Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 As Mafouz tacked one way , it would move in the other , and when he swerved round to get it once more in his sights it would sidle left or right until it was sure it was once again in his blind spot .
2 Junctions controlled by police or a traffic warden , when all traffic is held up by police officer or traffic warden you must not go left or right until you are signalled to do so .
3 Within my CNAA experience , the success of these courses often related to the organisational structure of the degree programme as much as or rather than its academic integrity .
4 Before I go on to deal with the other submissions which have been made , particularly those by Mr. Clough , who appears for the local authority , to support his submission that the order was wrong on the merits , there is one further aspect of the justices ' order and that is the second ground of appeal where it is said that the justices ought to have given the parties the opportunity of addressing them on the question as to whether prohibited steps orders rather than an interim care order , or rather than no order at all , should or could be made .
5 ‘ Since you are Derek 's friends — or rather since you do n't care very much for his health and welfare I will not call you his friends but surely I ought to know your name ! ’
6 Inversion and substitution are intensely narcissistic ; despite that — or rather because of it , since Genet also transvalues narcissism — they extend tar beyond the self .
7 Despite , or rather because of , the heyday of the shipbuilding on the Clyde and the ever increasing commercial traffic through the port of Greenock , the area had become a magnet for unemployed , and especially the ‘ cleared ’ peoples of the Highlands and Islands .
8 Because of its Hypersoft compression technology , or rather because it does n't require image decompression , 100 full-screen zoomed images can be viewed in less than 17 seconds , 1,000 in 3.5 minutes .
9 Because of its Hypersoft compression technology or rather because it does n't require image decompression 100 full-screen zoomed images can be viewed in less than 17 second , 1,000 in 3.5 minutes .
10 IT WAS THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS AND ANTHONY HAD COME HOME FOR good , or rather until he found a job .
11 But camp comes to life around that recognition ; it is situated at the point of emergence of the artificial from the real , culture from nature — or rather when and where the real collapses into artifice , nature into culture ; camp restores vitality to artifice , and vice versa , deriving the artificial from , and feeding it back into or as , the real .
12 When evening came , or rather when lousing-time came ( lousing-time was when the day 's work was over and the horses were loosened from the yoke ) , they were then handed over more or less to us children .
13 That Littlewood 's Pools building in Edge Lane , and Vernon 's new place at Aintree — they were subsidised by the Government and they 'll be taken over if there 's a war , or rather when there 's a war . ’
14 You can not conceive of the feelings that consumed me when I understood — or rather when I thought I understood — why you had come tonight , when you said you wanted to share your happiness with me , wanted to give me something .
15 After cautiously sounding our way over stones of all colours and sizes encased in the clearest ice formed by the spray of the waterfall , we found the rock … from the summit of which the water shot directly over our heads into a bason and among fragments of rock wrinkled over with masses of ice , white as snow , or rather as D. says like congealed froth …
16 However , the gold standard did not always work as smoothly or effectively as this description indicates since many countries were unwilling to follow the simple rules of the game .
17 Mr for the defendant effectively accepts that , but says that having regard to Mr er undoubted success in regard to provision of one to one assistance in relation to other children , some of whom are less disabled than Paul , that I should try and look to local authority will provide thirty hours assistance or thereabouts after say eighteen months and that therefore in this regard the defendant should pay for only one and a half years of er enabler 's time .
18 The long stems soon become woody and resistant to bending , so while they are still new , young and supple , the growing tips are bent repeatedly — at right angles , or thereabouts if you can — every foot ( 30cm ) or two , left and right , up and down .
19 But I I just Pat was doing it for Bishop 's Stortford on or thereabouts because he sent me all the details about the whale walk .
20 However , as was pointed out by the Court of Appeal in Coward v Comex Houlder Diving Ltd ( 1988 ) ( reported in Kemp & Kemp , Section M , para27-322 ) the conventional percentage does not necessarily apply where the wife had been earning a considerable sum herself prior to her husband 's death or presumably where she had a substantial private income : see also Davies v Hawes ( 1990 ) reported in Kemp & Kemp , Section M , para27-323 .
21 Why should it be zero or below before they receive the small amount of assistance of £6 a week ?
22 After 1838 , therefore , neither ‘ agitation ’ nor ‘ influence ’ either separately or together provided very powerful instruments for achieving antislavery ends .
23 Has it become worse or better since you first arrived here ?
24 Some stress has been thrown thus far on modernism and its advocacy , but a traditional critic may write as well or better than a modernist .
25 It found that women often felt fairly unsure of their ability in DIY matters , but once they had breached the confidence barrier many regularly tackled demanding jobs and felt that their results were as good or better than those achieved by the professional .
26 For instance , in a group of patients with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis who were treated with an elimination diet followed by a wheat-free diet , cervical reintegration and the green-lipped mussel preparation , Seatone , significant and often dramatic improvements were obtained in a fortnight of an order similar to , or better than , those obtained by either homoeopathy or Seatone alone over a period of three to six months .
27 testing at Tomduff found the situation there to be as good as or better than those with the existing producers of andalusite in South Africa .
28 For its weight , therefore , the strength of timber is as good or better than most of its competitors .
29 Texas Instruments Inc claims a 33MHz SuperSparc is equal or better than a 50MHz MIPS R4000 , and twice the stuff of a 50MHz 80486 .
30 The convention centre is just as good or better than any museum .
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