Example sentences of "[pron] make their " in BNC.

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1 Diana wondered whether to sit there or leave and let them make their farewells in private .
2 Egyptian sages had dream-manuals to help them make their interpretation , Joseph , by contrast , depends completely on God to make the meaning clear .
3 Keep a good look out for them , give them plenty of clearance ( they may be moving faster than you think ) and let them make their moves in safety .
4 Then the fore and hind wings , bending under the additional stress of the turn , beat against one another making an audible rattle that you can easily hear as you sit watching them make their circuits over a pond .
5 The most interesting thing for me was walking alone and quietly in the forest and listening to the birds singing , watching them make their nest and feed their chicks .
6 The two of them made their way together towards the road with Caspar .
7 After the performance of Jimmy Shine , the two of them made their way from the theatre to the hotel where Dustin was staying .
8 Then , for the second time that evening , all three of them made their way to Puddephat 's window and let themselves into his rooms .
9 He heard footsteps passing his door as someone made their way home .
10 But I made their locks for H M S Gothic .
11 the the some of them made their own shrouds .
12 GRAHAM CHAPMAN and I wrote together almost full time between 1966 and 1973 , writes John Cleese , while producing sketches for The Frost Report , The 1948 Show and Monty Python , as well as several film scripts none of which made their way intact to the silver screen .
13 For Libyans chose their non-representatives without formal political debate , and without ballot boxes , which made their procedures different in important respects from those of a Western democracy .
14 But The Smiths now found that success tends to complicate situations which made their initial stance of well meant integrity and the desire to do things differently ( ‘ We do n't wish to become pop stars ’ ) a virtual impossibility .
15 But when Ericsson came onto the market , the new ‘ lightning fast ’ 120ns memory had just been launched , which made their Ericsson WS286 the fastest AT in the world , at 8MHz .
16 It was not therefore unexpected that the Thatcher government introduced legislation which reduced the amount of supplementary benefit payable to strikers and which made their trade union responsible for paying a higher amount of strike pay .
17 The nationalist movements and the new nations which made their appearance after the Second World War thus displayed features which distinguish them in some ways from the earlier movements which led to the formation of nation states in Western Europe , because they arose in a very different international context — in a highly developed capitalist world economy , in the aftermath of a division of the world among powerful imperialist nations , and in the midst of political transformations resulting from the growth of the socialist movement .
18 Choreographers have to create dance movements which make their response to the music visible before the performers can communicate the music .
19 She said : ‘ We must have pithy , punchy posters which make their point in one , and no more daft adverts like that diet of Brussels rubbish . ’
20 Theoretically , the sulphonamide block could be by-passed if ready-made folic acid were available , but in practice microbes which make their own folic acid are unable to take it up from outside .
21 An argument can certainly be made that , since it is the very characteristics of nuclear weapons which make their use illegal , any deployment of nuclear weapons which involves a threat of their use is an illegal threat of force .
22 The tabloid papers , which make their money from guessing the prejudices of their readers and dressing them up as informed opinion , had a field day .
23 One of the basic factors we have to bear in mind about fungi is that , unlike insects , which make their attack at certain predictable times depending on their life cycles , fungal attack in one form or another is about and ready to take advantage of any weakness for much longer periods — in fact , at almost any time of the year .
24 Very often the clients are unaware of their role in doing things which make their anxiety worse ( e.g. hyperventilating , catastrophizing , avoiding , etc . ) .
25 Instead of a see-saw process as different regions take over the running , a vicious circle sets in — a process of cumulative causation — by which the places which initially take the lead generate , by that very fact , all kinds of other advantages which make their position unassailable .
26 Of a total population of some 160 million Indonesians , about 151 million of them dwell on or near volcanoes , thriving on the rich nutrients which make their islands so fertile .
27 From the moment guests phone through their reservation , to the day they check out , it provides a range of services which make their stay more enjoyable and brings them back time and time again .
28 While publishing Dawson on ‘ Religion and the Totalitarian State ’ , he selected for notice in the 1934 Criterion a book highlighting persecution of European Jews ; he wrote to Pound speaking of his offence at Pound 's antisemitic remarks ; with regard to the Vichy government in 1941 he wrote in The Christian News-Letter of his ‘ greatest anxiety ’ at news ‘ that ‘ Jews have been given a special status , based on the laws of Nuremberg , which makes their condition little better than that of bondsmen . ’
29 These foxes appear disorientated and pay no heed to the hounds , which makes their learning curve a short one .
30 That 's a mighty diverse playing list and one which makes their debut album , ‘ In Pursuit Of The Thirteenth Note ’ , seem an attractive prospect .
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