Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] you " in BNC.

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1 I have done nothing — absolutely nothing ! — to compromise your professional integrity , or to lose you the respect of your colleagues .
2 I he Bastard may wish you to stay , or to replace you .
3 If you take it to make yourself numb , in order to forget or to help you sleep , you are only using it to mask the symptoms of a distressing situation which will still be there tomorrow .
4 Time-lines can be used to describe a chronological narrative of events or to help you to analyse the inter-relationships ' of different factors , events and places .
5 To find the way , or to give you any advices .
6 It does not need a lawyer either to draw up any document or to advise you although you may wish to consult a professional adviser if a particularly large sum is involved or if there are complicated conditions surrounding the gift .
7 The proprietors are happy to provide dinner with prior notice or to direct you to any of the many pubs and restaurants within a three-mile radius .
8 I do not want to mislead you , or to deter you from making the right personal decision .
9 If your employer has the right , for example , to insist that you undertake certain other tasks or to move you to another department , your job will be at risk if you dig in your heels and disobey .
10 I think it would be best now to tell you what happened this afternoon .
11 I do not say that to mislead you into thinking that Australia is a nasty poisonous place and you 're safe in good old Britain .
12 " Nothing would give your mother greater pleasure I 'm sure , Chuck , than to see you bring distinction to yourself and your family , " cut in the senator reprovingly before his wife could reply .
13 But they will be designed to encourage you to be a long-term holder rather than to enable you to take a quick profit .
14 Thus I might argue that to know you must be certain , but that one can never be really certain and hence one can never really know .
15 I do not exist except to serve you and give you pleasure .
16 Learning Do you realize that to win you need to keep learning , especially from your mistakes ?
17 Er and I can think of erm nothing better than to leave you with this slide er which I think sums up where we 're coming from today and what we 'd like you to take away from today .
18 ‘ Adolph , I would like nothing better than to give you the chance to start your life again , but Colonel Goreng … he 's the cautious one .
19 members to members , and not perhaps for officers to interfere too much other than to give you background information , and it has been falling off , let me just say that .
20 ‘ Henry should know better than to keep you cooped up with his books .
21 His smile deepened as he added , ‘ I have been told that I am a good lover and I can think of nothing in this world that would give me greater pleasure than to teach you the plaisirs d'amour .
22 ‘ People must realise that to hack you must be willing to use other people 's passwords , other people 's money and to rip companies off . ’
23 ‘ We 've been close friends for donkey 's years and I know you better than to think you 'd try to queer my pitch . ’
24 ‘ I should have known better than to think you 'd back down . ’
25 In some circumstances , of course , this perception is justified : if you are a boy in Tanzania selling peanuts in the street in order to survive , you may be perfectly correct in your perception that the policeman approaching you is going to blackmail you for not having a street seller 's license , rather than to assist you in making an honest living .
26 ‘ Personally , I ca n't think of anything I 'd like more than to have you as a brother-in-law . ’
27 None is inherently better than another , but the variance indicates a keenness from most that to upgrade you must buy from them .
28 Except to remind you that we have a late summary of today 's main news at eleven o'clock .
29 That 's just about it except to remind you that this weekend it 's the ITV Telethon .
30 To my way of thinking you had seen too much of my secretary , I decided on that instant that to take you out of his vicinity was an excellent idea . ’
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