Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The organizer can also say things like ‘ the tide turns ’ which means everyone changes direction ; ‘ the sea got rougher ’ which means everyone goes faster ; and ‘ the eels were hopping mad ’ which means all eels have to hop .
2 Everyone goes there .
3 Greenpeace have a meeting somewhere I 'm sure everyone goes there by car .
4 That 's the thing about pub rock — everyone goes home happy .
5 Everyone goes everywhere by car these days , and perhaps in a few hundred years from now our great-great-great grandchildren will be born with hardly any legs at all because they wo n't have any use for them .
6 Let's assume they 're all self sufficient , the world market essentially becomes a residual market , it 's not the market place where everyone goes any longer , it 's the market where just a few people will go .
7 While everyone agrees that far more could , and should , have been done to contain the AIDS epidemic , the key issue now is that positive steps can still be taken .
8 Going to camp is like going on Pack holiday but everyone sleeps outside in tents .
9 Septimus is trained out of his bad habits in the end , and everyone sleeps happily ever after .
10 Everyone sits quietly in the room and the leader draws an imaginary circle with a finger and says ‘ Here I have the wonderful magic circle and I sign it with a dot .
11 At a meeting with the ASEAN Foreign Ministers in Indonesia on July 27 Baker attempted to allay their fears , informing them that the US goals in Cambodia remained the same and that " our approach towards achieving them differs only very slightly " .
12 If they knew I was under that sort of pressure , they 'd stop giving me rides altogether .
13 Whether or not they are given delegated powers , sub-committees must have specific terms of reference and clearly defined tasks , so that everyone understands just what the sub-committees are to do and when it is to be done .
14 It is obviously important that everyone understands exactly how the law applies and your solicitor will be able to explain the situation .
15 Nothing goes right for Walter ; his father dies early , soon followed by his mother , a rigid , religious woman , who treats the boy harshly but teaches him good conduct , to write and to hold down a job in a sweet factory where he is patronised by his superiors and ridiculed by his fellow workers .
16 Nothing goes as fast as I want it ’ ) , there were problems with design .
17 Everyone laughs freely .
18 Everyone laughs gloomily , aware that such a thing would bankrupt somone for life .
19 No-one thinks so .
20 ‘ Decisions are best when everyone contributes rather than having them imposed from above .
21 I enjoy putting up a tent , I like campfires and food for me tastes so much better outside .
22 Looking for something that you do n't expect to find is a demoralizing task , and succeeding in finding nothing offers only a dreary satisfaction .
23 ‘ A sailing ship is at the mercy of the winds , and lacking them goes nowhere .
24 One of them goes abroad all the time and she comes back with some great stories !
25 Although I 'd had me doubts before , I will admit .
26 I know that nothing lies behind ’ .
27 Nothing illustrates better the fluidity of viewpoints by which we can swing towards and away from egoism , and how little it has to do with morality .
28 Nothing illustrates more dramatically the extent to which Nizan 's work fired the imagination than the spectacle of Sartre himself publicly criticising traditional " institutionalised " intellectuals for their lack of imagination , publicly insulting Raymond Aron for his failure to take note of the significance of the May events , and extolling by implication Nizan the youthful iconoclast , an exemplary dissident intellectual in tune with the spirit of the times .
29 A community which feels that no-one cares naturally turns into itself for reassurance .
30 A community which feels that no-one cares naturally turns into itself for reassurance .
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