Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well we 'll send them altogether the weekend hang on , bung it in .
2 Monsieur le Curé said the sooner we buried them properly the better , he 's not going to tell anyone .
3 and then they informed me that it was out of stock so I wrote them rather a a polite letter saying that it took them a long to realize it was out of stock when it had been ordered in March and erm I thought their communi communicative system in their office was er non existent .
4 ‘ More to follow ’ : I phoned them right a way ( and they agreed to come ) You must write it a gain ( and this time , get it right )
5 unclear get to buy your own I , I er did n't have rubber boots , I had big leather boots up to me thigh , that 's what I bought and that leather then they did n't have nails in the shoes in the , in the bottom they had wooden pegs , so that the , your leather was held by wooden pegs and the and the leather at that time were the thigh boots , you could roll them right the way down , .
6 Robyn , perhaps you 'd like to help me clear the dishes , ’ he instructed , giving her a warning glance .
7 I 'm sorry , you have been subsidizing me rather a lot lately . ’
8 Recently I have noticed my fiancé 's brother is showing me rather a lot of attention .
9 I often notice him looking at me and paying me rather a lot of compliments .
10 She gave me rather a long look but let it go at that .
11 ‘ Have n't you found me rather a good audience ? ’
12 In a way this makes them all the more impressive .
13 But as well as having this comparatively obvious advantage , Althusser 's awareness of the radical implications of his claims makes them all the more interesting .
14 The duties attached to some of these appointments were not too arduous , which made them all the more attractive to a landed gentleman with other interests but a great desire for an increased income .
15 Tribesmen might indeed be benighted savages , but they could still stir the liberal conscience — especially when their very primitiveness and simplicity made them all the more vulnerable to exploitation by unscrupulous Europeans .
16 Instead , he laughed aloud and beat them all the fiercer .
17 Always small things , nothing she could have a qualm about accepting , which made them all the more delightful .
18 Their small majority made them all the more conscious of the problems they needed to surmount to win the next election .
19 Ladies and gentlemen , I 'm very grateful to Professor Eppell for his characteristically kind and generous remarks , and erm I accept them all the more readily because I know you will treat them with a healthy degree of scepticism .
20 We also drew on survey evidence to show that temporary work provided an important source of new jobs for unemployed people , of whom perhaps a quarter took such work .
21 I 'm serious about that , it grieves me greatly the possibility that he may not hear what the patch has to say .
22 We did get them better a lot of them at any rate .
23 Passing the township , both brakes jammed on , I slither and judder down the newly regravelled surface , hoping for something to pass and pick me up , but also marvelling at the open splendour of the valley scenery which surprises me afresh every time I look .
24 And naturally , because for me hitherto the world had held no woman .
25 Better to have only 1,000 farmers at an event , but almost all of them intimately involved with growing a particular crop , the logic runs , than 10,000 farmers of whom only a small proportion will be interested in particular machines .
26 At the beginning of September 1942 , the German 6th Army under General Paulus had reached Stalingrad — a city whose capture would have had symbolic significance ; on 19 November a major Soviet counter-offensive had begun and led , within only a few weeks , to the encirclement of the 250,000 men of the 6th Army ; by Christmas 1942 the situation was as good as hopeless ; on 10 January , the last Russian assault commenced ; on 31 January Paulus — disobeying orders of the Führer that the troops had to fight to the last man — surrendered , and almost 90,000 survivors entered Soviet captivity , from whom only a small minority were to return .
27 Of course , there are those young people whom only a parent could love .
28 Dinah Arkwright had laid her elegant black-gloved hand on the sleeve of a stocky young man with a short beard , whom only a few could name .
29 For those for whom only a pure object-oriented language will do , Micro Focus is also offering a Smalltalk/V-Cobol environment so that Smalltalk can be used as a front end to Cobol programs , offering quick prototyping capabilities .
30 And for people for whom only the best will do , the magnificent Eclipse has everything … from hob light to an automatic oven timer .
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