Example sentences of "[adv] has n't " in BNC.

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1 Whatever floor that Ann 's been on has n't done something like put some money in so that they can take em somewhere else something like over in France or something like that .
2 heads of each participating school and will undoubtedly bring out the best in the youngsters , stimulating the competitive instincts in a way that perhaps has n't been available to schoolchildren in the past .
3 Erm it perhaps has n't been as major as as people might er have thought it should be .
4 So I think it it is an issue that perhaps has n't been addressed in our discussions erm hitherto and and and seems to me from from past evidence to sugg to be an issue that does need to be to be looked at .
5 The point I think that has to be understood about EuroDisney , which perhaps has n't been properly perceived yet by the public is that it is very much a destination for the British public .
6 Erm first of all , I think alternative sites can be found within the district which meet the requirements of P P G three , erm set out in paragraph thirty three , and I think the other advantage which perhaps has n't been touched on is that the new settlement in Selby District would balance the otherwise very heavy bias of recent and future programmed development which is er to the north east of York .
7 Pyramid , which currently offers some MIPS-based Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG boxes lower down its line , apparently has n't decided whether it will actually offer its new R4000 architecture as one of its own products yet .
8 The the the trouble is it 's not not not that wrong with the fence but the ivy 's so thick , it 's been there so long has n't it ?
9 The grass has got very long has n't it ?
10 Because as a percentage in the erm , as a percentage of trade , agriculture has gone down has n't it ?
11 He must of been up quite a while cos this the thing 's fell down has n't it ?
12 Cos petrol 's gone down has n't it ?
13 Work 's died down has n't it ?
14 Musical flair alone has n't been the reason why the jazz poets/warriors have hit the ground running , it always helps to be seen as part of a fashionable movement .
15 So after a week he takes away the bandage , removes the bit of radium , sure enough there 's a bright red radiation burn on his forearm but apart from that he feels fine , he does n't feel ill , he obviously has n't died , er so he said well I 'll leave that for a few weeks and monitor my , my health and see if there 's any long term affects from this exposure to , to radiation .
16 And since it obviously has n't been doing so , we can take it that we are not held within un- , sub- or supernatural forces after all ; in all probability , that is .
17 But this man here is obviously going to say he 's seen no cruelty , he h obviously has n't seen the circus madness video that w was released by I A W A and Animals Defenders this year , where there is an absolutely horrendous scene of a llama being beaten around the head and chest .
18 That 's the overall and rather special context of this year in , in the year of the youth but every year is an important from the point of view of commodores and clubs and the amount of work that ac goes on on the ground through supporting causes and the effort to recruit membership and it 's in that rather mundane day to day part of R Y A membership that I would like to congratulate you first I think all of you have worked extremely hard and the reports reflect the success achieved and I would particularly highlight the increase in membership , now that obviously has n't been easy and this does require a huge effort of , a consistent effort and it 's not something you can just apply every now and again .
19 ‘ She obviously has n't been too careful about what she 's been eating . ’
20 So did I , but he obviously has n't
21 he obviously has n't and I think it 's really funny !
22 But it obviously has n't worked .
23 Tape three obviously has n't got anything in it .
24 She knows you 'll be going to see her anyway , so has n't bothered to reply .
25 Using the hypothetical examples above , for instance , this is how it might work out : skilled employment ( 4 ) the top possible score : employment duration — she has just gone back to work ( 1 ) ; housing — she has had to move to a smaller flat(l) so has n't been there long ( 0 ) ; she does have a bank account ( 4 ) ; but is separated ( 0 ) ; and quite young ( 2 ) .
26 So has n't she been to college today then ?
27 She has been letting them in has n't she ?
28 Cos he 's got a son away has n't he ?
29 Oh she has done already has n't she ?
30 I suppose he does n't want to be seen to be just reacting to your letter he 's obviously started doing these things off his own bat anyway has n't he ?
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