Example sentences of "[pron] many [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Social justice means that we deny ourselves many things so that others may have to do without them as well , or , what is the same thing , may not be able to ask for them .
2 And often , as I sat writing such poems that helped me cling to the last shreds of my many identities , I would suddenly sense that you were indeed approaching .
3 This was to be the third of my many run-ins with that typically British authoritarian institution , which is never happy unless making trouble .
4 It 's one of my many talents . ’
5 I finger the necklace often these days as I think of my many friends in that country .
6 However , one of my many visitors saw it and told Barry Cockcroft , the gentleman who produced and directed my film for Yorkshire Television .
7 The heads of the Valuation Department guaranteed me enough work to justify my continued employment , one of my many visits taking me to the Channel Islands during the ‘ phoney war ’ , while the enemy were occupied with Russia .
8 I have myself spent many hours at the police station compiling an accurate photo-fit of the stand and , through my many contacts in the local underworld , supplied them with the names of many undesirables known to deal in second-hand wood .
9 Eleven forty-five , and I strolled into the Jack the Ripper , the roughest and least local of my many locals .
10 Warm thanks are due to my many colleagues within the information industry and to those organisations who have been so helpful in providing guidance , views , information and explanation .
11 Will my hon. Friend assure the House and my many constituents in the North Yorks moors national park that whatever new structure he puts in place to manage the parks , the planning policy guidance given to the park authorities will give the social and economic needs of the people who live in the parks a high priority in the considerations for planning permissions ?
12 Throughout my many years in the travel industry , I have always believed tourism has an important part to play in the spreading of understanding between countries , as well as being a catalyst for economic development .
13 I WOULD like to convey my many thanks and praise to all the helpers , workers , nurses and priests , and to my Bishop , for the joy I received through their care and kindness at Lourdes .
14 Then we er got a letter from ah my daughters , one of my daughters one of my many daughters married to a coastguard in Milford .
15 The chief preoccupation of Methuen 's later years , apart from his painting , and one for which he denied himself many luxuries , was the restoration , maintenance , and improvement of Corsham Court , the family seat , and of the collection of pictures which hung in the magnificent gallery built and furnished for them in the 1760s .
16 Indeed , the basic British attitude had been summed up admirably by Churchill himself many years earlier when he wrote , in an American periodical in 1930 , ‘ We see nothing but good and hope in a richer , freer , more contented European commonalty .
17 With their many variants and subdivisions they provide a wonderfully expressive earful for the alert feline as it goes about its business .
18 These monkeys produce alarm calls when one of their many predators approaches — thereby alerting other members of the group .
19 For two centuries he has stood between the Elves of Ulthuan and their many foes .
20 Hip to the cocktail circuit , they had used their many contacts to construct a massive hype , especially in the fashion press .
21 Fashion being what it is , with rarity the overriding factor , the position arises that the collector will have to pay very much more for the ephemeral , roughly produced parts , with their many inaccuracies and jumble of advertisements , than for the vastly more elegant and durable leather .
22 Despite their many differences , deep ecology , animal welfare , and anti-cruelty have some fundamental similarities , the most important of which is that individuals are morally expendable — expendable for the deep ecologist as long as the good of the biotic community is sustained or promoted , expendable for the animal welfarist as long as the welfare of others is protected or advanced , and expendable for those who accept the anti-cruelty position , as long as worthy ends are not obtained by means that cause excessive suffering .
23 To the early Welsh , southern Scotland was the land whence heroes sprang ; they looked to ‘ the men of the North ’ to bring salvation once more from their many oppressors , one day .
24 When Aubrey had accepted one of their many invitations to come on a lengthy visit , it did cross Harry 's mind that his resemblance to his sister might bring back painful memories , but although Aubrey had now been here over a week , he , Harry , had felt no desire to wish himself free of his engagement .
25 All morning the world 's top cyclists will have been reconnoitring the course , selecting their gear ratios and the most suitable of their many bikes , looking at the route for the best way through corners , testing the strength and direction of the wind — looking for anything that will give them that little extra in this first trial of strength , which will be clocked in tenths and hundredths of a second .
26 In passing the NZRFU are evidently planning to overhaul their media relations systems — with Mains as a central figure — and one plan is to invite the media in their many forms to a cocktail party next month , and have the All Blacks there as waiters and drinks-carriers .
27 In animal , human , emblematic and symbolic imagery the gods were shown in their many forms , which attempted to present facets of the divinity but could not describe his totality .
28 These survivors , and their many descendants , provide us with one of the most versatile of tree fruits .
29 As she lifted her head to look at him , he proudly held the peonies at arm 's length and prayed she would not notice their many imperfections .
30 The majority of hotels now use the printed registration forms ( Fig. 3.8 ) because of their many advantages :
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