Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 She gently eased it off his lap , gave it a few licks and pushed it over to me for first bite .
2 Michael Abbell worked at the Justice Department for 17 years until 1984 , the last five of them as first the director and later deputy director of the Office of International Affairs .
3 It was a closely fought struggle in Grade Three between the two Ballynahinch teams , with just one point separating them for first and second places , with the ‘ B ’ set just edging into the lead for top honours .
4 The Court of Appeal held : [ a ] man may be said to know that goods are stolen when he is told by someone with first hand knowledge … that such is the case …
5 It seems to me of first importance to confront this kind of question realistically and not to discredit one 's cause by refusing to admit that the clash exists .
6 And their of first office as I recall as a little boy , was on the q quay as we used to say in Porthmadog .
7 His many-sided aesthetic interests led him to surround himself with first editions , Bristol glass , mother-of-pearl knick-knacks , and , above all , his notable collection of musical boxes ( later given to the Pitt Rivers Museum , Oxford ) .
8 I suppose they felt that the viewing public needed to see a nice little clump of easily identified people , which on first glance they could decide whether they liked or not .
9 The absence of Neil Lenham ( how many times have I written that , I wonder ? ) handed Keith Greenfield a more regular opportunity to open , one this Brighton beau has grabbed enthusiastically , twice registering 55-overs bests , narrowly missing a Sunday best and forming such a productive partnership with Jamie Hall that Smith found himself at first drop for the initial one-dayers .
10 And just as nobody at first believed that the Germans slaughtered Jews , nobody wanted to believe that young American soldiers could kill women and babies .
11 Lamb is another minor casualty ; he is all right to bat , but he can only throw in underarm at the moment because of a niggle , which at first was thought to be a reaction to an inoculation , but is now believed to be a minor ligament problem .
12 This is the scheme according to which material conditions give rise to class relations which at first develop in direct response to these material conditions .
13 With her there is another bird which at first and with excitement we take for a king eider , but closer inspection reveals it to be an immature eider drake still paddling along near his mother .
14 Lobbying by pharmaceutical companies has already watered down a proposed directive which at first suggested forcing them to include detailed information on dosage and usage on advertisements .
15 His proud boast is that ‘ the same principles which at first lead to scepticism , pursued to a certain point , bring men back to common sense ’ , and that rather than being a purveyor of wild and new paradoxes , he has ‘ unite[d] and place[d] in a clearer light that truth , which was before shared between the vulgar and the philosophers ’ .
16 It was an enchanting and heady experience , and one which could hardly be other than irresistible : a delightful upbringing for the future queen consort of France , but not one which at first sight looks like adequate preparation for the future queen regnant of Scotland .
17 It is the latter view which at first sight seems to challenge Tormey 's theory , for any ‘ expression ’ by the actor implies a subjective/objective relationship , the inner meanings of which remain hidden from the audience .
18 But the weeks went by and the 5 months I had off work which at first seemed an eternity soon became 5 weeks and then 5 days .
19 The house was indeed of that later time , but in the style and materials which at first glance indicated a greater age .
20 FRACTAL geometry is one of those concepts which at first sight invites disbelief but on second thought becomes so natural that one wonders why it has only recently been developed .
21 It requires a series of step-by-step familiarization ‘ lessons ’ , in which at first things only remotely feline are presented to the victim .
22 The Quad X has six separate effects loops , which at first glance may seem a little over the top , but in reality is not such a bad idea .
23 We were then treated to a video of somebody discussing childbirth , which at first could not be heard by those at the back .
24 However , like many genetically determined characteristics — some of which indeed may be responsible for illness or deviance — such dispositions may not be expressed , or , if they are , expressed in incomplete form , or even revealed in qualities which at first sight seem distant from , even unconnected with , the pathology for which they are otherwise responsible .
25 They put up dazibao which at first mostly mourned Chai , but the contents of the posters soon became more politically oriented .
26 And the smell , which at first had been tentative , elusive , no more than an alien tincture on the air , now seemed to seep into the passage with the strong effluvium of death .
27 Hence the most comprehensive and useful charts often have many irregular comments , asterisks , footnotes , directing arrows and so on , which at first sight detract from the clarity of the presentation .
28 Climate and economics need to be included because these factors may well determine features which at first sight might be attributed to ethnic or cultural factors .
29 And certain mechanisms capable of performing some non-trivial computations are incapable of performing others which at first sight might appear to be within their range .
30 With this in mind , in the following chapter , I begin my account of modern social anthropology by showing what illumination this approach brings to beliefs which at first sight appear to require a great deal of explanation .
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