Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Have you rubbed on petroleum jelly or applied any necessary plasters ?
2 The threats to children to silence colleagues who , far braver than he had ever been , asked the uncomfortable question , or asked any question at all .
3 This , I should stress , was a successful conversation — and the example could of course be extended , to include the times when we talked simultaneously , or interrupted each other , or gave multiple answers to the same question , as well as the times when there was unintelligibility , resulting from two of the four participants talking with their mouth full — but I leave all these to your imagination .
4 Once again , no party except ours seems to have grasped this simple point or made any proposal to act on it .
5 Although it was a great coup for the KGB , once the pair got to Moscow it is hard to see what they could have told the Russians that was not already known or made any great difference to East-West relations .
6 Such dissenters insist that human experiences are not improved , embellished or made any more endurable or enjoyable by invoking ‘ god ’ in some form or other .
7 There was widespread media criticism of the government for capitulating to the drug traffickers , but Gaviria denied that he had entered into negotiations or made any prior deal with Escobar as part of a policy to defuse the costly and violent " drug war " gripping the country .
8 Or made some asinine observation or other .
9 Where the points score is equal , a decision can still be given if the panel thinks that one contestant used better techniques , used a greater variety of effective techniques , or made more of the running .
10 England , by contrast , has never been faced with or sought such an opportunity .
11 Very well done — you 've examined both books most carefully & made some excellent links between them .
12 Most people , when they went out at night or approached another village , carried a stick or a handful of stones ; if one or two dogs in a pack had been wounded the others would pick up the aggressive intention and drop back sullenly .
13 No one , indeed , could have been more easy-going ; but we never got on close terms or found much in common during the four months we had been together since leaving England .
14 I might have made you a loan , or found some other way to help you out . ’
15 Others made comments about the listed methods or provided more details .
16 PageMaker also keeps track of all the bits of the galley so if a section is moved or deleted all the other portions move in sympathy .
17 Even if this were so , the implication has been made by catholic school supporters that catholic schools have not promoted or reinforced any measure of prejudice , and that no other possible type of school could improve on them ( Daly 1975 ) .
18 Around a million kitchens are purchased or upgraded each year in Great Britain .
19 Whoever wrote it or designed those basic garments knew that you would be struggling to learn all you could in the shortest possible time and that to give you concise diagrams and stitch and row numbers would cut down any need for extra calculations by you .
20 Throughout the book he referred to it as the monster or used another word which expressed his hatred for it .
21 However , it is common for fewer than twelve notes to be used over specific areas , or for certain notes to be repeated or used more than others , as long as the general non-tonal effect is maintained .
22 Hence questions about what social processes gave rise to or maintained such differences were never asked .
23 A man who wished to resist such turning could insist on keeping to the subject ; and forceful men who had the character of genial good nature could get away with open rebuttal of this kind ; but not all people who interrupted with open rebuttals acquired or maintained that character .
24 625–6 when Cwichelm , styled by Bede king of the West Saxons but perhaps more correctly thought of as a king in the upper Thames valley ( see above , pp. 48 ff. ) , sought to have Eadwine assassinated ; Eadwine 's retaliating attack , when he is said to have slain or subdued all those who had plotted against him ( HE 11 , 9 ) , confirms that he was reaching the height of his power by the mid-620s .
25 Apart from a few individuals the hill sheep industry has shown remarkably little concern or demonstrated any important initiative in tackling this problem .
26 1989 ) , ours identified or underlined some of the main factors in effective school management : the style and quality of the head 's leadership ; the intellectual and professional climate of the school ; The explication of the management roles of staff with posts of responsibility curriculum leaders , year leaders , coordinators and deputy heads ; the importance of formal structures and mechanisms for decision-making ; the need to strike an appropriate balance between such formal structures and informal processes ; and the importance of involving all staff in decision-making .
27 It is sometimes argued that Freud 's theories must be accepted or rejected all of a piece , and that one can not simply accept or reject ‘ bits ’ of them as one fancies .
28 My ward is Braintree East and the only person who came round or dropped any literature in was Mr Elwyn Bishop for the Labour Party .
29 Or learnt some of it .
30 The great festivals represented the god 's social life , when he was taken in procession to visit another deity in his house or received such a visit .
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