Example sentences of "[pron] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 Well it 's very , they are talking about er other issues up to they are talking about the workforce and of the erm the the report from the and er it seems that they do n't really want much to programme forward which I have put for next year very structural maintenance of the and I what the services are actually doing , they have lost council probably say that they are out of control .
2 I think I stopped when I once asked someone what the matter was and he said : ‘ If you do n't know , then you ca n't love me . ’
3 If — and it is a very big ‘ if ’ — the matter sucked into a black hole must reappear somewhere and somewhen else , we must ask ourselves what the other end of the ‘ tunnel ’ would be like .
4 On the other hand we should ask ourselves what the mainline churches can learn from pentecostals and charismatics about their own communication and about new possibilities of passing on faith .
5 But we can not deal with this without asking ourselves what the results of a university education are supposed to be and what degree of intrinsic value pertains to them .
6 And such changes , such actions , create a reaction : a social reaction , when we see for ourselves what the changed world is really like .
7 There is a sense in which after much complex art , much elaborate art , much sermonizing art of the sort I was talking about earlier , people sometimes get the urge to simplify things down and in a sense they say let's go back to the five finger exercise , let's see what a note on the piano sounds like instead of playing , you know , Chopin or Stravinsky all the time , let's remind ourselves what the actual note sounds like , or two notes together , or one note and then a gap and then another note , and you suddenly become aware of the richness , in a sense in these very simple elements .
8 This shows that there is nothing which the sentence means , taken all by itself .
9 But whereas other recent Lotus DOS products such as 1-2-3 Go and 1-2-3 Release 2.4 come with Wysiwyg already attached and invoked so that the spreadsheet is automatically in graphics mode , when you install Symphony you have the option of using separate text and graphics mode or of combining them which the installation routine warns may be slow .
10 All remembered and periodically still experienced the vicious attacks on them which the Communists were only just beginning to abandon .
11 Or simply those local planning authorities within the county area with whom which the new settlement proposal lay .
12 He finds that he is being offered a simple trade-off : a comfortable job as a stock-checker if he will provide incriminating information about himself which the Maltster can then pass on to the Party .
13 This early text already exemplifies the pattern of narrative passages and meditations upon them which became the regular mode of presentation in the fuller texts of 1805 and 1850 ; and the sophisticated author is only too aware of the division within himself which the method leads to :
14 And although the APR quoted in the above follow-on example is an accurate expression of the cost of the loan , there is a sense in which what the consumer is borrowing is only that £15.87 cash in hand .
15 If I might repeat again what I suggested in the debate on the White Paper er there is a comparison perhaps pushed a little far w which what the national socialist did in Germany by saying a locally elected major-like does not represent the wishes er an er interests of the people of Cologne , as well as perhaps an appointed business man with the name of Krupp .
16 In a mounting attack he castigated his conventional father as a Pharisee , one of the most ungodly men he had known , Let him come and visit them , he exhorted , and see for himself what the reality was .
17 This brings into view a number of sub-sequences and minor objectives , as well as forcing the teacher to state to himself what the pupil will need , not only to do , but be able to do , in order to take part in the work .
18 Oh that 's the trouble , until you know who what the soloists
19 A bird kept in captivity is fed all year round , so obviously it has an easier time than one in the wild which has to feed itself whatever the season , but it still has the hunting instinct .
20 ‘ Well I 'll tell yer what the bloke said if yer 'll all be quiet , – said Jonesy .
21 Before some of you scoff at the obscurity of such a subject , let me tell you what the preacher meant ( or rather what I think the preacher meant ) by it .
22 If you see new words written and are not sure of the pronunciation because you have not heard the word or phrase used , check the pronunciation with friends — they do not have to be experts at phonetics to tell you what the word rhymes with — then bring it into your own conversation with confidence .
23 The telephone watch receiver is used in two ways : ( 1 ) holding it to your other ear when using the ‘ phone may ( depending on your hearing loss ) provide better speech reception and prevent interference from background noise ; ( 2 ) you speak on the telephone in the ordinary way , and someone ( a child can do it ) listens through the watch receiver and repeats to you what the speaker says , which you then speechread and reply direct to the caller .
24 Measuring tells you what the problem is .
25 I shall tell you what the six-year-olds said in a moment .
26 ‘ I 'll read you what the blighter has to say for himself … ’
27 If you visit the show next week and note down all the East Anglian exhibitors , it may surprise you what the nursery people from this area do to put on this wonderful show .
28 Moderator I tell you what the convenor would say six four O is it for the panel to bring forward a rite or is it for the er committee on worship to bring forward rites ?
29 I will not tell you what the production will be
30 And to show you what the situation is er the world 's energy demand is very likely i i i is almost certain to increase er because of development in the world and also because of the growing population er that arrow is some sort of guess as to how the world er the demand for energy worldwide is likely to increase when you set that against the curves at the bottom which show the likely projections for oil and natural gas as you can see as we get into the next century those er fossil fuels , which we 've been using with gay abandon for many decades , will start to into er decline .
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