Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] her " in BNC.

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1 Someone points her to an unimportant stool in a far comer .
2 Therapist Julia Blackburn 's heart sinks when someone visits her at The Maidenhead Natural Therapy Clinic and says , ‘ I 've tried a grapefruit diet , a pineapple diet , a very low-calorie diet , and now I 've come to see whether hypnotherapy might work . ’
3 It is now the moose-hunting season — not a safe time to be creeping through the woods on a wild wolf chase , and so unless someone shoots her , Ylva has a few weeks grace .
4 I sees her get to the door and open it .
5 The next day I phones her to ask if she minded having us there .
6 I calls her Beattie she ought to have the bleeding phone stuck to her earhole .
7 It is this : the phone rings and someone tells her that they are worried about an old person in their family — ‘ What are you going to do about it ? ’ they demand .
8 I knows her . ’
9 Everyone fills her up .
10 But the winning recipe is for the filo fruit baskets , below , sent in by Margaret Crisell from Newcastle which wins her a bottle of 1987 Torres Milmanda wine from Pendes , Spain .
11 The posting , which places her in command of some 12,000 soldiers across four counties , makes her the first woman brigadier to be appointed to a command role .
12 Whilst the pert , Californian sexuality of Baywatch bimbos seems to be aimed at the heart of adolescent lust , Schiffer possesses a vital ambiguity within her features and her poise which recreates her as a story waiting to be told , as opposed to a fantasy waiting to be fulfilled .
13 ‘ Ought to be married and at home , but nobody wants her , I suppose , ’ jeered the overseer .
14 She has a highly interesting job which allows her to remain in close contact with patient care .
15 The crooked tycoon who plunged overboard from his yacht a year ago assigned his wife a sub-lease which allows her to live in part of the Victorian mansion regardless of the impending sale of the 15 acre estate .
16 At a private hearing in Torquay , a judge granted a residence order which allows her to continue living with her grandparents .
17 And she discovered a telephone ear-piece extension which allows her to listen and repeat the words of a caller to him .
18 The technique in Scale 1 is to fuel the recluse 's imaginative understanding of a condition where she can freely maximise her spiritual potential and , at the same time , promote the discipline which allows her to do so .
19 And before long Mala was actually responding to some of my witticisms with that flashing smile which alters her from being pretty in to being staggeringly beautiful .
20 The chewy nature of our beef teriyaki leads on to Denice 's dislike of beef , which in turn inspires her to do an extremely convincing impersonation of a fish , which leads her to mention that her mother 's name is Wanda .
21 Hussein in The Languages of Love is a Muslim , yet it is he who reveals to Julia the beauty of genuine love expressed in honest language which leads her to convert to Catholicism .
22 She has £20,000 savings and owes £10,000 on her repayment mortgage , which costs her £78 a month , or £930 a year after she has received the tax allowance .
23 She also featured in a carving on a ‘ bull pitcher ’ made from the horn of the bull run in 1799 , which shows her wearing a crown and holding a flag with the words , ‘ God save the king and a bull for ever ’ .
24 CROWDS are flocking to see a painting of the Queen which shows her with grey hairs , worry lines and crows ' feet .
25 ‘ Well , Jessamyn 's appearance has changed over the years , from her first arrests as a pre-teenager to this last photograph — please excuse the quality , it 's a blow-up from a spysat picture taken from an orbital pass over Arizona last December — which shows her as we must assume she is now .
26 She suffers from arthritis in her hip which keeps her confined to her home in the town of Maesteg .
27 The small Year Niner , who did not even realise that there were taps in room 19 , never mind streams , is a little interested by this offer but explains that her Mum never lets her drink the water at school and always provides her with a carton of fruit juice which keeps her going through the day .
28 She works a 48 hour week of 12 hour shifts which keeps her pretty busy .
29 Mm , nobody calls her , whatever it is
30 The time-consuming nature of Janet 's part in the process , combined with a bad back which prevents her spending more than a couple of hours at the drawing board every day , means she can not keep up with her husband 's prolific output .
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