Example sentences of "[art] next government " in BNC.

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1 When the next government under de Valera introduced a very limited scheme of public health assistance in 1952 , the hierarchy still opposed its introduction , and by direct methods as well .
2 Today he has shed a good deal of that ideology — his speech yesterday was social democratic through and through — but he remains devoid of the work experience relevant to his next task which is to convince the country that he , and Labour , are qualified to form the next government .
3 It must seek every conceivable way of persuading the next government to introduce proportional representation — for without PR , the SDP is dead .
4 Mr Gandhi needs to win at least 200 seats nationally to be reasonably certain of being called on to form the next government .
5 Congress might just be able to form the next government alone ; if not , it would try to split bits off other parties .
6 There is no point in making changes if the next government that comes in simply overturns them .
7 CITY share strategists believe that if Labour forms the next government , or leads a coalition government in a hung Parliament , investment sentiment will swing away from companies linked to the British economy in favour of those making the bulk of their profits overseas .
8 Politicians are also largely silent on how the next government will be able to carry out spending plans in view of the state of the productive economy .
9 Whichever party forms the next government , Mr Heseltine is unlikely to be Environment Secretary in it .
10 ( He intends to seek a meeting with the new Environment Secretary as soon as the next government is formed . )
11 Saturation coverage of three-and-a-half weeks of intense campaigning may have given way to non-stop reports of a complicated new chess game — as each main party , neither with an overall majority , manoeuvres to secure the support it will need to form the next Government .
12 Some of the finest brains in the land will be spending the lifetime of the next government trying to work out how to crack Mr Kinnock .
13 Deepening concern that Labour could form the next government at Westminster provides a potent message for the billboards which other parties , with links to neither of the two main protaganists , can not match : ‘ Vote Kennedy to keep Kinnock out . ’
14 The Royal Society for Nature Conservation called on the next government to give the National Rivers Authority powers to veto thirsty building and industrial developments , and to make more water available for rivers and wetlands .
15 Although the thinking behind the switch was unclear , foreign currency experts believe institutions are anxious to square their books ahead of the election , fearing that , whatever the outcome , the next government will adopt narrow bands for sterling .
16 The operation by fund managers was thought to be purely tactical , to avoid the risk of a sharp fall in the currency followed by an equally sharp rise should the next government decide to apply the remedy of higher interest rates .
17 There was also some nervousness at the prospect of the next government deciding to adopt narrow bands for sterling as a way of underpinning the currency .
18 The polls indicated that the result was too close to call and that Mr Major and Mr Kinnock may have to wait well into tomorrow morning to know who will form the next Government .
19 The process will , of course , be greatly expedited if the Tories form the next Government and the Prime Minister can claim to be his own man with his own mandate .
20 This week you will vote for the next government , and I shall not be around to ventilate , on your behalf , your righteous rage at the disgusting results of your electoral behaviour .
21 If the Tories were to form the next government then Chris Patten would be found a seat , if necessary .
22 He is the incumbent for Peterborough , the seat which , arithmetically , need to fall to Labour if they are to form the next government with an overall majority .
23 IN A week 's time the suspense will be over , and we 'll known the colour of the next government .
24 Yet , as things stand , the next government will take office bereft of the instruments that would enable an effective economic strategy to be implemented .
25 It is important to begin with this sense of perspective , lest the impression be given that politics exists only for the benefit of those who practise it — a kind of hobby ( or , better still , paid profession ) for an educated élite who compete among themselves for the ‘ prize ’ of being on the winning side that forms the next government .
26 .. ’ Mortimer confesses that he thinks Labour wo n't be near large enough to form the next government .
27 But we also acknowledge that there is more to politics than choosing the next Government and what that Government attempts to do when in office .
28 But no one agreed on who should lead the next government , nor on how long it should last .
29 In 1978 , the Conservative Party Conference used ‘ The Next Government ’ as their Conference slogan — soon to be fulfilled .
30 In the event Labour received marginally more votes than the Tories , in an election in which the two parties took a larger share of the total votes than ever before , but because of the geography of electoral support in relation to constituency boundaries it was the Tories who gained the majority of seats in Parliament and formed the next government .
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