Example sentences of "[adv] been in " in BNC.

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1 Was was any attempt made by the the experienced men the one who the ones who understood the rock and been in the presumably been in the industry
2 Investors on Wall Street have rarely been in such an uncertain state — which means big money is about to be lost and won
3 Among them were those who were convinced that he had secretly been in league with the employers .
4 This organisation has since been in correspondence with Neil Kinnock 's Westminster office , but has yet to receive any clear indication of whether Labour would indeed reduce the age of consent for gay men from 21 to 16 .
5 The province has since been in the forefront of China 's efforts to reassure foreign businessmen that its door will be staying open for ‘ business as usual ’ .
6 The boy was arrested and has since been in care because of ill-feelings in Mrs Fort 's community .
7 The overwhelming blackness , the cracking peals of thunder and the piercing flash and hiss of forked lightning ; I 've never since been in an alpine storm of such ferocity .
8 Brittany had long since been in some way subject to Normandy .
9 At the age of fourteen he was apprenticed for seven years to John Braithwaite [ q.v. ] , an eminent locomotive and railway engineer , and while in his service he invented in 1837 the detonating railway fog-signal which was first tried on the Croydon line and has ever since been in universal use as a very valuable safety measure .
10 I have explained to the hon. Gentleman why the funding for the Housing Executive is not as easy this year as it has perhaps been in former years .
11 And from now on , he will be as fervently fanatical in his promulgation of Nazarean thought as he has hitherto been in trying to suppress it .
12 In America , Turner shares management with Greenwich Village songstress Suzanne Vega , a factor which he feels has not entirely been in his favour .
13 It is good work , this , Angus , it is bringing the thing home to plenty folk who have only been in it for the furore so far , for the chance to squeeze their girls in the crowd and all that kind of thing .
14 In 1967 , when Mr Ceausescu had only been in power two years , he complained about the security forces taking unjustified measures against the people .
15 What she has achieved is remarkable given she is still very young and has only been in this business a couple of years .
16 Whereas nuclear weaponry had effectively only been in the hands of the U.S.A. , the development of such weapons by other nations had been increasing , so at a meeting , in December 1962 , at Nassau , Prime minister Harold Macmillan and President Kennedy , hammered out an agreement whereby Britain abandoned its plans for ‘ Skybolt ’ in return for the U.S.A. ‘ Polaris ’ missile for use by British nuclear submarines .
17 I had only been in the force five weeks .
18 The father had only been in the country six months and had no means of supporting his son .
19 I 've only been in your bed with you once and then you were as jumpy as a cat thinking that sister of yours might come back unexpectedly .
20 The Upside Down Catfish tend to nip one another as they swim round the tank — they 've only been in the tank for five days , so would the nipping be due to the fact that they 're still settling in ?
21 He 's American and only been in the country two weeks . ’
22 ‘ He had only been in the house four minutes at the most when he suddenly turned to me and said : ‘ Would you come to dinner with me tonight ? ’ .
23 The reviewer has only been in office for eight months but so far has not had cause to uphold a single application for a review .
24 We have only been in post for three weeks , but this is our second confrontation with Fred .
25 Although the requirements concerning the environmental suitability of an operating centre have only been in force since June 1984 , some interesting cases have already arisen on their interpretation .
26 This showed that he had not only been in the Catalina that had sighted the Bismarck but was actually piloting it and had taken avoiding action when the Bismarck opened fire .
27 He had only been in the cellar for about one minute when the ghost appeared and he had had no time to doze .
28 Although he had defied her before , it had only been in words but now the thought that he had the choice of putting those words into action and so set a new pattern , and in doing so break one of the threads that tied him to her , caused his whole body to tremble and his voice to quiver as he said , ‘ Either you give me permission freely to go with Mick tomorrow or I go down now and put it to Martin . ’
29 I also feel it was a great honour being a woman and having achieved it in such a short space of time as I have only been in hairdressing for around six years .
30 Exemplar , which has only been in development since the beginning of the year ( UX No 423 ) , will be used for creating , storing and retrieving application objects across multiple platforms and networks .
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