Example sentences of "[art] same [verb] " in BNC.

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1 All three are caught from the same swims , although not necessarily at the same time , and in every case there are two-tone specimens .
2 The Act of Settlement of 1701 , which determined the succession to the throne , affirmed that the laws of England " are the Birthright of the People thereof and all the Kings and Queens who shall ascend the Throne of this Realm ought to administer the Government of the same according to the said Laws and all their Officers and Ministers ought to serve them respectively according to the same . "
3 Closely related species , however , like chimps and humans , have such large chunks of adjacent contents in common that we can easily identify them as basically the same , even though we ca n't use quite the same addressing system for the two species .
4 The thing that defines a species is that all members have the same addressing system for their DNA .
5 The same had not been true at Cambridge .
6 And the same had applied to the other electric fires in the house .
7 Now to find they were one and the same had thrown her completely .
8 Mrs Cottrill , 56 , said : ’ We wonder whether the verdict would have been the same had Fiona been French . ’
9 It 's all the same stuff you know , we ca n't move forward unless it comes forward at the other end
10 ( The same replaces two poached eggs on toast ) .
11 It may well be that the canny consumer , after benefiting from retailers ' losing their nerve and going into early reductions in 1991 , was waiting for the same to happen again .
12 ‘ A crash finished Nelson Piquet — and I would n't want the same to happen to Nigel .
13 We do n't want the same to happen to us in the UK — to go the same way as the British motor or electronics industries have — and to prevent this we must make ourselves as lean , fit and efficient as possible ; able to compete with the Japanese on quality , service , delivery and price .
14 If several powerheads are being used , they should all be of the same make and power rating to provide maximum efficiency .
15 This does not only vary from make to make but between individual machines of the same make .
16 Actinic Degradation This is the breakdown of ( mostly synthetic ) flysheets through prolonged exposure to the sun , but no-one really knows why it affects some tents and not others of the same make and model .
17 If possible both drives on your system should be of the same make and type .
18 If you want to add a drive of the same make but a different size you probably wo n't have any problems .
19 we will replace your car , with a new car of the same make and model , if one is available .
20 we will replace your car , with a new car of the same make and model , if one is available .
21 we will replace your car , with a new car of the same make and model , if one is available .
22 Detectives found group members would buy written-off cars and arrange for a vehicle of the same make and model to be stolen from Teesside , Humberside or North Yorkshire .
23 Yeah but nothing cookers cheapest in town actually if you can find a er er the same make elsewhere
24 the same thing got the same make , I mean I can say well this is cheaper we 'll you know
25 In Scotland the community charge reduction scheme is basically the same taking into account that the community charge was introduced was year earlier .
26 Bush droned on about good and evil , right and wrong , Hitler , Munich , appeasement , using all the same phrases that most of us thought we had heard for the last time , after the revolutions of 1989 .
27 ‘ You 're our guest , ’ said the same voice , from the same monitor the other side .
28 ‘ You 're our guest , ’ said the same voice , from the same monitor the other side .
29 I 've often wish 'd , for the honour of our Sex , that these Subjects had been exhausted seventeen hundred years ago ; but am afraid that seventeen hundred years hence , we shall have the same false Corydon 's , and the same complaining Sylvia 's .
30 Leapor has described a pining country girl and ‘ her cruel , marble-hearted Swain' , both of the sort Mary Jones found so tedious : ’ … the same false Corydon 's , and the same complaining Sylvia 's …
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