to go on with it , or to take advantage of the judgement which he has got , and can put him in prison if he does not obey .
15 Legal abortion is available here in a grudging way ; and if a woman is refused one for any reason , her only resort is a private operation if she 's determined to control her own body — or to go ahead and have the baby .
16 He seemed to have escaped before she had and so she made her way out of the court alone , trying to decide whether to lunch in the tea room upstairs or to go out to a restaurant .
17 which means the other or to go out
18 The facility may be used in two modes : either to only produce a report of the comparison results , or to go further , and enter the updates into LIFESPAN , provided the normal LIFESPAN entry conditions are satisfied .
19 This category , in contrast with the business salariat , owes its existence to the social democratic expansion of state services under the sign of an ideology of state-sponsored social improvement , and is therefore less likely to subscribe wholeheartedly to the traditional middle class values of personal independence and responsibility , or to go along so readily with the middle class complaints against ‘ wasteful state spending ’ and ‘ excessive taxation ’ .
20 There is no transport on the island , and to walk in perfect quiet along the little narrow roads , discovering wayside temples and little shrines ; meet a crowd of smiling , noisy children coming out of school ; or to go back to the quayside where fish , vegetables , cheap jewellery , sunglasses , cooked food , hot snacks were all being sold in the open air ; all this was a blissful change from the hectic atmosphere of the city .
21 It may be possible , while accepting the underlying general principle , to argue against its applicability to nuclear weapons : for instance , by saying that a nuclear bomb is not a chemical weapon as such , the poison gas being a mere incidental by-product ; or to go back to the fundamental prohibition of ‘ weapons that cause unnecessary suffering ’ and argue that the suffering caused by a nuclear weapon is not disproportionate to its military effectiveness .
22 Yeah I think at the onset of the strike there were a few people who were considered likely to be forced to get back to work or to go back to work , because of what they 'd said , because of well just you know because of what they say in the meetings or because of what they did n't say in the meetings .
23 It is difficult to disagree , or to see how she can overcome the problem .
24 Or to see out ?
25 This was not simply a hollow hewn out of the mound ; a room to admire or to sit in .
26 Her clothing moulds itself to her body so as to reveal or to promise as much of the delights within as it conceals ; it too includes silk , soft to the touch ( 3235 ) and the fresh warm taste of morning milk ( 3236 ) .
27 But then , she had little choice ; he would n't allow her to sleep in the car or to remain here without him .
28 The dilemma for the voluntary sector is whether to expand their services and move to a more ‘ centre-stage ’ role in running and planning services or to remain as small , local , campaigning organizations .
29 Now , with all Europe freed to unite ( or to fall apart ) , the time has come to devise a shorter , clearer replacement of all that has gone before — a constitution designed for a larger and more disparate union .
30 He made it harder for himself , though much more valuable , by refusing to take short cuts or to mug up the subject from the textbooks : he went to the original sources .
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