Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever I did succeed in preparing a family meal , I insisted that everyone eat whatever was placed on her/his plate .
2 And next they all all three of them mean what size all three .
3 ‘ You would have me remain what I was , ’ Suragai said , ‘ and alter the rest . ’
4 I sketch what I want , I mix up the colours as a guide .
5 Although I advocate what I have called a ‘ philosophical ’ approach to particular subjects , I believe that this must be attempted through the study of the subjects themselves .
6 We say things such as " I repeat what I said earlier " , or " That is not what I meant " , or " I have heard that argument before " .
7 I repeat what my right hon. Friend told the House on Tuesday : if the prison population continues to rise , he will consider calling on the assistance of the military and , possibly , calling for the use of military accommodation .
8 I repeat what I have said before : internment has been retained on the statute book .
9 I repeat what I have said many times : I do not know of any person who pays taxes out of anything other than income .
10 I repeat what I have always said : 175 is the best estimate that the senior chief inspector and I could make of the number required after the transitional period to carry out the duties that I have described .
11 I repeat what the hon. Member for Antrim , South ( Mr. Forsythe ) said about patients ' private needs payments .
12 I repeat what my hon. Friend the Member for Sedgefield ( Mr. Blair ) said : the Opposition have absolutely no intention of trying to block the Bill .
13 I repeat what I have said publicly many times before .
14 Oh I think so , I mean I , again I hope there are n't any Catholics in the audience who are offended by my remarks , but it 's just my personal opinion , that yeah , th th you know , th th that is the case and at the least I mean whatever judgment one makes about this thing , I , I repeat what I said earlier about you got ta be terribly careful when using the word natural .
15 I mean whose thingie ?
16 I mean which is the norm now more or less is n't it but he 's I think the third youngest in his class too most of his friends that he brings home are all nine already .
17 Yeah or I mean which accents do you think people sound more intelligent when they 've got I mean , it 's not that 's heavily match- guised cos in match guised people are doing it without knowing what they 're doing .
18 But I , I mean which er you , you look and you think well
19 Yes but I mean which pipe you mean , no .
20 I mean which we did the last time we went we went down the , the beach and so on down the
21 Erm but did n't the peasant culture already have erm sort of elements of collectivization alread I mean which the Communist Party could
22 I mean which , yeah , cos , cos we need it underlined .
23 By that I mean what he thought the girl was worth to him .
24 But what 's the harm in it — I mean what ? ’
25 I mean what the Bible calls ‘ the fellowshipping of yourselves together ’ .
26 I mean what they 're considering at the moment is making Trumpton into a live-section , full-blown Broadway show , with perhaps a major star playing the train driver .
27 I mean what I say . ’
28 I mean what do you do ? ’
29 I mean what 's wrong with a kiss for God 's sake ?
30 I mean what I say , Archie .
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