Example sentences of "[adv] made [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ambition and power could not be swayed by love or foolish dreams , and the message was not lost on Rachel as she faced the reality of her marriage now that the honeymoon — how clichés suddenly made sense ! — was over .
2 Rather , town planning became involved in other environmental and social concerns almost by chance , though its claim for a comprehensive , synoptic view of things perhaps made expansionism inevitable .
3 The Police , said Nicky , had no idea who was responsible , so made routine inquiries of Glasgow 's known villains .
4 Then John had more or less made fun of him .
5 That all this was long gone and impossible to recover , except through industrialisation , social change and arduous struggle with a resilient and increasingly nationalist foe only made life in the eastern borders even more frustrating .
6 The Office of Management and Budget defined emergency spending as " a necessary expenditure that is sudden , urgent and unforeseen , and is not permanent " ; to date , Bush had only made emergency declarations to aid Kurdish refugees in Iraq , to pay benefits for Gulf war veterans , and to bail out the savings and loan industry [ see p. 38090 ] .
7 Rather , it is the case that people with a fairly strong religious tradition may react to crises by turning back to the traditional patterns of belief which not only made sense of their individual predicaments but which also created a strong sense of communal solidarity .
8 The choice of the Waterside railway station as an assembly point only made sense if the sole criterion was the convenience of demonstrators coming from other parts of Northern Ireland .
9 And though she cherished the times when Friend soared in companionship beside her through forever , always — reluctantly , it seemed sometimes , but always — he would pluck new motes of light and weave them into new shapes for her to read , but the shapes only made sense in their beauty , not in the real world where the coarseness of eating and cleaning and going to the toilet squashed the meanings out of the corners of her eyes .
10 The Grand Trunk Canal ( 1766–77 ) not only made use of aqueducts , cuttings and embankments , but was carried through the hill country between the Mersey and Trent basins by means of five tunnels , of which the Harecastle Tunnel near Kidsgrove was 2,880 yards long and more than two hundred feet beneath the surface at its deepest point .
11 The proximity of Tribschen to Basle obviously made contact easier , but it was undoubtedly Nietzsche 's new professional eminence that made it particularly welcome to Wagner and led to a rapid development of the relationship between the two .
12 The way the press attacked it and so on obviously made life a lot harder for us .
13 Developers are already cottoning on to the trend by building houses with ready made work rooms .
14 And if you want to collect ready made salad type things from M&S I am sure you can eat in on some evenings by arrangement , depending on our social plans .
15 In the first place , it was quite useless to preach ready made doctrine to them .
16 Ready made greenwash is provided in Welsh crafts : homemade scones and slate dragons replace coal and steel as major Welsh exports .
17 The discovery of colourants , flavour enhancers and emulsifiers has unfortunately meant that processed and ready made food can contain ingredients of substandard quality and nutritional value .
18 250g ( 8oz ) ready made puff pastry 1 medium sized mango 100g ( 4oz ) black seedless grapes , halved 25g ( 1oz ) butter 15ml ( 1 tbsp ) Billingtons Golden Granulated Sugar small carton of creme fraiche to serve .
19 Fumaroli 's book is among the first to break the consensus , to ask whether all this expenditure has revived French cultural vitality or merely made culture into a stylish prisoner of the French state .
20 How emotionally extravagant the Italians are , she thought fondly as , calming down , he returned to bed and gently made love to her .
21 Although it was difficult to pretend that a former member of the Rhodesian Special Air Service was on a par in purely military terms with a goat-herd from Bolivia , the fact that both were starting afresh made administration that much easier .
22 It was a staple of the revenge tragedy as Kyd , Tourneur or Shakespeare conceived it , and plays by Dekker , Lyly , Webster , Ford and Middleton all made use of madness on stage , and of actors specially trained for the parts of madmen .
23 Since the Prime Minister acknowledges convergence to be a matter of considerable importance in the development of the European Community , why is it , now that the Engineering Employers Federation , the Confederation of British Industry and his noble Friends in the House of Lords have all made cause for new investment incentives for British industry , that he and the remainder of the Government refuse to take such initiatives in order to support this very best way of securing recovery ?
24 Anne and Maureen and their mother had all made balaclava helmets , gloves and scarves to send to Joe and Terry .
25 If , as seems likely , this is the Forest of Dean , it would further explain why Cnut and Edmund eventually made peace in Gloucestershire .
26 Yet Marx and Engels ' determination to formulate general theories eventually made Marxism one of the most successful transnational ideologies .
27 These events eventually made plain to Gandhi the existence in both official and unofficial circles of a section of British public opinion which he could not hope to convert , though he came most reluctantly to an acknowledgement of this fact .
28 Mackenzie Walcott lamented ‘ it is almost inconceivable the waste that has mercilessly made havoc of the ancient Memorials that gave renown to Stamford ’ .
29 Thus the education of a king 's son was supposed to include learning to sleep in a hard or badly made bed to prepare him for the rigours of a life of non-stop , and sometimes unexpected , movement .
30 You may be happiest asking a professional to cut out your mount unless you are confident that you will do it properly , as it is a skill that takes a long time to perfect , and a badly cut mount is as off-putting as a badly made frame .
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