Example sentences of "[adv] as though " in BNC.

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1 Both maids came out , and although there were only two of them they seemed to surround and overwhelm her , not threateningly , but eagerly as though she brought gifts .
2 It was suddenly as though the passion had been drained from her , her juices drying up like a desert stream in summer .
3 He took no part in the digging but squatted on the edge of the ditch , fidgeting backwards and forwards , sometimes nibbling and then starting up suddenly as though he could hear some sound in the wood .
4 Blanche nodded thoughtfully as though Parkin had made a profound point rather than a cheap jibe at a cuckolded husband .
5 She began to moan as he caressed her trembling body , and when he entered her she cried aloud as though in great pain .
6 To his surprise a smile began to tug at her cheeks and when she finished the second reading she laughed aloud as though in relief .
7 He whispered the words aloud as though to conjure the hidden meaning from the card .
8 The light shone on to his upturned face and gleamed on the burnished flanks of the mare who blew through her nose impatiently as though to ask what they were waiting for .
9 In the brief pause before the auctioneer announced the next lot , Emily spotted her father near the back of the gathering , and , heads down as though they were in a cinema , she and Mungo scuttled round and crouched next to him .
10 As the traveller in jelly walked in to take his seat , head down as though the floor were a road map , something pink was in evidence under his nose .
11 Evidently this belonged to the couple , for they settled down as though at home and made no objection when Hazel did the same .
12 He took her hand between both his own , turning it palm upwards and gazing down as though he were a fortune-teller , searching the damp pinkness of her flesh for answers to all sorts of impossible questions .
13 He awkwardly unlocked the door and carried her to the sofa , laying her down as though she weighed nothing at all .
14 It was absolutely pouring down as though someone up top was emptying buckets .
15 Stair saw his brother and came forward to greet him , Havvie still at his side , his wife picking up and putting things down as though they were contaminated — she had not married Havvie in order to slum it , as she later said .
16 It was all as though I had a horrible secret I had to keep . ’
17 Beth remembered it all as though it was only yesterday ; it was etched on her mind and in her heart for all time .
18 Gently as though he might disturb it , he pulled back .
19 They stood in groups around the bed smiling and talking , joking gently as though their words were necessary medicine .
20 The millionaire raised a hand to his left eye and massaged the lid gently as though it were sore .
21 Neither partner has given it a thought for years , but let some outsider come barging in as though he owned the place and it 's war .
22 He decided to say nothing and quietly placed the bird by the gate leading to the Hauxwell 's place , with its head tucked in as though asleep .
23 ‘ All he had to do was follow them back to the agency , come in as though wanting to book a holiday , and there was gullible little Hilary all ready and waiting to fall in love .
24 She opened the rear door and looked in as though looking for something she had mislaid .
25 ‘ We choose every item personally as though shopping for ourselves , paying particular attention to practicality and originality . ’
26 That the cripple lived near the stream there was no doubt because his crutch prints were heavily marked on the path for a hundred paces or so as though he often came there , but beyond that point there were none .
27 When we talk about it ( now all too common in public ) , we do so as though it had set fast , even for a moment , in some way .
28 There ai n't so many people about , and them that are look like they 're real busy — you know , just hurrying along as though they 're in a rush to get home .
29 ‘ They 'll manage without you , ’ said Juliet , and went into the ward , striding confidently along as though she belonged there .
30 The words were spoken mechanically as though by a bad actor .
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