Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 his is Sweep !
2 His is fuck pop ; ours is winky-winky nudge-nudge pop . ’
3 Yours is luck , not knowledge .
4 Yeah but yours is drug induced , this is just beauty and , and love your neighbour .
5 so yours is work related .
6 I was n't suggesting you betray any human warmth in your soul by sharing a bed — simply pointing out that yours is unslept in , whereas mine at least should still have a remnant of heat in it . ’
7 If someone is present who does n't enjoy speaking or is prominent through being an outsider , on a much lower level , or even a different gender from everyone else , make sure they get included .
8 It appears they did ( we learn later , 11 , 102 ) , but the next time they think someone is Saruman it is Gandalf .
9 She-She 's trick staggered on .
10 Now , sir , I 'll just take an impression of your penis here There was some more budget-balancing over the question of She-She 's underwear .
11 It ai n't what 'e 's bin used to , but then nor was that watchman 's job wiv the council .
12 Yer farvver 's never bin one ter talk much about 'is work but 'e clams up whenever I ask 'im what 'e 's bin doin'. 'E gets very tired too lately .
13 Sadie was tellin' me 'e 's bin 'angin' around wiv a bad crowd from Rovver'ithe . ’
14 ‘ I fink there 's bin some dodgy business goin' on wiv the stuff 'e 's bin 'andlin' if yer ask me , ’ William went on .
15 Surely it 's better than the way 'e 's bin since 'e got back from France ?
16 ‘ Well , I 'm in fer a right 'idin' if I ai n't got that bleedin' contraption out o' the 'ouse by the time my Joshua comes 'ome , ‘ specially if 'e 's bin on the turps again .
17 ‘ Since 'e 's bin in wiv that crowd from the Tunnel , though , 'e 's a changed boy .
18 Since Billy 's 'ad that gym on 'is mind 'e 's bin like a cat on 'ot bricks .
19 ‘ What about that Tommy Allen ? 'E 's bin comin' in quite a lot lately , ’ Fred remarked , looking surly .
20 ‘ It 's Carrie 's farvver. 'E 's bin in an accident . ’
21 Erm which is metal is sort of one of the best conductors of electricity ?
22 Er in fact most of the radiation we get in fact is not from nuclear power , it 's from erm man made sourc it 's from , from natural sources eighty seven percent of the population as an average comes from our natural environment a lot comes from radon gas erm a small amount of radioactivity in our food erm we were discussing at er er lunch in , in fact the benefits of , of eating er low sodium salt salt is meant to be bad for you so the health er er er freaks say and it 's the sodium , therefore you should buy low sodium salt which is calcium chloride rather than sodium chloride what they forget to tell you of course is that potassium er sorry it 's , it 's potassium chloride rather than er than s than sodium chloride , what they forget , forget to tell you of course is that potassium is slightly radioactive it contains erm a small amount of , of a naturally occurring radioactive potassium so you get a small dose of radiation er to compensate for the fact you are n't eating any sodium .
23 Her upbringing instilled in her certain strict ground rules , chief among which is modesty .
24 but you can also say I want a transaction too and the machine then comes back to you with one of these sepulchral voices , you know , which is tone
25 Listed buildings have , however , a few advantages , not least of which is freedom from VAT in respect of major works of repair or renovation .
26 He points to Derrida s fascination with fourfold elements , evident in his deconstruction of the Hegelian triad — thesis , antithesis , synthesis — to add a fourth element , which is deconstruction itself .
27 In my part of the world , which is north east England and especially County Durham , nobody much really believes all this talk about an industrial and economic recovery which will be so strong and so widespread that most people will be back in the sort of jobs they used to have , providing they get the necessary training .
28 Other forms include being subject to investigation by a public ombudsman , or by a select committee of the House of Commons , or by a public auditor , or by a public regulatory body ( such as those which supervise the recently privatized gas and telecommunications industries ) ; being obliged to conduct business in accordance with statutory rules or government direction or to submit business plans for public approval ; holding a position or office which is subject , either directly or indirectly , to popular election .
29 The there is a core of them which is land available in terms of this document .
30 In this case , selective insulin resistance in liver would promote conversion of dietary protein to glucose and fat via active hepatic gluconeogenesis , which is not sensitive to insulin suppression , and lipogenesis , which is insulin sensitive .
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