Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] go " in BNC.

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1 Investors are reminded that as a consequence of the general nature of the investments held and of possible exchange and interest rate fluctuations , the value of their shares and the yield from them may go down as well as up and that past performance is no guide to the future .
2 Everyone ought to go home if they 've got a home to go to .
3 She was awakened in the mornings by cocks crowing , and it was so quiet in the evenings it seemed everyone must go to bed before dark .
4 To them must go our warmest thanks .
5 This is not the most Basque part of the Basque country because it is too built-up and , in the case of Biarritz , too chic ; but everyone should go at least to Saint-Jean-de-Luz , emphatically a Basque town and still in living touch with the ocean of which , as fishermen or on occasion as pirates , the Basques were for long leading citizens .
6 You could n't go was er I 'm not going to recommend that everyone should go out and buy a dog .
7 of them should go straight on to the beat .
8 If you had a down day the other one would say well okay I let's go let's go and
9 He paused and then said , not realising the effect his words would have , ‘ I may go along and see this Vigo . ’
10 ‘ You mean I may go soon ? ’
11 I may go to see Alida Thorne .
12 I may go to my son 's room and say to him : ‘ Since today is a special day you may play in my study while I work there . ’
13 I do n't know if I shall join the company yet , I may do , I may go to Paris , I may die , my face may even turn blue .
14 ‘ Then I may go ? ’
15 ‘ Then I may go , maman ? ’ asked Prince Richard gleefully , having again overheard his mother 's last words .
16 When I started refereeing in the 1960s the props ' attitude was : ‘ I may go backwards in a scrummage , but I will never go down ’ .
17 Nowadays the attitude seems totally the opposite ; the modern-day prop appears to say : ‘ I may go down in the scrummage , but I will never go back ’ .
18 Who knows , I may go swimming with dolphins this year ( do n't knock it till you 've tried it ) .
19 I may go through for a day you know .
20 ‘ I take it I may go back to my hotel now ? ’
21 I may go even further than the Long Drive , he 'd said .
22 Erm er changes in the central charges which always intrigues me I 'd like to know and erm if I may go back to erm paragraph seven where we 're saying you know allocated thirty five thousand in the committee development over and above the effects of inflation an and this subject six thousand seven hundred recycled savings is available for some revenue development or mortgage charges and then if we look at eight and shortfall in planning applications we are going to use that six thousand seven hundred to write off a shortfall in the planning applications .
23 I , I , I , if I may go on an and er make some other comments on it i is that appropriate or should I wait for that are we still talking about the by-pass ?
24 I may go into Tewkesbury this afternoon , Mum .
25 Then I may go to the Antarctic , maybe back to the South Pole again , hopefully with Nicky . ’
26 Now as part of an annual goal which is to run some public courses later on in the year , erm , I 've broken that down in a way that I may go through later , to things that I have to do on , on a month by month basis , and this month I need to create the mailing list .
27 I , I may go er
28 Well , it 's , it 's simple that if I got up at half past six , and took him up a cup of tea at quarter too seven , and when he was around at seven o'clock , I was grilling bacon and I was frying eggs , and I hope , I do n't know whether perhaps it 's my cold , but , I , I just used to feel terribly unwell after he 'd gone , for about two hours and my legs were so wobbly , I was sitting down on the sofa , I may go back yet to cooking him breakfast if I feel like it , but , the , I mean if I can say to these chaps that , there are times when I do n't feel like doing things , well , I reckon Dave that they are so glad to be in that house with the central heating , with the twenty four hour er , er a day water , and the comfort , there not going to argue .
29 I may go to bed early and read me books .
30 I may go through for a day you know .
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