Example sentences of "[conj] [art] few " in BNC.

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1 Before the Second World War , virtually the only people able to practise archaeology on a full-time basis were those employed in museums , or the few who had sufficient wealth to be self-financing .
2 By now it was the rush hour and he was squeezed into the corner of a carriage by a family of Swedish tourists who talked loudly and without vowels and continuously trafficked maps and guidebooks across him , so there was no chance of getting a look at the diaries or the few folded sheets of paper that were wedged between them .
3 She subscribed on the face of it to the proposition that we are not put here to be happy , although she was the first to complain if she , or the few people she loved , were not .
4 Moreover , there is nothing in the 152-page report to satisfy the Opposition , industry or the few remaining Tory rebels that the Government has come out of the review with a national energy policy .
5 Not surprisingly there is a greater readiness to experiment where there are more , and perhaps younger , people than where the few elderly remaining members of an order cling to what is familiar .
6 They were confined to the ratty quarter-acre of ground , screened off by the landscapers , where the few remaining caravans crouched in shabby senescence .
7 There are the rare cases , as with the bronze and brass Etruscan statuettes described above , where a few moments spent performing a surface analysis can unequivocally solve a problem , which might have remained a stylistic conundrum for ever .
8 In the small front yard , where a few sheep could be penned for clipping , a tar costel is placed to hold the Stockholm tar .
9 In Sussex this species is largely confined to Chichester and Pagham Harbours , where a few remain to summer in many years , although totals of more than 50 are most unusual .
10 When the kite is launched on a fully paid-out line , it will soar to height where a few diligent shakes ought to detach our little friend , not forgetting the golden rule of anchoring the static line somehow so that the parachute deploys !
11 You board the ferry at Dover early Friday afternoon , switch to the train at Calais ( where a few French francs are useful ) and reach St Anton on Saturday in time for breakfast .
12 Over the top of the pass there is a long descent through plantations and along a hillside into the fertile valley of Glen More , a quiet cultivated strath where a few farms keep their pastures in good heart , contrasting with the shaggy heights around .
13 It was as large a set as had been developed earlier for general use , except for the London area ( where a few larger sets had been installed in the 1930s and some larger sets of somewhat antiquated design were also completed by the BEA in its early years ) , There were , however , doubts about the flexibility in start-up and shut-down times for the new 60MW and other new designs , and a fortiori about more advanced designs .
14 As she grew older , she looked upon herself , tragically , defiantly , with all the hopelessness of fourteen years , as a plant trying to root itself upon the solid rock , without water , without earth , without shade : and then , when a little older yet , when conscious of some growth , she had to concede that she must have fallen happily upon some small dry sandy fissure , where a few grains of sand , a few drops of moisture , had been enough to support her trembling and tenacious life .
15 We would go down to the Seine and speak of water , boats and fish ; or we would go to the public park , where a few birds languished in an ancient aviary and the old mynah bird entertained us with a lavish range of endearments .
16 A hardy annual , it can be grown in any garden where a few patches here and there can be a delight .
17 He opened a door and I staggered gratefully into a sweet bovine warmth where a few shaggy little bullocks stood hock deep in straw .
18 Benson 's first workshop opened in 1880 at North End Road , Fulham , where a few men operated foot-powered lathes for turning metal .
19 Quiss came back to the table by way of another small , though taller , table over on the far side of the room , where a few dirty cups and cracked glasses stood in a small tin basin under a dripping tap .
20 She returned to the present , replaced the cleaned pail , the soap , the brush and the swab beside the pump in the lean-to outhouse at the back — it stood in a small soot-encrusted yard where a few fearless London sparrows frequently gathered — and returned to the house to clean the surgery .
21 I decided to go the house a few gardens away where a few pitiful meows brings some food from the woman .
22 The salient fact is that what is uniquely on offer at these parties is not all-night dancing or a few boutique drugs , but fantasy-sensation itself : the orgiastic effect of thousands of people mainlining heavy acid rock at the level of total sound .
23 The various provinces of Russia were too many and too mixed to allow of any division into two or a few camps , irrespective of whether socio-economic conditions , nationality , religion , or politics are concerned .
24 It was just one more sign of his separateness from the people around who would buy a cow or a few more fields .
25 Before the 1965 Immigration Act , Mirpuri and Bengali families would send their sons to England for a few months or a few years at a time .
26 Any budding Napoleon with a few hours to spare — or a few days , for some games — can choose from titles such as ‘ Butcher of Baghdad ’ , ‘ Gulf Strike ’ and ‘ Line in the Sand ’ .
27 In practice , the vast majority of reported offences of unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl of 16 involve young men of a similar age or a few years older , and the general trend is to administer a formal caution to such persons rather than to prosecute them .
28 The Persons who inhabit the Cottages are chiefly poor Labouring People , who are induced to seek Habitations in the Forest for the Advantages of living Rent free , and having the Benefit of Pasturage for a Cow or a few Sheep , and of keeping Pigs in the Woods ; but many Encroachments have been made by People of Substance .
29 West Country Living : A few hours or a few weeks before the mast With air like this , it 's a sin not to get out into it .
30 A few hundred or a few thousand farmers might oppose a return to downland because it would mean lower profits .
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