Example sentences of "[pron] set [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 You may wonder : Who am I to set myself up ?
2 So , I write , as well as this diary , some of my new novel ( a killer , this one , dealing as it does with post-Holocaust survivors ' guilt ; why do I set myself these agonies ? ) and start pinch-hitting for Gloria Hunniford on Radio Two .
3 In the flush of enthusiasm , if not youthful , at least inexperienced , I set myself in 1960 two major objectives : one was the development of extramural services — ‘ community care ’ was the jargon — which would reduce the incidence of hospital care and counteract the institutionalism of long-stay hospitals ; and the other , not unconnected , was to break down the huge mental hospitals inherited from the nineteenth century .
4 It appears to have escaped Berkeley 's attention that not all imaginary things , for example a drunkard 's pink rats , are voluntary and lack the vivacity of the real thing , and also that , when I set myself to imagine something , I can make my ideas as orderly and coherent as I like .
5 It was one of the goals I set myself ’ .
6 I am writing these lines on the last day of 1986 , the deadline I set myself for reaching the Great Glen with my pen .
7 In answer to the problem I set myself ( reports of which were carried in the provincial press in 1980 ) , a certain Mr A. Hatton of Birmingham wrote : ‘ If you visit some of the pubs , clubs and places of enquiry , you will get the solution to your enquiry … just speak to the majority of working people , blacks do not have the intellect or inclination for academics ’ ( personal communication , 12 June 1980 ) .
8 The remit which I set myself is to examine in outline the ways in which the political parties have both responded to and helped to shape the pertinent social collectivities in Britain over the post-war years , and how the activities of political forces have been constrained by , and have served to maintain or transform , the economic class relations of British capitalism .
9 When I set myself to search this site , my first little breakthrough came when I uncovered a bronze coin weight ; this was in very poor condition but I was able to make out that it was 17th century in date .
10 Next day , I set myself to writing out my dream , as Horace Walpole did with his dream of Otranto .
11 And it strengthens woman-centred feminism 's influence within other discourses which set themselves apart from political concerns , like psychology .
12 The unconscious seems involved in a deep way , in part due to their setting themselves up as a Chosen People of God the Father .
13 In Transylvania such sentiments were attacked by the right-wing Romanian nationalist organization , Vatra Romaneasca ( " Romanian Hearth " ) , which set itself in opposition to the rising tide of expectation on the part of Hungary , the unspoken Hungarian aim , in Vatra 's opinion , being the incorporation of Transylvania into Hungary .
14 Also on Dec. 23 , leading intellectuals set up the first independent human rights monitoring group , the Forum for the Defence of Human Rights , which set itself the goal of the release of all political prisoners .
15 ‘ Order froze the world , Ari , and those who set themselves up as leaders of society used everything they could to control people around them .
16 Among those who set themselves the task of creating a hostel for orthodox children was Sybil Wulwick .
17 The objective defined in 1858 was to enable ‘ persons requiring medical aid … to distinguish qualified from unqualified practitioners ’ and we need only read some early issues of the Lancet to learn that the medical register was regarded at the time as a list of doctors who set themselves higher standards than the multitude of quacks who then preyed on the sick .
18 The confident cricketers are the ones who set themselves targets of achievement , which range from Sir Richard Hadlee 's carefully calculated and perfectly achieved ‘ double ’ season in 1984 , to my hope that perhaps I will perform the somewhat lesser treble of at least one run , one wicket and one catch for the village this year .
19 SCORPIOS may not like to appear outwardly ambitious but you set yourself specific goals and work relentlessly towards them regardless of the opposition .
20 Set realistic goals Make sure you can achieve what you set yourself in the time
21 Notwithstanding the merit and extent of his achievements , Gavin Hastings still retains the desire to reach out for the best of which he is capable with as yet undiminished zest : ‘ Unless you set yourself tasks and ambitions , unless you have new targets , there is n't much point in playing .
22 Again another thing too , is that boosting your ego side , if you s if you set yourself a little bit of a target and you can manage it er can you run up the hill ?
23 It may be that you are not giving yourself enough challenge in the learning goals you set yourself , and that you are attaining them without any stretching of your ability .
24 You set yourself up as judge and jury , and yet who are you to decide matters — a man who spent the evening philandering with his secretary ! ’
25 It could be that you 've never taken your family abroad on holiday , so you set yourself a little objective , that in two years ' time , I want to take them all , even if it 's a damn package deal on a flight to Tenerife , do it , will you feel good , will the family enjoy it ?
26 Apart from the deadlines created hy husbands ' and children 's needs , she imposes her own time pressures ; these follow from the way she organizes her work and the kind of standards she sets herself .
27 ‘ And he 'll tell you that each of us would-be Marines is one in a million — one in a billion — except for he who sets himself above the rest of his brothers ; and that one is less . ’
28 ‘ Another particularly odious corruption is the scholar who sets himself up as a unique authority on a certain painter , with the specific knowledge that , in cornering the market , his opinion will be essential for anyone dealing with works by that artist .
29 You 're afraid to ask you landlord for a repair because if you do , are you setting yourself up for a rent increase ?
30 Meanwhile , she set herself to work with renewed determination .
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