Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Whether you 're buying this set as a present , or for yourself , it makes a perfect gift .
2 ‘ You 'll never know if people want you for your looks or for yourself .
3 or for myself , if , if I thought it was me
4 A charter of Charles the Bald in 875 exempted the peasants of St-Philibert , Tournus , in Burgundy from market dues " whether they are trading for the abbey or for themselves " .
5 Though if they were for young William or for herself , she could not be sure .
6 Was it despair for Scott or for herself ?
7 But someone did , someone here did — someone who had overheard enough of the original plan ; someone who had sensed a wonderfully providential opportunity for himself , or for herself , and who had capitalised upon that opportunity .
8 I do not think this grouping or group let is yet a class either in itself or for itself and it may never become one .
9 But it is accepted by physicalists of all kinds that the meaning or semantic value of internal states must be analysed in terms of their causal relations to stimulus and response , just as it is for the behaviourist 's dispositions , and is not something they possess in their own right , or of themselves .
10 He takes care of his parents because they can no longer take care of him or of themselves .
11 Fear can not be experienced at the same time as love — whether we are talking of love of an individual , of mankind , of the world or of yourself .
12 Or of yourself .
13 Except that ( and this is decisive in regard to the situation of the one-idea painter ) his format was private — almost , one might say , the framework of another self , or of himself in another form — and unavailable to others .
14 Nor is Stavrogin 's pert Svidrigailov-like ‘ What for ? ’ worthy of it , or of himself .
15 Or of himself .
16 This thought , that the given cause of the wine 's being cool is not in or of itself a means , is reinforced by the truth , among others , that the given cause is precisely not a means to my idiosyncratic drinking companion , who likes his Haut Poitou uncooled .
17 In other words it does not tell us whether he cut the rope above or below himself .
18 She urged anyone holding an original to get in touch with the RAF , or with herself , so that a full record of the badge could be established .
19 Or with herself ?
20 Much less at ease with others or with herself , far less pragmatic ; she had wanted to meet the world on her own terms — and still did , though her capacity for acceptance was growing .
21 In other words , there are certain roles which are tailor-made for certain people who will go along and just be more or less themselves , and other roles which do require a lot of — if you like — psychoanalysis beforehand to get the most out of the part . ’
22 Thus , a claim to political power is legitimate only when the claimant can invoke some source of authority beyond or above himself .
23 Whether we discover them in the landscape or in ourselves , we are imbuing the places concerned with more significance than they would otherwise possess .
24 The gravamen of the charge is the demand without reasonable or probable cause : and I can not think that the mere fact that the threat is to do something a person is entitled to do either causes the threat not to be a ‘ menace ’ within the Act or in itself provides a reasonable or probable cause for the demand …
25 If it is your passion that is in the driving seat , ask yourself whether you care what effect the actions of your free will will have upon others or upon yourself .
26 Any info amongst your vast audience or from yourself would be much appreciated .
27 In the earliest phase of his bird-drawing he owed everything to his excellent wife , & to myself , — without whose help in drawing he had done nothing .
28 Before he slipped into sleep had he not been aware of another kind of light , too luminous for words , the radiance of an undefined , perhaps indefinable force , spirit or presence which was greater than or beyond himself ?
29 And I am still aware , gratefully aware , of the as yet undefined and perhaps indefinable presence of something greater than or beyond myself and my body , something sustaining me , feeding me , encouraging me .
30 Being vain , however , and temperamentally unable to reject outright any of his earlier pronouncements , he could not admit , to the world or to himself the contradictions in which Schopenhauer involved him .
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