Example sentences of "[adv] long time " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , before a conclusion is reached , tests must be continued for a sufficiently long time to demonstrate an adequate shelf-life in the market concerned .
2 In other words , they have been allowed to grow and multiply for a sufficiently long time to produce large numbers of cells .
3 The data reported by Kovacs in section 12.9 imply that the observed T g would decrease further if a sufficiently long time for measurement was allowed .
4 All you need to do is to be sufficiently obstructive for a sufficiently long time and and his mates will turn around and throw up their hands and shak and and turn somersaults .
5 People who have intelligence and a conscience wrestle with these problems and we 've come to a conclusion which is as good a deal as we think we can get , with the people of the area and with the Labour party and I think he said that if people in this authority are sufficiently obstructive for a sufficiently long time then people will change their minds .
6 Apprenticeship training is essentially about ensuring standards of workmanship and characteristically it appears at first sight to take an unconscionably long time .
7 The Gaullist conception of state broadcasting would prove an unconscionably long time in dying-in May 1986 Communications Minister Léotard still referred to the need to reduce state control — ‘ la desétatisation de l'audiovisuel ’ .
8 In the meantime Emilia was in her room still , fussing for an unconscionably long time over her appearance .
9 The annual camp for secondary schools Cadet Corps gave me my first holiday away from home , but I was so homesick that a fortnight seemed an impossibly long time before I could get back to my parents and family .
10 Even if that figure were now to be drastically reduced orthodox interpretations of the fossil evidence together with orthodox evolutionary theory would require that the last generalized man/ape , the " missing link " of the early Darwinian imagination , must have died out an exceedingly long time ago .
11 ‘ Successful ’ though it is deemed to be , the new Cavalier took seven years from conception to launch — an extremely long time , and a year longer than planned .
12 With the direct method , the mosaicist will be working , on site , for an extremely long time .
13 He took a terribly long time to clean his hands .
14 She reached across the desk , grabbed the instrument and began tapping out a number with the angry , impatient air of someone who has been kept waiting for an unacceptably long time .
15 The display on consumption utilises the age-old trick of piling up an adult 's average monthly intake of food ( enormous amounts of chocolate ) and invites the visitor to burn off excess calories on an ‘ Energy Bike ’ ( it does , of course , take a depressingly long time to nullify the effect of just one grape ) .
16 It was still switched through to the secretary 's office , and it took an infuriatingly long time to get a line .
17 The record 's gone through a lot of transformations and taken a hellaciously long time to get done . ’
18 As for Philips , Foxe records that like Judas ‘ He not long time after enjoyed the price of innocent blood , but was consumed at last by lice . ’
19 Some have been living for a disconcertingly long time in museums ; but once doubted , the evidence of inadequacy in a fake is quite often soon in coming .
20 ‘ No , really — think about the last time you went a day without wearing make-up and I bet it would be a frighteningly long time ago . ’
21 He watched her fumble for an intentionally long time in her handbag for the means of lighting the Turkish cigarette she held aloft in her left hand , only a foot or so away from Mark 's head .
22 Long-wave theories are concerned with how the economy fluctuates over long time periods .
23 It seemed to take an unreasonably long time and much bad temper , evasion and deliberate obfuscation , together with consultation of a diary that appeared to be alternately blank and covered with scribbled hieroglyphics .
24 She waited what seemed an interminably long time before the same young maid again confronted her .
25 After a quite incredibly long time she said , shaking her head wildly , ‘ No ! ’
26 Two men were taking a suspiciously long time on a roof .
27 It has taken the rest of industry in this country a remarkably long time to come around to his viewpoint , but it is finally looking as though the penny has dropped .
28 A pitched battle followed between the constable and his two protagonists , an engagement that was to last for ten to twelve minutes , an exceptionally long time for an affray .
29 Mr Deukmejian , who was elected governor in 1982 , has been trying for a mighty long time to get the death penalty enforced in California .
30 She also turned out to be the last close friend I had for an awfully long time .
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