Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 The answer , I imagine , is no , and the explanation is less to do with Adam Thorpe 's abilities as a novelist , or rather as a mimic , than with the particular fictional alleyway he is bent on investigating : one which , after several promising detours and badly disguised exits , shows every sign of turning into a cul-de-sac .
2 Therefore , take what occurs around the 29th or thereabouts as a definite sign or signal from the heavens that not only must life go on , but that it also has to get better and better .
3 They had regarded it rightly or wrongly as a wangle and as an attempt to ally capitalist forces against the worker . "
4 Erm owing to the extent Chairman and I think erm we we have established er we were happy that the the level of development er rightly or wrongly as a as a commitment is already in excess of the hundred and two hectares being spoken about .
5 Perhaps the most technically outstanding examples of this are Milhaud 's string quartets Nos. 8 and 9 , which can be played separately or together as an octet , with each instrument in a different key .
6 When he arrived back in England after five years abroad , he found his family seriously involved in the problems of the Virginia Company ; although he could have returned to Cambridge as a Fellow , or perhaps as a physician , he felt it his duty to replace his aging father on the Court of the Company during its five last unfortunate years , and lived in his parents ' house in London .
7 Or perhaps as a regular ‘ tune-up ’ for key staff .
8 So Moore 's method can hardly allow us to attach any intrinsic value to education at all ; its value must be that of a means to other things or perhaps as an element in some larger whole of value .
9 as if something within them had sharpened to awareness , or perhaps as if the darkling forest had wakened their strange ancestry and quenched the Human side of them .
10 Alexander Macdonald had clearly abandoned much of that hospitable tradition , perhaps owing to his embrace of southern education , or perhaps as a reaction to the affection in which his late brother had been held .
11 Lewis 's broadcasts during the war were in three series , and they were written up ( published more or less as spoken over the air ) as Broadcast Talks ( 1942 ) , Christian Behaviour ( 1943 ) and Beyond Personality ( 1944 ) .
12 But the expectation is that the resolution will pass , more or less as drafted .
13 He recommended extension more or less as planned to Market Harborough , round the lower contours of the Lias upland blocking Foxton from the Welland Valley .
14 And if you have no improvement plan then you just drift doing things more or less as you have always done them .
15 If you want to leave the pond more or less as it is , then a kid 's fishing net is the best way to remove the dead leaves without disturbing too much sediment .
16 Taking orders in this way I do not have to lay out large sums on yarn ; the cones can be bought more or less as required .
17 In 1977 ( more or less as in 1969 ) only 12 per cent had considered this , and only a very small proportion of these had done anything about trying to get some type of credit not actually used in the end by them .
18 because of the way it tends to bind many poorer consumers into using just one type of credit ( considerably more costly than non-collection types ) more or less as a matter of course .
19 As it happens , this is one of those cases where you can use the classic problem-solving approach more or less as it stands .
20 She felt completely comfortable in her presence , and the two of them talked to each other more or less as equals .
21 The immense , landless mass of Pacific water is more or less as it always has been .
22 These indicate that three strands have been plied together ; they are obviously thicker and knit up more or less as a double knitting type yarn .
23 Worse , the Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ) has served notice that it is going to treat cable firms , under the terms of the 1992 Cable Act , more or less as it treats telephone companies — that is , with vigilance .
24 Foucault has even been accused of returning , in this work , to the concept of a totality in the episteme ; it has certainly been somewhat hastily assumed that the latter can be appropriated more or less as a new way of describing a historical ‘ period ’ .
25 Everything continues more or less as it had before , and it becomes increasingly evident that Jesus 's death has accomplished nothing .
26 Irwin , or any Viceroy , had by the end of the twenties only two possibilities before him : either to follow , for as long as British willpower and resources lasted , an unending road of remorseless repression , or to parley , more or less as an equal with Gandhi and his adjutants with a view to guiding the country , maybe fairly slowly but nonetheless unrelentingly , towards self-government .
27 The sentence summarizes and interprets a setting which up to now we have seen more or less as detached onlookers : by using the language which the locals themselves might use ( " being turned up " ) , it invites us to become humanly involved , to see ourselves as insiders .
28 He had never married , but his will shows that he regarded Elsynge , his successor in the clerkship , more or less as a son .
29 In areas of rocks of varied resistance incised meanders may be preserved in resistant rocks such as limestones and destroyed in areas of weak rocks such as clay : this is more or less as expected since the downstream sweep of the meander belt would destroy the spurs in clay regions .
30 Leaving everything more or less as it had been and closing the drawer , she turned her attention to the rest of the room .
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