Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] so " in BNC.

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1 In those days , if you were a woman or recognizably so , it was wellnigh impossible to procure a pint of beer in a public house .
2 The question has become practically irrelevant , but not politically or morally so .
3 We go on being as good , or better so that in our customers ' eyes we are always their Company of the Year — every year .
4 It may be surprising , but when a cat brings a live mouse to her kittens — perhaps for them to first play with and then kill , or perhaps so that she can kill it while they watch — this is not considered by some experts to be a form of teaching .
5 But I mean more or less so You 'll probably get a feel for when you 've got things .
6 Lisa pulled herself up to her full five feet three inches , wishing for an extra foot or so so that she could look him in the eye .
7 ‘ Now I can speak of Callanish , ’ Minch continued more slowly , ‘ where my ancestors flew and where once so long ago I cast my shadow down . ’
8 Male victims above the age of consent might well be perceived as homosexual or latently so even if they are not .
9 And as far as Greg could judge there were a great many writers who had found a place in the book who were quite as obscure or more so — poets whose flame had died with the end of the war , one-off playwrights whose experimental verse dramas had caused no more than a ripple of interest even in their own time .
10 1.3 Conclusion One can conclude that : ( 1 ) The following classes of case are usually subject to the doctrine : ( a ) employment contracts regarding the period after the contract has ended ; ( b ) contracts analogous to ( a ) such as some agency agreements and partnership agreements ; ( c ) business sales contracts which preclude the vendor from competing with his former business ; ( d ) solus agreements ; and ( e ) any situation , not necessarily involving a contract , in which it appears a party has acted unreasonably , unfairly or oppressively so as to restrict another party , usually the plaintiff in the action , in the exercise of his trade , profession or employment .
11 This test is very strongly positive when there is active infection and becomes negative , or nearly so , when the infection has been adequately treated .
12 They were all naked , or nearly so .
13 ‘ Oh , but I had to laugh , or nearly so , for you dare n't laugh in there .
14 Evidence of clay feet found at the Anemospilia and Mallia temples suggests that the robes were floor length or nearly so , with the feet fitted loosely under the hem .
15 We happen to lie in the line of sight so far as Algol is concerned ( or nearly so ) ; if we were observing from a different vantage point there would be no eclipses , and Algol would shine steadily .
16 Of course , not everyone lives in a nuclear family , and there are families where the costs are shared equally or nearly so , or where the housing tenure is held jointly by both partners , but they are not the norm .
17 That while recognising that the men have had a real grievance in that some firms have employed an unfair proportion of young girls at apprentice wages , or nearly so , we women regard it as a great injustice that one of the main skilled industries open to Edinburgh women should be closed against them .
18 The dorsal arm plates are very thin , visible only in dried specimens and often it is necessary to dissolve away the skin , nearly rectangular and contiguous or nearly so at least on proximal segments .
19 The ventral arm plates are pentagonal with a rounded distal edge , proximal plates are contiguous or nearly so .
20 A subfamily of the Ophiacanthidae with a sack-like disk covered with thickened skin or thin scales which often carry spinelets or granules ; radial shields variable in shape , either rib-like with only the distal ends not covered by scales or short with most of the plate visible ; the jaws distinctly longer than broad ; one or sometimes as many as three large blunt apical papillae flanked on each side by three to many oral papillae ; in most genera the second oral tentacle pore arising superficially or nearly so and the associated tentacle scales often forming a continuous series with the oral papillae ; the oral tentacle scales often spine-like and larger than the oral papillae , except in Ophiolimna where the second oral tentacle pore is obscured by a large opercular distal oral papillae ; nearly all genera with well developed elongated adoral shields and a large oral shield ; the tentacle pores of the arm mostly large and often with small spine-like tentacle scales although some genera with smaller pores armed with well developed tentacle scales ; the arm spines relatively short usually only slightly longer than one arm segment .
21 The radial shields are large and contiguous or nearly so in spinea while they are quite small , usually separated and confined to the edge of the disk in hamula. 3 .
22 The ventral arm plates are pentagonal often with a broad distal edge , the plates on proximal segments are contiguous or nearly so , but separated on distal ones .
23 The ventral arm plates are hexagonal , nearly pentagonal , to rectangular and contiguous or nearly so .
24 All persons ( or nearly so ) to whom we have been introduced have endeavoured to promote our views , and here I must not forget to mention the great kindness we have received from Sir John and Lady Franklin in every way .
25 For example , Wright , describing the language behaviour of young black residents of Birmingham , talks of " recreolisation " , whereby speakers focus on a norm maximally distinct ( or nearly so ) from the Standard .
26 Obviously popular , it survives complete ( or nearly so ) in sixteen manuscripts many of which divide the text into chapters although they do not all agree as to how .
27 Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and not sure about Friday evening and er she said then she 'll have trouble getting the money over that 's out of them , why the redundancy because been there over two year , so I presume redundancy or holidays or both so Sue said to her well if they were so good to you in the past , but that ai n't the point is it ?
28 All these groups seem to have been nomadic or partly so .
29 There seems no readiness in our government to listen and learn for argument , no capacity for trust and no ability to face the facts which include the vital issues morale and motivation , ways of running things which you simply ca n't put down to cost accountants , but which is absolutely essential to do with solidarity and caring and so on to make things actually work , and as for economics , whenever econor economy from the Germans , upwards or downwards so to speak , is in trouble the future is clearly frightening is n't it ?
30 There are of course other mechanisms for replacing mosquito populations which depend on the hybrid resulting from the mating between released insect and the natural ( wild ) one being sterile or partially so .
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