Example sentences of "[adv] as i " in BNC.

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1 The temptation must be resisted as firmly and valiantly as I have resisted the other , more obvious , more sensual lures and snares .
2 No , My Lords , I entirely disagree with the Noble Lord er furthermore as I 've already said we 're talking the builders site not the library in today 's question .
3 Soon , clouds spilled over Carn Dearg and it darkened suddenly as I ascended the mountain .
4 Much as I wanted to read the good news on my walk home from the newspaper shop , I was forced to concentrate on my footing on broken and delapidated pavements , strewn with take-away food rubbish , wrappings of all kinds , and collections of weeds , heaps of dog dirt and drinks cans .
5 Much as I admire the French , nothing can compare with being back home in good old Blighty .
6 Much as I tried to break in several times , they always caught me and would n't let me in to see the poor people travelling .
7 While I was afflicted with serious English composition and English literature , I was reading Scott , Fenimore Cooper , Henty , and the travellers , because I loved them ; I was also thinking and talking in a manner which owed little to those dignified exercises , though the day was to come when I spoke very much as I wrote …
8 We would say : ‘ Much as I love you , I can not condone this behaviour .
9 That would slay me , Charles , much as I love it . ’
10 ’ She told it to them much as I 'd told her myself .
11 Much as I 'd like to think my father was somebody important , there 's no real evidence .
12 Much as I esteem you , I will not manipulate events for your personal gratification . ’
13 What happens there is that a ‘ really gay ’ reading of Coward is put into play , much as I have already done with Brief Encounter , but on the grounds that a homosexual writer can only write about homosexuality ( analogous cases would be the insistence that Edward Albee 's Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf is ‘ really ’ about a gay couple , or that Tennessee Williams 's Blanche Dubois is nothing but a transposed drag queen ) .
14 Much as I like my Barbour , I have to admit it is not a safe colour and wear a reflective Sam Browne belt in poor weather .
15 Much as I had enjoyed ‘ my Soviet adventure ’ it was good to be back in an English-speaking land again .
16 Much as I regard them as a social nuisance on a par with the Orange Walk and invented by the devil to prevent churchgoers getting to church on time , I can not claim that marathons have ( yet ) been proved to kill enough people to justify banning them .
17 Therefore , much as I may myself enjoy theatre-going and much as I may cheer when I see a full theatre , I must contain my own enthusiasm if I am to be a cool observer .
18 much as I miss you
19 In the context of the Paganini , I would argue that minor imprecisions do little to interfere ( much as I would dearly do without them ) with the focal point of the work — it 's raison d'être , ie fabulous solo fiddle playing .
20 But David had always worked by himself , so I had got used to the idea that I would never play with him , much as I wanted to .
21 Much as I loathe using the term ‘ chops ’ , you possess them in abundance .
22 Much as I hope this will never occur , all that would happen is that the patient would either open his eyes and come completely out of the hypnotic state , or that he might doze for some ten or fifteen minutes before waking as if from a nap in an armchair .
23 Much as I myself desire to accompany my lord , being a minor and not fully wed , I would first need my mother 's permission — such would take time , alas !
24 He certainly has a vision for the Burmese farmer , and I have never liked him so much as I did last night as we sat talking together under the stars .
25 Much as I would love to see the 1995 World Cup help to kickstart the South African economy as overseas visitors pour in to fill impressive stadia and savour the beauty of the land , the facts are that as things stand rugby will be used as a political pawn .
26 Much as I admire a great deal of Ken Worpole 's contributions to discussion on alternative methods of arts funding — his and Geoff Mulgan 's ‘ Saturday Night , Sunday Morning ’ was an invaluable piece of work — his thoughts ( almost gleeful I thought ) on the problems of civic buildings ( MT May ) were shot through with the baby-out-with-the-bathwater conclusions which seem to be endemic in much new times and new Left thinking on the arts generally .
27 Much as I love the works of J.R.R. Tolkien , I refuse to call any dog Bilbo Baggins , so Bill he has become ; anyway , the only resemblance between Bill and a hobbit is that both have hairy feet and a liking for grubbing around in sandy holes .
28 I thought then that , much as I longed to see him , it might be as well to start hoping he would n't come back until I could truthfully tell him there would be no baby .
29 ‘ My darling girl , ’ he said , ‘ much as I hate the idea , we must stop this .
30 Much as I admire your unstructured lifestyle , on the evidence of the knees in those jeans I 'd think twice before I traded bank accounts with you . ’
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