Example sentences of "[adv] than [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Less practical perhaps than spices , but also commanding the highest prices in the auction houses of Europe , were the precious shells which came from the Moluccas — named after " molluscs " .
2 Surrounded by its great park and built in brick , it was a new venture , half-way towards an elegant country house , the home of a new breed of magnate , more gentleman perhaps than knight .
3 I suffer more from a feeling of guilt , perhaps than men do .
4 Apart from Fulk le Réchin , the other counts of Anjou are portrayed ( albeit less colourfully than Geoffrey Grisegonelle ) as pious and valiant defenders of their inheritance .
5 The bank had ‘ provided earlier and more prudently than others and slimmed down quicker ’ , Mr Thomas added .
6 Evidently Celia suffers more terribly than Mira , though the poet identifies with her .
7 Experience had taught them that nothing alienated support within their districts more swiftly than bombs which killed or injured Roman Catholics and that nothing reduced the inflow of money from Irish American sympathisers more drastically .
8 The progressive dismantling of regional development policy since 1979 has moved more swiftly than steps aimed at deregulating the housing sector .
9 At the time no one denounced it more fiercely than Ayatollah Khomeini , whom the Shah had exiled in 1964 for his fierce opposition tot he Pahlavi regime .
10 In general , too , rhythmic and temporal features of speech are ignored in transcriptions ; the rhythmic structure which appears to bind some groups of words more closely together than others , and the speeding up and slowing down of the overall pace of speech relative to the speaker 's normal pace in a given speech situation , are such complex variables that we have very little idea how they are exploited in speech and to what effect ( but , cf.
11 Looking after children is certainly not a joint commitment — you 're more likely to garden together than share responsibilities for the children !
12 Similarly for example 3 , the words people and arc are less likely to occur together than people and are .
13 Sentences and words also require interpretation — indeed they would seem to require this more obviously than pictures — and so we 're back on the circle of infinite regress .
14 These terminological changes are not made merely for the sake of variety but because I believe the substitute terms convey their meaning more pointedly than Marx 's originals .
15 The implication is clear : liberals are more advanced morally than conservatives .
16 Perhaps he was n't much better than Dalziel .
17 Barristers do better than solicitors , but both do better than lawyers in private practice .
18 Rescheduling was deemed better than default .
19 He became the fourth of the afternoon to be caught behind off one which left him , this time off Watson , who did the stock-bowler 's job much better than Pringle and in Christchurch .
20 If people can choose their ‘ partners ’ freely , and if honest types can spot each other in advance , co-operators will be able to interact selectively with each other — and will therefore do better than cheats .
21 Recording will begin shortly for a second title , Better Than Life , which is due in the autumn .
22 Girls generally did as well or better than boys on questions concerning knowledge of the names of parts of rectangular shapes ( cuboids , rectangles ) but a good deal worse on similar questions relating to 2-D and 3-D shapes with circular sections .
23 They do better than boys , however , on open-ended ‘ essay ’ type questions .
24 As : When the 11+ tests were widely held , every year girls as a group did better than boys as a group on all three tests , including the one for arithmetic .
25 Similarly , to revert to the question of the 11+ , the fact that girls as a group consistently did better than boys did not result in more grammar school places for girls .
26 The reason girls appeared to do better than boys at age eleven was due to the earlier onset of puberty in females , with its accompanying accelerated maturation .
27 For once we feel that we know better than Mozart .
28 There 's plenty of room for cars in the yard — much better than parking in the village street .
29 When I 'm fishing from the bank , and the water is choppy , there are few floats better than Drennan ‘ Driftbeater ’ .
30 Listening to the R5 commentary I did n't think that we played that well ( better than Norwich … but they were at home & they 're shit there usually ! ) .
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