Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] when " in BNC.

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1 But camp comes to life around that recognition ; it is situated at the point of emergence of the artificial from the real , culture from nature — or rather when and where the real collapses into artifice , nature into culture ; camp restores vitality to artifice , and vice versa , deriving the artificial from , and feeding it back into or as , the real .
2 When evening came , or rather when lousing-time came ( lousing-time was when the day 's work was over and the horses were loosened from the yoke ) , they were then handed over more or less to us children .
3 That Littlewood 's Pools building in Edge Lane , and Vernon 's new place at Aintree — they were subsidised by the Government and they 'll be taken over if there 's a war , or rather when there 's a war . ’
4 You can not conceive of the feelings that consumed me when I understood — or rather when I thought I understood — why you had come tonight , when you said you wanted to share your happiness with me , wanted to give me something .
5 They then turned to the govt. & only when the govt. took action did situations improve at all .
6 Rare , even bizarre , circumstances aside , it never profits a monopolist to do more when customers are signaling for less , or less when they are signaling for more ’ .
7 Yeah , well as I say , sometimes I go along while in between but I I think it 's more or less when when I 've been aggravated a bit , you know what I mean ?
8 To revert to the metaphor of weighing , in choices of means the traveller would be the weigher , but in this choice of an end he is the arm of the balance , and when the information is assimilated the impulse to go prevails over the reluctance to take the risk as the arm goes up or down when the balance is fully loaded .
9 Or especially when you start getting the low pip pip pip about every thirty seconds .
10 So Angela did n't want to get involved — she did n't need the capital , after all — and she said to me she might do it in a year or so when Miss Huntley had calmed down . ’
11 She said — or rather I did , to her solicitors — that she would consider it again in a year or so when everyone was calmer . ’
12 Every hundred metres or so when we met the road zigzagging its six kilometres to the top we turned to the landscape : huge conical mountains with valleys that knit together as neatly as in a child 's drawing .
13 In the case of the couple or family considering the costs and benefits of a future child , the explicit consideration of rates of discount is rather different in that children are perceived to be a positive asset from early on in life but particularly after fifteen years or so when they can work effectively on the farm ( and so replace costly paid labour at times of peak labour demand ) or as a wage labourer .
14 There was the added complication that for the first time there would be a period of five minutes or so when I would have to shut inside my satchel not only my outdoor shoes but my gym shoes as well .
15 ‘ Elsie and Simon had been married for six years or so when she disappeared .
16 Returning to the All Blacks ' 11-match tour to Australia , the NZRFU has bowed to Australian pressure and loosened the grip on the Bledisloe Cup , for many years the symbol of Trans-Tasman supremacy , but which has only regained popularity in the last decade or so when Australia have been able to break the All Blacks ' hold on the Cup .
17 If he believes Diana and Andrew Morton 's book have brought the Crown into disrepute what will happen in a year or so when the notorious biographer Kitty Kelley delivers her tome on his life ?
18 They do this by guarding the female , staying close to her during the ten days or so when she is fertile .
19 In Shetland during the last forty years or so when the seine-net fishing for haddock and whiting was profitable , most of the gulls — mainly herring and black-backed gulls in the summer , augmented by glaucous gulls from the north in winter — got a good living by attending the fishing-boats .
20 All should become much clearer in the next week or so when the company details its plan for USL 's Destiny desktop — see front page — and a strategic focus on SVR4 .
21 It is far easier to convince readers of the courage and invention of a youth of fifteen or so when he is foiling the enemy with a clever disguise or a neatly gymnastic escape than when he is in grim and bloody action on board an enemy ship — not only easier , but more in keeping with the romantic excitement proper to adventure-story .
22 If the answer is no , does the same apply to other people in your own school using the materials in a year or so when all the participants might be unknown to them ?
23 They stood on their ends in the inward sloping shelves for a fortnight or so when they came in during the spring or early summer .
24 ‘ We can leave in an hour or so when everyone is asleep .
25 Quite simply , I lost the magazine ! — the distribution is so sophisticated these days that there is a period of two weeks or so when our publication is in hands other than ours and all it needs is a breakdown in communications for the system to come to a halt with all parties oblivious to the standstill , which is what happened with the Autumn edition .
26 However Crewe came back into the game a scored after 30 minutes or so when Strach misplaced a pass in the midfield where upon some Crewe player broke away and rolled the ball past Beaney and Hodge ( who only just missed intercepting it ) .
27 The odd day here and there is not important , but if you could let me know within the next couple of weeks or so when you intend to take a major part of your holiday away — if you know — I do n't myself know erm yet — but if you do know then I can have a look at the overall picture and see that we 're not all dispersed .
28 In particular , a change of context will attenuate latent inhibition whether the test context be novel or familiar but will restore the OR only when a novel test context is used .
29 Whether platelet endo-peroxides have a proaggregatory role in their own right or only when converted to thromboxane A 2 has been the subject of many studies ( Bunting et al , 1983 ) .
30 And when you write your address down , do you quote your full postcode , always sometimes or only when asked ?
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