Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] more " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , three meals , often consisting of scraps or little more , were served each day .
2 He was about fifty or rather more .
3 For instance , they used to play a kind of game ( about twice a week , or rather more often if Odilo put his foot down ) , where she must lie still and show no sign of life , throughout .
4 Some things are more genuine than others , or rather more firmly rooted in evidence .
5 This distinction , between , as it were , having an existence , and possessing an identity , erm is a major preoccupation in the novel , just as finding answers to the questions ‘ Where am I ? ’ or rather more importantly ‘ Who am I ? ’ is one of its central objectives .
6 Stephen Orgel discerns in the theatre of this time the fear that man 's superior development could be reversed — ‘ that men can turn into — or be turned into — women ; or perhaps more exactly , can be turned back into woman , losing the strength that enabled the male potential to be realized in the first place . ’
7 But then the British — or perhaps more properly the English — deal best with their own .
8 He declared that Scott 's design would be ‘ a great ornament to the metropolis ’ and believed that ‘ it would be as convenient , or perhaps more so , than any Italian building that could be erected ’ .
9 This continuing cycle , or perhaps more appropriately spiral , is clearly visible in those industries which centre on electronics and are in the business of producing robots and artificial intelligences which go with them .
10 If the very young , and sometimes the educationally very backward , are taught , or perhaps more accurately indoctrinated , with the idea that there is a ‘ god ’ who approves the teaching , who is caring for them , and who will provide for their needs , they will believe this , even when a state of intense deprivation confutes this every day of their lives .
11 It acts as a bridge between the natural and the synthetic systems giving greater biocompatibility , or perhaps more properly biotolerance , and confers membrane properties on the hydrogel , allowing transport of oxygen and water soluble metabolites through the polymer matrix .
12 If you change your beliefs but your life stays the same and you feel the same , then you have n't really changed those beliefs , or perhaps more deeply rooted beliefs are blocking you .
13 Having obtained legal powers to build itself a tramway system , Croydon Rural District Council then discovered that legislation at that time made no provision for a Rural District Council to own , operate , or perhaps more important , to raise the necessary finance to construct a tramway system .
14 Better to offer the client a service which is more relevant to the day-to-day running of the business and its profitability ( or perhaps more correctly these days , the business 's survival ) .
15 They see their lives as becoming progressively more empty and meaningless , and this essentially pessimistic outlook on their lives is reflected in all that they do , or perhaps more accurately , in all that they fail to do .
16 The user may wish to see the previous few words , or the current sentence , or perhaps more than one sentence , as handwriting before the display changes .
17 At one level , therefore , the English Reformation was undoubtedly ‘ an act of state ’ , or perhaps more accurately acts of state — a series of changes initiated by monarchs and imposed by them upon their subjects .
18 A regency council headed by Henry of Lancaster was set up to administer the realm , but Mortimer remained outside it , or perhaps more accurately above it , occupying a quasi-royal position as Queen Isabella 's lover .
19 Other approaches are marginalized as being ‘ theoretical ’ ( that is , not sufficiently practical ) or perhaps more properly the concern of another discipline .
20 For government , central and local , they are decisions about supporting the family ; promoting the optimal care of children ; and determining the best — or perhaps more realistically , the least detrimental — type of care and educational provision for the under fives to supplement maternal care .
21 Yet it was accordingly — to quote Cole again — that the producers ' co-operative was set up as an industrial , or perhaps more exactly , as a proto-industrial co-operative .
22 She believed that private medicine ought not to coexist by the side of the Health Service ; or perhaps more fairly , that if it did exist it should not derive any benefits from the Health Service , and that none of the resources of the Service ought properly to be available to private practitioners .
23 Added to this , MPs and ministers have in a special degree the conviction that central government knows best and that any devolution from London must mean giving powers to authorities that are poorer , weaker , slower , perhaps corrupt , perhaps more reactionary ( for Labour members ) or perhaps more reckless with public funds ( for Conservative members ) .
24 So there were two things that er well or perhaps more than two from matters arising from the minutes , er the Chad for the tickets , I think was one thing that was ,
25 The benefit of such consolidations — or perhaps more accurately the disadvantage of not treating a customer in his entirety — is nicely illustrated by my own personal experience with a highly respected financial services provider .
26 If we just first look at the organization that we have , or perhaps more correctly will have following consultation , erm I think you will agree with me that the , the roles and responsibilities of those people are fairly well defined .
27 If one suppresses the name , one does not suppress the rest of what is reported , so it is reported that someone , or perhaps more than one person who has been defamed , has done something in the course of the case and it may be that he or she is not known to the public and is of no interest to the public .
28 For example the baby being born prematurely or perhaps more drastically the need for a Caesarian to be carried out .
29 Drawing on research by Nordenstam ( 1979 ) , Rogers ( 1981 ) and Trudgill ( 1982 ) , Trudgill reaches the conclusion that the fixed route of acquisition is confined to adults , or perhaps more probably to adolescents .
30 Or perhaps more sophisticated methods are applied along the lines suggested by Friedman 's permanent income hypothesis .
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