Example sentences of "[pron] write the " in BNC.

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1 When your guests arrive , ask them to write the name of a character on a piece of paper .
2 ‘ In that case , we ask them to write the cards at the time of order , and we store them in here , ’ she explained a little breathlessly , but with obvious pride .
3 This inspired me to write the dreadful Verena for her .
4 Amaury de Craon wrote to Edward II from Sablé in November 1323 telling him that the ‘ great uneasiness of heart that I feel as a result of the dispute between you and your brother the king of France , our lord , and a desire to find ways , according to my humble ability , to prevent it , has emboldened me to write the following things ’ .
5 He was on the look-out for someone to write the incidental music , someone with new ideas , preferably someone not too well known .
6 I virtually neglected in my writing the feelings that belonged to my own nature and my own times of life — an irreparable loss , whether great or not .
7 Shall I write the arrows
8 Sir where shall I write the answers ?
9 Neil said can I write the article and I said no fuck off .
10 who had an estate and there were St Trinian 's incidentally er , inciden that 's where the name came from for the books and friend of theirs and relation of his wrote the book I do n't know , something like that , and anyhow eventually I got
11 I go about in a wheelchair and someone who pushes it very often goes into a shop and says , ‘ Look here , you have bought rather a lot of things I think you had better give a cheque for them — now I ? I write the cheque out , dear , and you shall sign it . ’
12 I had been aware , intellectually , that the background level of irradiation is really quite high ( as I write the clicking of a geiger counter left switched on in an adjacent room reminds me ) but it took the Phywe cloud chamber to make me realise that irradiation is not a separate thing but truly a part of life .
13 I hired a karaoke machine , went down the pub and gave 'em a few numbers ; ‘ Girl From Ipanema ’ , ‘ I Write The Songs ’ .
14 As far as what comes into my head , I du n no , I write the worst dribbling shit you ever heard .
15 If I have a shade card for that particular yarn I write the tension on that too , to save me the bother of knitting another tension swatch when I next come to use the yarn .
16 Excuse me a moment Your Worships while I write the out .
17 I have poetic licence , i WriTe thE way i waNt .
18 I write the headlines for a Daily Paper .
19 photographs to the drawings , then I write the technical explanation of how artwork that interrelates with each other .
20 I wrote the President 's factual brief , did you realise that ? ’
21 By the way , after writing to you on Sunday , the mood came , and I wrote the story of Kheydius , 12 close pages , straight off , almost satisfactorily , too .
22 ‘ Perhaps we should encourage young novelists ’ ; ‘ the Booker Prize is a media junket ’ ; ‘ actually , I 'm here because I wrote the book ’ .
23 About twelve years later , when I was looking back on that meeting with Dana , I wrote the following poem :
24 In my diary , some time after our first meeting , I wrote the date of Dana 's birthday .
25 We began to work on two hander pieces — she took the pictures , I wrote the words .
26 I wrote the poem Zenobia while staying on the Greek island of Crete .
27 Here are two more facts to think about , discovered since I wrote the article .
28 I wrote the lyrics and Harry Pryce composed the music for a theme song for ‘ From Leicester Square to Broadway ’ .
29 Maybe I wrote the whole thing in a dream .
30 I wrote the above lines several years ago about a site which I visit regularly as an indication of the sort of way in which we might best approach sacred sites in the landscape .
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