Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] an " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Into my heart an air that kills From yon far country blows : … ’
2 But in my case an exception was made , and girls from the year below mine were moved above me in House Order , as well as being made monitors who had special privileges .
3 To meet fully matured politicians of the higher quality at a time when I was still young enough to sharpen my wits on their arguments and dialectics was a real — and in my case an undeserved — pleasure .
4 The story is an intricate one , as Herbert Schneidau acknowledges ; and Pound 's holding out against Ford for the Dantesque principle of a ‘ curial ’ diction ( see his introduction to the poems of Lionel Johnson ) represents to my mind an objection that can still be raised to Ford 's principles of diction , salutary as Ford 's polemics undoubtedly were for Pound at this time .
5 One beautiful face in a shop brought into my mind an undraped statue I had seen somewhere and we blushed together .
6 Partly to redress the balance and partly because talking about ‘ children ’ covers such a wide range of potential images , I shall try to keep before my mind an ordinary 10-year-old of our society .
7 I 'm gon na let your dad or your mam put my rhubarb an cos I 'll end up dropping it .
8 It was then that I decided to learn more about what had happened to the ‘ Children of the Mist ’ by the shores of Loch Tummel , and during my research an amazing possibility dawned .
9 When it was easy enough to push forward , I was almost horizontal , with my nose an inch from the wheel , which paddled sand into my face .
10 When I opened my own season in Ulm with Tannhäuser , I had in my head an entirely new sound concept .
11 She looked me up and down and adjusted my tie an inch or so ( I 'd gone for green silk and I now had two ties ) , then said :
12 Will my right hon. Friend give the several hundred Maxwell pensioners in my constituency an assurance that he will scrutinise carefully the role of those supervisory authorities — such as the Occupational Pensions Board — in relation to that subject ?
13 The money gained makes my wife an old withered bag in next to no time and then I can go out and have a special house built with ceilings made entirely of succulent young ladies ' pendant breasts " .
14 Mick had bandaged my leg an hour earlier and I was enjoying the comfort of the ride , my mind on the task ahead .
15 So what I 'm actually saying is that I 'm making my objective an elephant , it 's too large i e if I wanted to eat an elephant , it 's too large an objective , but I could achieve it by what ?
16 This whole process gave my life an additional fullness which has gone on gathering momentum since I left school .
17 We fought like cat and dog the whole time we were together — or at least most of the time , ’ she added , remembering , ‘ he made my life an absolute misery ! ’
18 I just do not know what aircraft this was , I had never seen such a type before , but he made a very cautious circuit and then to my amazement an approach to land despite the red Very lights pooped off from the control tower .
19 As I finished my meal an entire flotilla of portly Bavarians waddled out , having consumed vast quantities of beer with their enormous meal .
20 Now , I think you owe Paige and my grandfather an apology . ’
21 my dad an odd cuddle now and again , I 'll say
22 I thought , ‘ this will make the carrying of the tea to the remaining resident members of my family an uncommonly pleasant event , because they will all smile upon me instead of producing the customary resentful grunt when I stir them from sleep , and they will say ‘ Good morning , dear husband/father ( as the case might be ) , and they will reach under their beds for the gift-wrapped goodies so lovingly prepared and concealed the night before , and handing me their tributes they will voice their gratitude to God that I have survived so far , and will express the pious hope that they may be able to repeat such sentiments on this same date for many a year to come .
23 Both Mr. Beloff and Mr. Philipson place strong reliance on section 39(11) , but in my judgment an injunction does not qualify as a ‘ reasonable excuse ’ within the terms of that subsection .
24 Its scope delimited in this way , applied linguistics is in my view an activity which seeks to identify , within the disciplines concerned with language and learning , those insights and procedures of enquiry which are relevant for the formulation of pedagogic principles and their effective actualization in practice ( Widdowson 1979 , 1984a ) .
25 And I 'm beginning to think she gave my mother an assumed name . ’
26 This leaves a wide range of activities in an area of unregulated uncertainty , including telephone tapping ; this may be official , under Ministerial approval ‘ in the national interest ’ , which Parliament may be said to have condoned or sanctioned , or it may be unofficial in the interests of , say , commercial or industrial espionage , in which case an offence is committed , if only the misappropriation of electric current !
27 Some will have metal fittings — in which case an earth terminal should be supplied and used .
28 They may be used to prevent a reference to an expert after that date , in which case an existing determination , made by or on behalf of one of the parties but not accepted by the other , may have to stand .
29 She threw her sister an apprehensive glance but was reassured to see she was smiling .
30 It was reported that a small altar dominated his room , decorated with the withered heads of animals forensics could not identify , its centre-piece an idol of such explicitly sexual a nature no newspaper dared publish a sketch of it , let alone a photograph .
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