Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In this case the librarian may choose to purchase or borrow through the interlending system , depending upon the work 's quality and the likelihood of its being requested and/or used again .
2 However , they should not be over-used or applied anywhere near the face .
3 Acyclovir given intravenously , orally or applied directly at the site of infection can accelerate healing and restrict the spread and recurrence of many herpes infections ( British Medical Journal , 1982 , vol 285 , p 1223 . ) .
4 The most important finding is that bFGF given parenterally or applied directly to the mucosa enhanced the healing of acetic acid induced gastric ulcerations and augmented the healing activity of sucralfate .
5 It is true that these original objectives and policies of particular types of union concerning the labour and product markets of the relevant occupation and industry have subsequently been modified as the unions amalgamated or became more diversified in terms of their recruitment .
6 Equally it might be argued that since withdrawal from NATO was the last card he could play in his campaign against American influence , short of defecting from the West altogether , there were good reasons not to play it until it seemed likely to be effective or became absolutely necessary .
7 The fee for this was either added to the licence fee or invoiced separately , prior to despatch of the film to the customer .
8 The purchase of externally-sourced catalogue records ( e.g. from OCLC or VTLS ) would not be cost-effective , since so many of our records are unique , or shared only with other specialist botanical libraries not contributing records to these services — we would have to do it all again ourselves , and we lack the manpower resources to do this .
9 Land that is cultivated or grazed intensively near the croft is often referred to as inbye to distinguish it from common grazings and more distant fields .
10 Helpers approaching have sometimes been bitten or attacked wildly in the delirium that follows and which may last as long as twelve tormented hours .
11 Hormone replacement therapy consists of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone taken daily to help replace those lost or produced erratically at the menopause .
12 ‘ If I were a thief I could have forced my way in , or crept secretly in , ’ said the little tailor .
13 Analysts said that if sterling declined to 90 points on the index or plunged significantly below DM3 it would almost certainly trigger an increase in base rates .
14 But there was nothing to suggest that Germans were healthier , happier or lived longer than Britons , he added .
15 On retirement their savings and pension enable them to buy their own flat or cottage ; but because they may never have cooked more than a snack for themselves or lived alone , the adjustment to this different way of life can be hard to make .
16 The terrified inhabitants are either burned or led away with their hands tied to be held for ransom .
17 Almost all locomotive firemen were slaves , either hired from slave masters or owned directly by the railroad companies .
18 The economic activity rate is the percentage of the relevant population either in work or registered as unemployed .
19 Where unemployment is not defined as per the Act the only common requirements within the policy wordings are that the claimant is in receipt of unemployment benefit ( or registered as unemployed with the DOE/DHSS ) and is available for/actively seeking employment .
20 That power can be exercised only with regard to vessels flying the flag of the member state concerned or registered there .
21 Once materials have been booked out of a main store formalities and paperwork should be kept to a minimum or avoided altogether .
22 Nothing that has been painted or varnished recently should be allowed in , nor should cosmetics , cleaning materials or any of the other items mentioned in Table 3 .
23 Apply a wood preservative that can be painted over or varnished afterwards .
24 They should be accounted for separately only if the instruments are capable of being cancelled or redeemed independently of each other ; otherwise they should be accounted for as a single instrument .
25 Accounting for the individual instruments is required by paragraph 19 if ( and only if ) the instruments are capable of being cancelled or redeemed independently of each other .
26 On the other hand , if debt and warrants are issued simultaneously and the warrants can be cancelled or redeemed independently of the debt , the two components should be accounted for separately .
27 Long Memory is of things seen or experienced longer ago , not immediately after an observation lesson .
28 Sometimes , as in the case of a foreign or inter-state trip , the youngster may just not be old enough or experienced enough to cope , but at other times they may not be showing enough sense of responsibility to be safely granted privileges .
29 Pistoliers are young nobles , knights ' sons who are not old or experienced enough to win their spurs or join the Reiksguard .
30 In the preceding decade London and other large metropolitan cities recorded massive population losses ; medium-sized cities either lost people or experienced only slow growth .
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