Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 They will identify and ‘ think through ’ the issues — or rather do the market analysis that substitutes for political thought — and create the slogans and policies in terms of the conditioned reflexes of the electorate which can be controlled by political advertising on the issues .
2 There is , I have found , some gentle entertainment to be had in discussion with publishers ' representatives , observing the wide-eyed eagerness with which they greet potentially saleable ideas , and their clenched , wary , glazed-eyes response to proposals they feel negative about , or perhaps do not understand .
3 But if they wo n't talk — or perhaps do n't even know precisely what goes on — we 've shown our hand , and got no tricks .
4 Hi I 'll just just show you what er well Kerry 'll 'll show you she knows what er what we 're what you 're going to do over the next day or so do n't you .
5 A further complication is that some plants , especially foliage houseplants , seldom flower in this country , or only do so when many years old .
6 Where exactly do you hail from , Hugo ? ’
7 Where exactly do you establish its boundaries , when most of the well-known definitions , turn out to be legally and politically meaningless ?
8 And where exactly do you live ? ’
9 ‘ So where exactly do I fit into all this ? ’
10 Well we do n't know whether it was wrong or not do we ?
11 Actually you probably know whether you 've filled a form in or not do n't you .
12 Well erm , they , they do n't know whether they can do it or not do they ?
13 du n no whether he has or not do you ?
14 You do n't need bu but cos you have n't done it , you do n't know if you 'd pass it or or not do you ?
15 You do n't really know whether he wants you to or not do you ?
16 Well I do n't know yet whether were going to be able to afford it or not do we ?
17 erm And what it makes people either do it or not do it , right from the forest end , right through to the consumer end .
18 If someone does n't say anything you do n't know if they do n't know what 's happened , if they do n't know what to say or just do n't care .
19 or still do them in the evening ?
20 One group of investigators have argued that the inclusion of asymptomatic recurrences in the analysis of ulcer relapse trials should be discouraged , because these silent ulcers are clinically irrelevant ; however , such optimism ( based on findings made in a small group of patients with asymptomatic ulceration followed up for between 1 and 13 months ) is probably misguided , because one third of DU patients presenting with perforation and up to 60% admitted with haematemesis/or melaena , or both do not give a history of previous ulcer pain .
21 You can do this through a Licensed Conveyancer , or even do it yourself , but having said that solicitors nowadays ( at least , the ones we use ) tend to give pretty good value for money .
22 There are whole areas here , Donald , where basic facilities such as water , for example , are in very poor supply or simply do n't exist at all .
23 Here you can swim , fish , sunbathe or simply do nothing .
24 So we will need to manage the whole of that block to the right of the dotted line , and therefore I think , members will appreciate that we are not going to do that effect , or indeed do it at all , if we simply continue spending at the four hundred and fifty thousand pounds which is the costs that we 're incurring in the current year .
25 I do n't see why you ca n't , or maybe do a Nine Inch Nails , Lollapalooza-type thing , because we want to get to people who are n't already converted . ’
26 How does he know — or how do we know — that they are right ?
27 I think it 's almost like asking somebody the question how do you decide what you 're interested in , or how do you decide what 's worrying you or upsetting you , or pleasing you .
28 Where abouts do you live then ?
29 Next time we get to KICK ASS , you 'd better show some COLLATERAL DAMAGE , or else DO N'T HOG PRIME TIME ! ! ! ’
30 You better not get it on the furniture as well , keep it away from the furniture , now put it on the paper or else do n't use it
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