Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] by " in BNC.

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1 Within their concept of stress or strain — often used either together or interchangeably by respondents , carers could include anxiety , fear , irritation , tension , despondency , etc .
2 They had an ‘ Eric , or Little by Little schoolboy sense of honour ’ and were ‘ completely straight ’ .
3 However , the list does give an indication of those routes which should be tackled largely or wholly by moving together .
4 The clause may often say that the expert 's fees are to be borne equally , or in agreed proportions , by the parties , or wholly by one of the parties , or as the expert may direct , or , for instance in the case of share valuation , that the fees are to be borne by the company .
5 And in addition to all these again , there are thousands of kinds of habitat or potential habitat — created consciously or inadvertantly by the activities of human beings .
6 Like Morrissey , Prince feels trapped by his sex , or rather by the cultural assumptions/expectations vested in it .
7 The Abraham narratives are dominated by the birth of this son , or rather by its delay .
8 The threat in schools is posed by the degree of control which the executive is able to exert over the education of children , or rather by the possibility that the power to dictate ( by inclusion or exclusion ) the content of education could be abused by a government with extreme views .
9 Outclassed and outmanoeuvred by a pretty face — or rather by what lay behind it .
10 She had invited Betty to stay by accident , or rather by drunken mischance , at one of those fatal office parties .
11 The moreover , includes mention of a certain number of scholars of the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries who were known chiefly as muftis : for example , Molla Bahaeddin omer and the three following scholars , all listed under the ulema of the time of Bayezid I , about none of whom , however , is much more information given than that " he was consulted in matters [ involving ] fetvas in his time " ( Taskopruzade ) or " he became mufti " and , indeed , in the case of these scholars it is simply not deducible in what way they were recognized as muftis , whether simply by popular acclaim or rather by some sort of official recognition .
12 felt too tired to drive me on to ESF 's house , so I got there by bus , or rather by two buses ( an easy change ) , the first starting from about a hundred yards from and the other stopping just behind the Zoo by Primrose Hill and only a few minutes from Eduardo .
13 Or rather by the tootling and jingling of a good old-fashioned kletzmer band .
14 A criminal case is normally brought by the State , or rather by the Crown Prosecution Service as the agents of the State , against an individual .
15 It does not matter whether a high-level language system is implemented mostly be hardware or mostly by software , provided the system hides any lower levels from the programmer .
16 Many of the broadcasters and journalists had been trained either in Europe or locally by Europeans , and many also looked to Europe as their guide to what broadcasting and journalism were for .
17 Setting the white balance used to be a fiddly and time-consuming procedure , hut nowadays it is done automatically , or by setting presets , or manually by aiming the camcorder at a standard white reference .
18 For instance , an extra demand at home or abroad for goods made either cheaper or better by electronics will add to employment .
19 How much of what teachers currently feel they have to do could be accomplished as well or better by the use of a library of varied instructional materials supervised by well-trained staff with both bibliographical and subject-teaching competence ?
20 Several recent or forthcoming operas sound as if they were designed for — or perhaps by — what in Soho are known as people of strange and unusual tastes .
21 It is probable that the jawless fish lived by grubbing in the sediment , or perhaps by filter feeding , possibly exploiting organic material derived from the plants that were taking to life on land at the same time .
22 Cartographic logic suggests it was in fact an isolated hill that stands above the headwaters of the Rio Congo — an unspectacular 1,800 ft-high hillock , somewhat denuded of trees , a short distance away from a rudimentary track ( made by wild pigs , or cattle , or perhaps by people long ago ) which can still be discerned in the jungle .
23 something which they may have saved for themselves or perhaps by doing an odd job here and there , and working a day or two a week , which will not make too great demands on their strength , but will just keep the household going .
24 The snails will eat the foam , presumably for the microflora living on it , or perhaps by mistake .
25 On the other hand , the writing by a testator of his name on a testamentary document , as for instance by writing ‘ My will by John Smith ’ or perhaps by typing ‘ The will of John Smith , ’ or in some other passage that left it uncertain whether in doing so he was intending to authenticate the document , would not , by itself , satisfy either paragraph ( a ) or paragraph ( b ) of section 9 .
26 ‘ One of the family , or a servant , or perhaps by the Templars themselves . ’
27 Remember , though , that if a subject assessor refuses to certificate a module , then none of the candidates in that centre will be credited with that module until the problems are sorted out , usually by another visit by a subject assessor or perhaps by a Field Officer . ’
28 The disposal process can be drawn out ( six to nine months is quite possible ) and it is desirable to seek a further part payment , normally on heads of agreement or perhaps by monthly instalment before final settlement on completion .
29 This suggests that human beings arrived on Earth more or less by accident , since no special feature marked off the Crustaceans as being ‘ fitter ’ in a Darwinian sense .
30 Second , almost three-quarters of these interviewees had been using heroin for two years or less by the start of the prevalence study period .
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