Example sentences of "[adv] did [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 So greatly did Keir take us into her confidence that , by the end of the evening , we felt like old muckers .
2 For not only did Mrs Keppel maintain her position as maîtresse en titre but she became one of the leading personalities of the Edwardian court .
3 Not only did Amy always travel with them but John was regularly at rehearsals .
4 Not only did Devon beat them , they also lost to Wales .
5 Not only did Bushika become lost , he flew completely off the official map to land at Budapest international airport .
6 Not only did Iraq , by the middle of the war , enjoy a six-to-one advantage in conventional aircraft , bombers ( the Tupolev Tu-22s and Tu-16s , the Ilyushin 11–28s ) and fighter-bombers ( MiG-23s , Su-7s and Su-20s ) ; it was also reported to have an assortment of Soviet-made missiles .
7 Not only did Gassendi take sense-experience to be the criterion or measure of truth , he also adopted Epicurus ' atomistic view of the universe .
8 Not only did Shearer fail to score , but Monkou also refused him licence for so much as a solitary shot at goal .
9 And not only did Gerry Fitt , the SDLP 's only MP at the time , abstain in the vote , he persuaded Independent Nationalist MP , Frank Maguire to abstain as well .
10 Not only did Pateman undertake lectures and courses for the Board , he was also chairman of the RCC 's adult education committee .
11 Levi 's only did Sta-Prest — and imitations always looked it — usually too tapered , crumply , and the wrong tones .
12 Not only did Nicola Larini manage to bring the new Modena-Lamborghini through pre-qualifying and then into the race , he gave the new team more than it had thought possible by finishing seventh , albeit three laps behind .
13 The next paragraph says that not only did Lord Young cut the published penalty clause for BAe from £650 million to £400 million as disclosed in the National Audit Office memorandum , but offered ‘ a private side-letter ’ waiving the penalty ‘ the text of which would be agreed with BAe in advance ’ .
14 This far underground , not only did Mait 's enhancer have no effect , but he could sense a strong source of pure malevolence which was almost tangibly present all around .
15 It was , on one level , a very public romance — for not only did Barenboim and du Pre make fantastic music together , but also they were married in Jerusalem amid the elation surrounding Israel 's victory in the Six-Day War .
16 So , not only did Anderson 's Dungannon qualify , but they quickly went to the top of the Division Two table and are now making a great bid for promotion .
17 Not only did David 's suggestion earn him a Winning Ideas Gold Award and the tidy sum of £1,000 but also a luxury trip to the Imola San Marino Grand Prix .
18 Not only did Holroyd Smith succeed in a location where the fierce Irish Sea buried the delicate electrical apparatus of the day under shingle and salt water , but his method of transmitting electricity along the Promenade by means of a naked electrical conductor located between the tram rails in a conduit with a narrow slot at the top , was similar to installations later made by major electrical companies in great cities where overhead lines were considered rude .
19 During the following days it became apparent to Merrill that not only did Luke mean to keep Rob 's nose well and truly to the grindstone , but he did n't intend to take the pressure off her either — although , in fairness , she had to admit that Luke worked harder than both of them .
20 Again early in the second half he was just wide , but after 49 minutes he did succeed when not only did Wakefield collapse a scrum but they were also offside .
21 ( Indeed , not only did Beccaria use the concept of utility , but Bentham himself acknowledged his intellectual debt to Beccaria in the most fulsome terms and is even believed to have first encountered the phrase ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ in Beccaria 's master work : see Beccaria , 1963 : x-xi , 9 . )
22 Not only did Mr Solarz support a war that most liberal Democrats regarded as an invitation to disaster , but he actively pushed for confrontation with Iraq — linking arms in the process with such unlikely conservative allies as Richard Perle and Jeane Kirkpatrick .
23 If a journalist wished to talk to Richard Branson , he simply telephoned ; not only did Branson invariably take the call , but he treated the journalist with civility .
24 Not only did Robert Recorde write the first series of mathematics texts in English : he expressed ( in his Ground of Artes of 1543 ) a very modern viewpoint .
25 Not only did Marx and Engels require tools for seeing society in a new way , they also needed to understand under what circumstances this newly defined system produced the institutions which other social scientists had studied .
26 Not only did ITV want concepts , they also wanted expertise , and that determined an import drive .
27 Not only did Andrew meet Pete at the Guide Dog Centre , he also met his wife-to-be .
28 Not only did George have to fend for himself but he had to protect and feed Lennie so there was a very large responsibility on him .
29 Not only did Wilson have a good ‘ pair of ears ’ , in musicbiz speak , but she was also a formidable negotiator , tenacious in the pursuit of acts she wanted to sign , and in fighting her corner over day-to-day interdepartmental matters .
30 Not only did John make full appearances in Palace 's promotion side of 1968–69 , but he absolutely relished the challenge of Division One and , unless you saw him there for the Palace you will simply never know just what he did for us .
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