Example sentences of "[art] same point " in BNC.

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1 Levi goes on to insist that the real witnesses are those who died in the camps , and that those prisoners who did not were mostly compromised people or privileged people : Solzhenitsyn is cited as making the same point about the pridurki — the ‘ prominents ’ of the Gulag system .
2 Regrettably , he makes the same point in his brilliant collection of causeries In Defence Of Art , gathered together by his wife Aileen , in 1988 , when he links Susan Musgrave 's ‘ inner nightmares ’ to Leonard 's ‘ early poetry ’ .
3 The same point can be made in a slightly different way .
4 Gimmer Crag forms a head separated from the steep hillside by these two obvious gullies , which both start at the same point .
5 Mr Honecker chose a different image to make the same point : attempts to destabilise socialism , he said , are like ‘ the fruitless attacks by Don Quixote against windmills that continue to turn imperturbably . ’
6 Putting the same point another way , Australia and Canada are as truly republics as are India , Pakistan and Bangladesh .
7 When in 1967 E. R. Leach made exactly the same point on the BBC , there was a national uproar with bishops and pundits of all kinds fulminating in the newspapers against the impiety of the idea , in much the same way that they had done against Engels almost a hundred years before .
8 A young Arsenal fan made the same point after having listened rather contemptuously to a discussion by academics about working-class ‘ resistance ’ to increasing middle-class infiltration of football .
9 Much the same point was made by the Kine Weekly reviewer , who commented that the film 's dialogue coupled ‘ wit and wholesome vulgarity with a sureness of touch that , until now , has been the irresistible prerogative of the Americans . ’
10 ‘ By an astonishing coincidence in the examiners ’ model solution precisely the same piece of goobledegook appears at precisely the same point . ’
11 The opposition leader , Mr Vaclav Havel , made much the same point about the new Prime Minister by stating that he had failed to attract much attention over two years in government office .
12 So he talked to you about it , McLeish thought , and saw Catherine register the same point .
13 I carried on at the same point in the book and you did not seem to notice .
14 Another way of making the same point about the superior and the inferior societies of France and Scotland came from the pen of the French ecclesiastic Estienne Perlin , who visited England and Scotland in 1551–2 .
15 The ‘ Fabian Quarterly ’ , making the same point , added that it was ‘ pleasantly free from that form of local megalomania which sometimes mars otherwise praiseworthy local efforts ’ .
16 The four satellites will let Astra broadcast 48 channels from the same point in space , for reception by a single dish aerial , and with backup in space if any transmitters go wrong .
17 We can thus only strictly compare the district elections of 1990 with those at the same point of the cycle tour years ago in the 114 local authorities where no material change to either boundaries or the electoral system has taken place .
18 Then suddenly , at the same point as the previous year , I rejoined the leading pair and hit the front , swinging tangents across the tarmac .
19 Repton made the same point in his Sketches and Hints of 1794 : ‘ To improve the scenery of country and to display its native beauties with advantage is an art which originated in England . ’
20 From here you can choose either peak as your first , complete the ridge and return to the same point at the river , but it 's recommended that you traverse east to west taking in Sgurr Thuilm as Munro number one .
21 In an article in the Guardian in 1986 J. Matthew made the same point : ‘ This is little different from the GCE/CSE dual system , except that the segregation will be hidden , all certificates being headed GCSE . ’
22 The plotting routines available in most statistical packages are still rather crude , especially those which rely on the line-printer as their printing device ; plots on machines designed for text mean that the resolution ( i.e. number of subdivisions possible on either the horizontal or vertical axis ) is usually poor ; many values that are in fact different can end up being plotted on the same point .
23 Most countries organize censuses of their population on something like ten-yearly intervals , but not all do , and they certainly do not do them at the same point in time .
24 The same point is made another way when we demand that our residuals should be patternless .
25 Over to the west , the allied fires petered out at the same point ; yet Thiercelin fancied he could hear the rumble of distant movement .
26 The same point occurs in this text of Ulpian .
27 Essentially the same point arises where the legal problem is introduced by the monstrous expression per fideicommissum legavit .
28 Only the sailing types appreciated the problems of keeping the same bit of distant coast line ahead on the same point of sailing and in the same position relative to the other boats .
29 They all make the same point , and it is a reasonable one , that manhours means manhours and evermore shall do so .
30 The arrangements have been made so as to enable spectators to be SET DOWN AND PICKED UP AT THE SAME POINT in a city unfamiliar to them .
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