Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 By attractive , I me an my garden attracts everything .
2 Do n't fit got ta be something I something A
3 Something I something A
4 Something something I something A
5 No A something I something A
6 A something I something A Oh , I could 've you that
7 Yeah I what a
8 This is but one way of reminding ourselves what an extraordinarily good job they did of the ‘ conceptual framework ’ , as they called it .
9 My what a big girl you are .
10 It seemed that there was some , because his face , which I knew was not handsome , with its thin nose and high , bony forehead and small mouth , had still some special quality for me which an unbiased analysis of the features could n't explain .
11 A director owes a fiduciary duty to the company ; there is nothing which a director can do in his or her capacity as a director which is not required to be done in good faith for the benefit of the company .
12 Obviously if the club wants to sell them its a different matter .
13 Too numerous to list here , since they are the seven titles chosen for W H Smith 's First Novel promotion , about which I an extremely keen .
14 It had been Lewis himself who a few minutes earlier had taken the call from the Met .
15 Yet , it was his originality that he could represent prevailing moods , drawing together themes in striking images and captions , thereby intensifying the attitudes from which his an emerged .
17 ‘ Are you contradicting my professional knowledge , you ignorant little reptile , ’ he yelled , ‘ I tell you its a bloody sturgeon . ’
18 but then again there , but you , you fire off the blank , that 's what triggers the laser sometimes if there 's been a lot of , we did , we did it in a couple of time see the old laser go , cor , its got very think red beam , its not like you see these big flashing great big bits of light like on Star Wars and stuff , well its not , its not suppose to hurt you its a very thin piercing beam , its well impressive .
19 May and she she an old boy come in in the week , Carole had Friday afternoon off an old boy was knocking at all these doors and something to do with erm put a tape recorder in your house
20 It 's almost impossible to put him down in the tackle , and there are few players about who you an say that .
21 ‘ It 's getting a bit late , but I think I can find you something a wee bit more filling .
22 ‘ We 'll get Papa to buy you something a little bit more a la mode .
23 with the , with the bigger strength you only take one , they only allow you one a day .
24 If I never did anything but sit in this room and powder my face and tell you what a clever fool you are , i should still be heavens high above the millions of common women who do their domestic duty , and sacrifice themselves , and run Trade departments and all the rest of the vulgarities .
25 ‘ There you are — you 'd better have one to remind you what a foetus looks like at 12 weeks , ’ an enthusiastic PR said .
26 Which just shows you what a lot of stuff Steve had lifted for us .
27 Some of the other letters in the box ( the typed ones ) were much less elegant , and seemed to have come from strangers ; they contained advice of a different sort , instructions about where to get sex and how much to pay for it if necessary , often these were just plain filth like I 'd like to do this to you and then I 'd like to do that to you , be at the top of the park in your grey school trousers and I 'll show you what a real man can do for you .
28 So , if everybody selects the text that they wan of their document and we 'll just play around with it show you what a mess you can actually create using these formatting keys !
29 I do n't I do n't really know it well enough to tell you what a nitrogen cycle .
30 ‘ I 'll tell you what a story is , Howard , ’ he says .
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