Example sentences of "[pron] such [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even Sal and Kitty turned up their noses when he offered them such delicacies as black bananas and bruised apples .
2 He wanted to get on with the job of examining the clothes and , he hoped , identifying the body , but he had another job to do first — to call on the River Police and give them such facts as he had .
3 Early this year , some of the nation 's most distinguished economists , among them such Nobel prize winners as James Tobin , Franco Modigliani , Robert Solo and Lawrence Klein , said , given the need for expansion , a short-term increase in the deficit was timely and appropriate .
4 Mrs Browning had declared it was all too bad , too dreadful an imposition to have been responsible for and that she would not be able to look the Ogilvys in the eye ever again after causing them such vexation .
5 Can the FMI realistically be extended to the study of policy effects without alienating those within the administrative and political community-ministers , departmental policy makers , and client groups — whom such developments might threaten ?
6 However , the question how and by whom such elements in the curriculum should be taught is perhaps relatively easily answered .
7 Whilst most of us , for example , can cope with having the occasional murderous thought about people we love , or work with , there are other people for whom such thoughts constitute a profound assault on their self-worth , and who must , therefore , either suffer that sense of worthlessness or involve themselves in an intense effort to deny or rationalize the thought .
8 Here it would be tempting to assume , whether modestly or angrily , that there is another group of readers — the sophisticated , the expert , the professional , for whom such problems simply do n't exist , or have long since been left behind .
9 ( b ) A member of a recognised body shall disclose to the body the nature and extent of any interests in shares registered in his name and the persons by whom such interests are held .
10 ( b ) A member of a recognised body shall disclose to the body the nature and extent of any interests in shares registered in his name and the persons by whom such interests are held .
11 ( a ) the nature and extent of any interests in shares registered in his name and the persons by whom such interests are held , and
12 ( b ) any change in the nature and extent of such interests or in the identity of the persons by whom such interests are held
13 ( a ) the nature and extent of any interests in shares registered in his name and the persons by whom such interests are held , and
14 ( b ) any change in the nature and extent of such interests or in the identity of the persons by whom such interests are held
15 To feel the need to smuggle in supplementary tales of time-keeping and conscious good husbandry , inconceivable in the absence of language , seems almost to belittle the primitive nature of these little creatures upon whom such tasks are imposed .
16 With increasing age the operation is more effective in resolving glue ear than in younger children , in whom such surgery may also be contraindicated for more general reasons of increased operative risk .
17 We report our experience in 40 patients in whom such criteria were fulfilled and in whom this technique was applied .
18 This chapter considers the financial consequences of community care policies for those women on whom such policies increasingly depend — the mothers , daughters , wives , sisters , neighbours and friends who are providing a substantial amount of help and support to a disabled or elderly person .
19 Although an advertisement is not the place in which to list all the snags of the job it should mention fundamental conditions like shift work or weekend working so you do not waste time seeing people for whom such conditions would be unacceptable .
20 It has long been recognised by the courts that the protection of business secrets is a legitimate ground for the imposition of restrictions on persons to whom such secrets have been disclosed .
21 But it is particularly ironic that this body of teaching on to which Christian mysticism was grafted was élitist in its view of those to whom such knowledge was possible .
22 But to those for whom such patterns are becoming real , and for whom some rational explanation of the shift is required , then it can fairly be argued that the spreading ethic of Confucianism — exported in the last hundred years or so to every nation on and within the Pacific coastline by the tens of millions of overseas Chinese who have acted as its accidental evangelists — is crucial .
23 The prospective parliamentary candidate against whom such action is taken shall have the right of appeal to the National Executive Committee , which committee shall have the power to confirm , vary , or reverse the action taken by the General Committee .
24 ( iii ) the nature and extent of the interest held in any share by any person other than the member in whose name the share is registered and the identity of the person by whom such interest is held ( including , separately designated , the identity of any such person who is a registered foreign lawyer ) ;
25 By studying a group of people for whom such lifestyle advice is particularly relevant ( those with non-insulin dependent diabetes ) we intend to develop a better understanding of how such advice is received .
26 While a large proportion of pupils manage to achieve multiple identities and to co-exist in a range of daily cultures , there are some pupils for whom such transitions are problematic , and for whom the inconsistencies in curriculum messages are too great .
27 A session of the federal government on March 1 approved a bill on private enterprises , removing all limits on the number of people whom such enterprises could employ or on the level of profits which could accrue .
28 Not surprisingly , George Eliot shared in the Victorian enthusiasm for Dutch interior painting , which dwells in a similar way upon the potency of objects , eliciting from the contemplation of such things the expression of useful lives ( Fig. 81 ) , almost in the manner of medieval Flemish painters for whom such details are invariably symbolic of spiritual states .
29 For every Cardinal Newman there are hundreds for whom such words might be better described as egotism or pig-headedness .
30 Lifestyle target marketing systems , in contrast , capture data on named individuals regarding their professed interests and needs , but such systems offer this data on a limited volume of individuals from whom such data has been solicited .
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