Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 She watched them suspiciously as they plodded through the soft , dry sand all churned-up with trippers ’ footprints .
2 Our hearer may even reject them outright as false .
3 Zuwaya and Magharba tellers also counted them unofficially as they went in .
4 But instead of attempting to place any one of them in opposition to the others as the key feature , it integrates them all as being the expressions of the basic contradiction of capitalism , that is , the striving continually to expand production , and in particular the production of surplus-value , as opposed to the relatively restricted consuming power of the population .
5 Diniz Vasquez was not visible in the shouting throng of people with sacks , boxes and baskets that crowded the inner yard of the fort of Famagusta , although Nicholas scanned them all as he was led across it .
6 As everyone feasted themselves Mum went round with the drink , pouring out gin and whisky or stout as they preferred , making sure to test them all as she did so , while Dad and Fred did the same with the ale .
7 South Africa , Mexico , Brazil , Spain , San Marino , France , Britain , Germany — Mansell won them all as his mighty Renault-Williams car blazed to triumph after triumph .
8 South Africa , Mexico , Brazil , Spain , San Marino , France , Germany , Britain — Mansell won them all as his Renault-Williams car blazed to triumph after triumph .
9 Mansell won them all as his mighty Renault-Williams car blazed to triumph after triumph .
10 South Africa , Mexico , Brazil , Spain , San Marino , France , Britain , Germany — Mansell won them all as his mighty Renault-Williams car blazed to triumph after triumph .
11 South Africa , Mexico , Brazil , Spain , San Marino , France , Britain , Germany — he came first in them all as his mighty Renault-Williams car blazed to triumph after triumph .
12 However , as I had promised attacking football , I named them all as forwards .
13 Overall , the most fruitful way to examine the interaction of courts , executives and assemblies is to see them all as engaged in a continuous process by which the law and rights are constantly being defined and redefined .
14 If it appeals to the principle that people have a right to compensation from those who injure them carelessly as its reason why manufacturers are liable for defective automobiles , it must give full effect to that principle in deciding whether accountants are liable for their mistakes as well .
15 Mackie distinguishes four types of view on the status of value and obligations , ( 1 ) non-naturalist objectivism , ( 2 ) attitudinism , ( 3 ) modern naturalism , ( 4 ) error theory , and comments on them somewhat as follows .
16 I risked them seeing me so as to try to hear , but in fact by the time I could hear them they were shouting , which meant I could listen through the doorway without seeing them or being seen .
17 On my first arrival it stunned me so as to be insupportable : but such is the power of habit that the same noise is now heard by me with pleasure ; in the night particularly , when in bed and afar , on my terrace , this music sounds in my ears as solemn , grand and melodious .
18 Language is as old as consciousness , language is practical consciousness that exists also for other men , and for that reason alone it really exists for me personally as well ; language like consciousness , only arises from the need , the necessity of intercourse with other men .
19 Moreover , I have preferences regarding the happiness of others which are not concerned with them merely as means to certain feelings for myself .
20 … then , without any question of resort to a court of equity , there might have been a defence in a court of law on the ground that any money recoverable on the note by the plaintiffs was recoverable by them merely as trustees for Sir Richard Temple , and that , under the circumstances disclosed by the correspondence , the relations between the father and son were such that it was impossible to suppose that the father wished to insist on payment of the note by the son .
21 Accordingly , the parties agree that each of them will accept my decision on the matters referred to me hereunder as conclusive and binding and that neither will bring any action or proceeding or make any claim against me as expert relating to or arising from the performance of my duties hereunder .
22 perhaps , he thought as he followed Maisie down the front path , it was that he knew them only as fathers , as people whose primary function was to stand at the edge of swimming pools , dank gymnasia or football fields , their collective manhoods bruised by nurture , blurring with age and helpless love .
23 They were standing now , in the as bomb-hit kitchen , Rab and Doctor ; and Doctor — she was taller than him , what with her feather and hat , by a good head — said , ‘ Those pills that I 've given you , take them only as prescribed .
24 Indenbaum offered him some old pictures to paint over , but Modigliani picked carefully through them so as not to paint over any painting , however unimportant , which showed a hint of talent .
25 Certainly Disraeli and Gladstone thrived on the electoral reform of the 1860s and quickly learned how to discipline their followers and manage them so as to translate the wishes of the executive into votes in the House .
26 The reproduction of an historic statue of the Mother of God in the Cathedral , demonstrates a sensitivity to the vibrant traditions of the past , drawing on them so as to enrich ones own faith not only of God 's choice of Our Lady and her example , but also of the many wonderful traditions in the diocese which provides continuity , constantly enriching the present .
27 But those preparing standard assessment tasks and other assessment instruments should consider them so as to minimise bias in the task or context and guard against any preconceptions of assessors ; and any comparison of results between single-sex schools or between those with different ethnic or social class populations should be made in the light of the evidence referred to above .
28 Such reforms would either completely displace existing rules derived from the Fair Trading Act and monopolies legislation or they would refashion them so as to make them more meaningful in the era of multi-media ownership .
29 Thus lawyer C tended not to translate his clients ' chosen outcomes , whereas lawyer B had transformed them so as to facilitate translation .
30 MITI 's approach was to favour several large producers in the manner of an elite squad , and then to encourage rivalry between them so as to avoid the dangers of complacency in single firm monopolies .
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