Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] than " in BNC.

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1 Within my CNAA experience , the success of these courses often related to the organisational structure of the degree programme as much as or rather than its academic integrity .
2 Before I go on to deal with the other submissions which have been made , particularly those by Mr. Clough , who appears for the local authority , to support his submission that the order was wrong on the merits , there is one further aspect of the justices ' order and that is the second ground of appeal where it is said that the justices ought to have given the parties the opportunity of addressing them on the question as to whether prohibited steps orders rather than an interim care order , or rather than no order at all , should or could be made .
3 Some stress has been thrown thus far on modernism and its advocacy , but a traditional critic may write as well or better than a modernist .
4 It found that women often felt fairly unsure of their ability in DIY matters , but once they had breached the confidence barrier many regularly tackled demanding jobs and felt that their results were as good or better than those achieved by the professional .
5 For instance , in a group of patients with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis who were treated with an elimination diet followed by a wheat-free diet , cervical reintegration and the green-lipped mussel preparation , Seatone , significant and often dramatic improvements were obtained in a fortnight of an order similar to , or better than , those obtained by either homoeopathy or Seatone alone over a period of three to six months .
6 testing at Tomduff found the situation there to be as good as or better than those with the existing producers of andalusite in South Africa .
7 For its weight , therefore , the strength of timber is as good or better than most of its competitors .
8 Texas Instruments Inc claims a 33MHz SuperSparc is equal or better than a 50MHz MIPS R4000 , and twice the stuff of a 50MHz 80486 .
9 The convention centre is just as good or better than any museum .
10 Girls generally did as well or better than boys on questions concerning knowledge of the names of parts of rectangular shapes ( cuboids , rectangles ) but a good deal worse on similar questions relating to 2-D and 3-D shapes with circular sections .
11 Questions relating to counting and calculating with whole numbers are generally tackled by girls as well as or better than by boys .
12 Do you think that any other sites on the periphery of Skelton would allow for the requirement , however distant it may be , that you foresee , as well as or better than D thirty nine and D forty ?
13 If the results are similar to or better than those predicted theoretically , the transformation is satisfactory .
14 A reasonable guide will be if it produces results near to or better than those predicted by equation ( 6.3 ) .
15 A really well-designed state pension scheme ( complete with lump sums ) and not so closely tied to employment history as any of the current schemes on offer , could probably do as well or better than occupational or personal pension provision for most women .
16 What is more , the participating organisations showed average or better than average health and safety performance in their own industries .
17 Erm we believe , er if we are to demonstrate to our clients that we are as good or better than our competitives competitors , then we need certification .
18 Cutting prospective future costs is as good as or better than generating extra resources to meet them .
19 Given that the average score for all A-level entrants was 5.4 , it can be seen that all non-standard entry groups , apart from those entering on the basis of 1–4 O-levels , performed at least as well or better than the average A-level entrants .
20 However reference is also made to the Smithers and Griffin ( 1986 ) study which indicated that nonstandard mature students obtained results that were either as good or better than A level entrants on the same courses and were less likely to fail to complete their courses .
21 A trade can only be carried out within one firm if the market maker of that firm offers a price at least as good or better than that offered on the general market .
22 Now what has happened here is that on the previous public enquiry over the Tetsworth site , Tetsworth , Great Milton and various other Parish Councils have the defence of producing sites which they think are appropriate or better than their own site , and they mentioned Wheatley .
23 Where better than this great vault of abandoned statuary and skeletons , to avail themselves of their Catalepsean Nodes for a couple of hours ?
24 For desserts and digestifs where better than the Christ Church Picture Gallery , Canterbury Gate & Oriel Square where a selection of the College 's renowned collection of Old Master drawings will be on view .
25 Now it was time to relax , to unburden themselves , and where better than here where symmetry and disorder , artistry and chance , met in such perfect balance ?
26 Where better than the south of France , which she knew like the back of her hand ?
27 A night-cap was called for before we retired for the evening — where better than the Rovers Return ?
28 Among other findings , this produced five cases of young leukaemia within eight miles of the plant over the period 1979–84 , where less than one would have been expected on the basis of national rates .
29 Perhaps because of the long-standing provision of special clinics , the large majority of cases of sexually transmitted disease are seen in such clinics , in contrast to other countries , where less than 20 per cent of cases are seen in hospitals .
30 There were also five four-point alignments , where less than one would be expected .
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