Example sentences of "[pron] not as " in BNC.

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1 I 'm very glad you clarified that Mr because certainly I not as I heard it er and I 'm very pleased that was clarified and I think others would have felt likewise .
2 When the gentleman in your office , however , addressed me not as Mrs Maitland , but by my maiden name , which is the one I write under , I realized that it must indeed be me who was being phoned , whereupon it suddenly seemed ( perhaps only by association of ideas ) imperative that I had the means of writing to hand .
3 He regards them not as belonging to a particular branch , but to the Area ; hence , ‘ transfer ’ has been erased from the Dictionary .
4 Could I also say that erm again going back to Strathclyde that there is a , a social , there is a subsidy for those services erm where there is a social need up to a certain point and that is governed by the finance available , but its not as though , this is just the commercial network , in fact , er I think its erm something in the order of ninety two per cent of services in Strathclyde are commercially operated and it is Strathclyde region that fills the gaps .
5 These passions are disinterested , in the sense that they excite me to help or harm you as in yourself attractive or repulsive to me , irrespective of further advantage to myself ; they treat you not as means but as end , if only as a negative end .
6 We like to think of you not as clients , but as guests , or as you may well discover even as a part of the family .
7 The nation refers to itself not as " this sovereign land of ours " , as do other countries , but to " this , our land-and-water " — and considerable ritual effort is devoted to maintaining a balance between the two .
8 That she saw herself not as I so much wanted , as my angel of forgiveness , but as my angel of salvation .
9 It is not until he sees the motto ‘ Quit you like men ’ on the Vallens tombs in Flavonia that ‘ the burden of fear and foreboding slipped from him ’ and he sees the task before him not as that of a king struggling after an impossible ideal but as that of a man playing a man 's part :
10 Suppose that I have a sudden impulse to settle when I retire in the village where I was born ; but reality breaks in , I recognize that I had better remember it not as a nostalgic vision but as I indeed saw it before experiencing the city , admit to myself that it will have changed beyond recognition , try to anticipate living in it not as I am now but as an old man who no longer easily makes new friends , try to see myself through the villagers ' eyes as already a stranger who may no longer deserve a welcome .
11 Certainly it was the British who now ruled the land but they ruled it not as owners or conquerors , but as trustees for the League of Nations .
12 They see themselves not as author and illustrator , with separate roles , but as a partnership of ‘ book-makers ’ , contributing equally to the process .
13 Simultaneously the status of the professional improved as players began to assert themselves not as ‘ club servants ’ or ‘ skilled workmen ’ but as entertainers who should be paid in accordance with their market value .
14 The pension and benefits systems , both state and private , have discriminated heavily against women in the past , seeing us not as people in our own right but as dependants or exdependants .
15 Our Lord 's teaching is presented to us not as information to be sifted , but as guidelines to be followed .
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