Example sentences of "[pron] think at " in BNC.

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1 I 'll I think at least four particular areas where the United Kingdom has decided not to , as it were , take the full specification .
2 erm I go along with what erm Simon said about Paul , I 'm I thought at one time that they would go for Cox and him , to be perfectly honest , he 's absolutely right on what he said , and I 'm sure they 're relying on the fact that I believe Paul is going to be a home track and they 're going to pick a lot points up at home .
3 I thought at the time : ‘ Is Sinn really conceivable with no Bedeutung at all ? ' ’
4 I thought at the time it was a crazy thing to agree to and early events seemed to confirm this .
5 As one young woman I spoke to put it : ‘ I thought at least I 'll be going to a place where these people are not my parents so they wo n't be able to put a hand on me . ’
6 The bar was like a cruise ship passing through the tropics without , I thought at the time , quite the same sexual charge .
7 I thought at one time I saw signs of a recovery ; but the event makes me fear that I was not heard …
8 I thought at first that the sound , the terrorized shriek , was my last spurt , expressing itself .
9 Large red and white boats packed the harbour , and I thought at first that they must be private yachts .
10 I thought at first the food was a trap , but after you left the pink mixture I knew I could trust you . ’
11 ‘ It was worth doing , or so I thought at the time .
12 ‘ I think you 're a very brave girl , ’ he said ‘ — braver even than I thought at first .
13 There was an advertisement for tooth-paste on one of the back pages and I thought at once of the clothing parcel I had not collected .
14 I thought at first they must be students .
15 I thought at first that he was merely taking an open-air path to his own bedroom , but he went straight past the open door at the end of his sleeping car , and straight on past the next car also .
16 I thought at the time that leaving John Mayall 's Bluesbreakers was a bit speculative , even though Peter , Mick ( Fleetwood ) and myself had already cut a couple of tracks within the Bluesbreakers band format , one of which was called Fleetwood Mac .
17 I thought at the time , this simply could n't happen in England .
18 I thought at first , that 's not my kind of song , ’ said Rolf , more famous for Two Little Boys and Jake The Peg .
19 Certainly I thought at the time that Hunt would end up sponsored by Marlboro and driving a McLaren .
20 I realize now that I should have fired him right then but I thought at the time that when we got him on the set he would be OK .
21 When Dad joined us Albert greeted him just as pleasantly as he had me , and I thought at least they 're all happy this morning .
22 And B-tested Peter Davidson , a former police inspector , said later : ‘ I thought at the time he 'd had more to drink than me .
23 I thought at first you was a kind bloke , I did n't think you was goin' to help put me in me grave . ’
24 I must say I thought at the time that it was a pretty rough night to choose for a sentimental journey …
25 The earth never quite moved for me in the Dante Sonata as I thought at one stage it might .
26 I thought at least to hear we were to live happy ever after !
27 ‘ That 's what I thought at the time , anyway , ’ said William , ‘ but I think now it must have been Barry Moxton .
28 ‘ When I was in Egypt I thought at first that the sun and the desert , the empty sky and the empty sand — that there was nowhere more grand .
29 I thought at the time that her absent luncheon companion must have been a boorish character , and even the greatest friends of Randolph Churchill would find difficulty in defending him from this charge .
30 I thought at first , what was the mother like since there 's so little of the Flowers in any of them , since they are so good and clean and wipe their noses always on their handkerchiefs and never on their sleeves7 But the veneer is rubbing off already . ’
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