Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Well if you do decide to buy a car , if you wan na get a new one , I 'll over .
2 You , you , do n't he said , I 'll down to you , I said I do n't bleeding first !
3 I 'll back you .
4 I 'll back chasing young cattle against anything else for working up a sweat , and I had already forgotten the uncharitable world outside .
5 I 'll back Joanna when it comes to doing the work she likes .
6 I had to get everything I could out of this time .
7 He told me , ‘ I got as much as I could out of my workers .
8 and it was in quite a big space , I could off got in behind him and then changed if I 'd reversed in but when I saw this other chap sat in his car and then he indicated he wanted to pull out , so I let him go
9 because he said that when I came into that corner I pulled in I 'd slowed too much and then had to drive round , drive round the corner with my left foot flat on the floor and I thought oh , should n't your left foot be flat on the floor when you corner and that 's probably what he was getting at , as I could off been slipping the clutch .
10 Panic throbbed through my body and , if I had n't been made of sterner stuff , I would have dug spurs into my horse and galloped as fast as I could back to Ipswich .
11 ‘ And if I had to put money on it at the moment then I would back Arsenal to win the title . ’
12 As always , I shall back both horses in the race and keep OS/2 on at least one of my machines — and a Mac in the spare room , just in case Apple surprises us all and starts to sell reasonably specified machines at sensible prices .
13 Yes I can down there , yeah , .
14 Erm , another day , when you tried to set some , and we were all dying , and we kept carry on going , but we could have said somebody would on to each other , or whatever
15 We 've done a profile of the courses and guess what they all happen in the school holidays , so this is n't , this is n't over yet in fact for all the user groups , for you , the clubs and the organizations , it really does need a push from you , you must by and large are the deci decision makers , the club officers and I would ask you urgently whether or whether or not your clubs already got its name on the list , to actually support the people within your club that are laying these things on .
16 Gradgrind 's becoming an MP in Hard Times gives him further opportunity for satire : Parliament figures as ‘ the national cinder-heap ’ ( HT ii 11 ) where the MPs , ‘ the national dustmen ’ , get up ‘ a great many noisy little fights amongst themselves ’ ( HT ii 12 ) , and the image recurs in Our Mutual Friend when CD apostrophizes the nation 's legislators : ‘ My lords and gentlemen and honourable boards , when you in the course of your dust-shovelling and cinder-raking have piled up a mountain of pretentious failure , you must off with your honourable coats for the removal of it , and fall to work … or it will come rushing down and bury us alive ’ ( OMF iii 8 ) .
17 And I said oh that 's right , he said and I , I 'd come up and see her the first we 'll either take her out for a drink afterwards , I thought that does n't seemed to mix in one glass , and I going to a pub because she 's , but there you are , and she so 's erm , can I bet you 'll stay a bit , she said oh , I think December is your like it to be , well obviously it 's getting him settled you must n't over , she must off pushed him and then he 's said erm , I , I 've told mum and dad that if they want to go as well , they can go .
18 IF THE Queen wants to restore credibility to the royals she should back a ban on blood sports .
19 Ah , but you might off ca n't remember whether we bought anything yesterday out of your pocket money .
20 Bill come out er a here with car you know you could round with pub
21 oh he said you could out with that Pakkie .
22 soc : But you could back my project ?
23 So , you could off asked him , what 's he mean by the word paradigm .
24 Well erm it was a sticky bus you know , er a field in Winter , it was just er bare soil , there was n no no grass on it and with the cart trudging back and forth , getting towards er a gateway , you would up to your knees in mud you know .
25 Are you making any at the minute that nobody else would make , that only you would back or only you would nurture ?
26 And then you 'll you 'll get more value by selling yours up there , than you would down here .
27 Well she will up there .
28 With these you can over power them .
29 Bash , your readers need you — only you can up the slaughter rate . ’
30 generally speaking I think you can up to about half time without having any effect on your re- employment earnings .
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